Why Is The Root The First Structure To Emerge From A Germination Seed

What's the first organ that emerges from a germinating seed? What's the origin of thie structure?

That depends on the seed, but for most seeds it is the radicle or seed root but for some plants the first organ to germinate is the plumule or shoot.

The radicle is an apical root, which for most plants forms a taproot, which shows strong apical dominance. As the young plant grows, most lose the tap root and develop a fibrous root system which does not have as strong of a dominant apical root.

What does germination mean?

When a seed starts to grow.
'Germinate' comes from 'germ cell' or the cell from where the whole organism grows. So whenever the germ cell is activated and starts growing into the new organism, it is germination. It usually refers to when the baby root and stem start to push out from the seed capsule.

What occurs when the radical of the seed becomes the root and the hypocotyl becomes the stems and leaves?

b-in germination
The radical, the hypocotyls and the plumule are found in most seeds. The radical is the first structure to appear from the seed. It is the root emerging and growing downward into the soil.
The hypocotyl is part of the stem that will emerge from the seed and is located between the radical and the cotyledon. The plumule is the first bud of the germinating seed and is located at the top of the seedling.

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Dicot seed?

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When grass seeds — like corn, rice, oats, wheat etc. — germinate,
* the primary root pierces the seed (and fruit) coverings and grows down;
* the primary leaf of the plant grows up. It is protected as it pushes up through the soil by the coleoptile — a hollow, cylindrical structure.
* Once the seedling has grown above the surface, the coleoptile stops growing and
* the primary leaf pierces it.
Early corn seedling growth is dependent on a strong root system. PRIMARY ROOTS.

Corn plants like most annual grass plants produce two root systems. The first root system (primary) is composed of seven roots that all arise from within the seed. These roots anchor the seedling and sustain the seedling for the first couple of weeks after emergence. The main root system (secondary) of the corn plant is composed of numerous roots that originate from stem tissue. These adventitious roots are located at nodes along the stem, both below and above ground.