Why Is My Cat So Clingy

Why is my cat so clingy?

I think he is just so happy to have someone who actually loves and cares for him. I got my boy from the local animal shelter and he'd had a terrible start in life. Thrown away on the motor way at 1 month then he had feline herpes which has left him blind in one eye. He spent longer in the animal shelter because of this and was just so please to have a family of his own. He used to do exactly what your cat does. He was incredibly needy and slept touching me on my pillow, used to follow me everywhere. He is now coming up 2 and he is far more laid back although he still like to sleep almost on me in bed. Just give him time to settle down and realise you are always going to his.

Why is my cat being so clingy?

At ten years old, your cat is middle aged. Baring disease, violence, or accident, your cat could easily live another 6-10 years, and it is not impossible that she could live even longer than that. Because cats cannot use words to tell us when something is wrong, it is up to us to observe them closely for possible signs and symptoms of illness and injury. I do this by looking for changes. The most common are changes in activity level, appetite, thirst, litter box habits, grooming habits, sleep habits, appearance, and mood. Changes in any of these areas can be an important signal that something is wrong. Sometimes the changes are very subtle, because cats instinctively hide their pain (in the wild, being obviously sick or injured would put them at risk for other cats to fight them for their territory, or for becoming dinner for another predator. Please take your cat to the veterinarian for an evaluation (not an emergency call, but a regular one). The vet will should take you seriously when you say that the symptom you observe is her change in mood.

Why is my cat so clingy?

there's this abandoned cat i took in a few days ago
from the moment i rescued it from getting hit by a car and brought it home it became so attached to me, it won't let me go anywhere and if i tried to lock her out of the bathroom or the kitchen it meows without stopping until i get out, as soon as it sees me it sticks to my feet and rub itself allover my legs, and whenever she finds my hands she rubs her nose and head all the time
i like that but is it normal for a stray cat to be friendly like this
is it normal to be so sticky and rubby i mean there is literally can't stay away from me or even stay still always tries to be petted and always around my feet
i truly love her and i love when she does that but does it mean she might be sick or something?

i have never had a cat before so i'm confused, and i'd be really grateful if you have any other advice for me on how to properly care for her and help this cutie be happy and healthy.

Why is my cat so CLINGY?

Now, I'm not saying like this is a bad thing, okay? Just getting that out of the way.

She was a stray and starving, so we took her in. I guess I've always been her favorite, but lately her need to be with me has been getting more and more often.

Usually she just sleeps, but now she's wanting in when I'm in the bathroom, which, you know, isn't gonna happen. Sometimes at night she lies on her back and sticks her paws underneath the gap between the door and the floor.

I love her very very much but I'm just wondering why the sudden over-clingy-ness? She kept me up all last night by doing that paws-under-the-door mess, and after I'd already let her out to use the bathroom and get some food.


Why is my cat so clingy?

I love my cat. He is the best and cutest thing ever. I would not trade him for the world. I have always known cats to be pretty independent animals. However, my cat acts like he is just attention deprived. He acts like he just can't get enough attention. He was never wild or anything like that; He is always been friendly and has never hurt anyone. I can't do anything when he is around though. I can't do homework, read, write, or anything that doesn't involve him. I'm not saying that I don't love him or don't like that he wants the attention because that is not it at all. I would just like to know some of the things that causes this. Thanks!

Why is my cat suddenly so clingy?

My female cat Millie, 7 years old this November, has always been rather "to her self". She is very independent and has never really been one for needing a lot of love or attention. It's always been normal for Millie to want to curl up in bed next to me or in my arms at night but during the day she never really comes near me too much unless she's hungry.

Ever since last Tuesday, the 16th, she's been very needy and very overly clingy. She suddenly came up to me and forced her way into my lap as I was sitting on my couch playing my Xbox. Since then she's been rather attached to me. Granted she hates everyone else but me.

Last night she shocked me to no end. Like I said she HATES everyone but me. Anyways, last night I was using my laptop, it was sitting on my lap, and a friend of my was sitting next to me on my love seat, so that left no room for Millie to curl up to me. So she made her way onto his lap and laid there, and placed her head on my leg. It was so weird!

I'm scared that something might be wrong with her. I recently got laid off so I don't have income, so I have no funds to take her to a vet.

What do you all think may be wrong with her?

Can cats be clingy?

Yes!My rescue cat, Cabot, had terrible abandonment issues. He was found by some guys in a junkyard in Cambridge, MA, and taken to a shelter.My son and I saw him and brought him home; our old cat had passed away a few weeks before, and we thought it would be fun to have a new kitten. But we saw Cabot, so dignified in his solid grey coat and green eyes, we fell in love instantly and brought him home. The vet said he was 4–7 years old. He was so friendly, we knew must have been socialized at an early age.As Cabot settled in, we found that no one in our household could go anywhere in the house without Cabot following. If we sat down, Cabot would hop into our lap. He chose me to sleep with, or should I say ON. He insisted on using the top of my pillow as a bed, with his belly on the top of my head. I would wake in the night to find Cabot entirely on my pillow, and my head flat on the bed! I had to buy bed steps so that I could prevent him jumping and landing (painfully) on my stomach.We traveled occasionally, and had always used a pet/house sitter that would visit twice per day. After our first trip, I opened my suitcase to take out the dirty clothes, and Cabot jumped into the suitcase, looked me dead in the eyes and peed! It was the clearest message of “how DARE you leave me!” a cat could give.I learned that, if we wanted to go on vacation, I had to board Cabot at the vet. That way, he never knew we were gone, he got his yearly checkup, I knew he was safe, and I didn’t have to buy a new suitcase every trip.My current cat was never abandoned to the streets; he was raised in a family home, but he can be clingy as well. He is slammed up against me, snoring, as I type. However, he displays none of the desperation Cabot did; he simply wants to “hang” with me; he doesn’t jump on my lap or (thankfully) sleep on my head. He makes no fuss if I’m gone for a little longer than normal. I still board him with the vet, because I am worried he may become sick.So, cats can be clingy; it may because you are a just warm body to snuggle against, or they may have abandonment issues. Consider it a compliment if you have a clingy cat!

Why is my cat suddenly too clingy?

Cats are really amazing. They stay with humans if they choose to. Then they start dominating our lives. We are expected to serve them till our last breath as they are Gods. They hold the supreme power of control over everyone. The deadliest weapon they own is the innocent gaze and the cute "meow". They will make us believe that we are in control but its not so in reality.Jokes aside, cats are truly amazing. They are very cute and adorable and are really fun when THEY get to know you. They will usually attach themselves with just one person and be with them wherever they go. A very good friend of mine has a really beautiful kitty and she has to take her literally everywhere. Even the toilet. And bath. And almost every place that you want to go to ALONE. They have no sense of privacy and are just too innocent.If your cat is getting clingy, you are one of the lucky ones. You should be happy that she wants to be with you so much. Just take the time to know her better and understand if she wants to say something. She might be pregnant or might be feeling lonely. They crave attention like no other creature. If they are your world, they are the happiest.Your cat might want more attention from you and so is getting clingy. It is also possible that she might not be feeling very well so it won't harm to get a routine check-up done as this is one of the times when they need extra attention. With a little bit care from your side, they will reward you with never ending love and companionship.