Why Is The Sight Of A White Young Couple Such A Rarity In America These Days

Do most white girls date black guys in America?

In America and globally the answer would be no. Black male/white female couples only make up 5% of America’s population. This is about 300,000 something of the US population. Plus most white woman date/marry within their own race/tribe. The most major form or common form of race mixing is between a white man and a non white woman. This includes Pacific Islander woman, Indian Woman, and especially Latina and East Asian woman. People always have this assumption that most white girls date/marry black guys. This brainwashing is influenced by Hollywood and the America media’s. This is completely untrue and it is way far from reality. Black male/whites female couples are quite common in Hollywood but outside of it, it is small and rare. Studies/statistics have shown that white men are significantly more likely to race mix/miscegenate than white woman. Black male/white female couples are actually the minority interracial couples. It’s even statisically inaccurate for black men/white woman to be the common or major form of race mixing or interracial combination because they are not happening that much. Statisically White woman are the most loyal to their one race/tribe than white men. They are even more loyal to their race than Asian woman and Latina woman. Basically Black woman and white woman are the two female races that are the most loyal to their one race/tribe. White male/non white females (excluding black woman) are the most trendy interracial combination.

Why do young people today have less respect for their heritage than the generations that came before them?

I am Irish. I come from an Irish family. When I am ready to settle down, I would love to meet a woman with the same heritage and background as me. In todays world, I see alot of couples dating outside their heritage. Why? For example, why do so many white girls nowdays date mexican men? I don't understand the connection there. I know I would be highly uncomfortable dating a woman who came from a mexican family. I would feel as if I had nothing in common with her side of the family at all. Our heritage would be so different and I don't even know how to speak spanish lol.

I am Irish and very proud to be Irish. Some people act like they don't like the heritage they were born into. Are these young people today ashamed of their own heritage or what?

Why do some children of mixed white-Asian couples look mostly Asian while other children look mostly white?

In biology class you learn about genetics and you know that if one parent has blue eyes and the other has brown eyes their children have a higher chance of having brown eyes than blue eyes.Why? Because the blue gene is weaker.Generally the “lighter” gene is always weaker, which is why most Asian-Caucasian mixes look more Asian. Notice that Asian+Darker skin tone (black, Indian) will will usually result in a darker than yellow skin tone.Sometimes, there's a regressive gene, like when someone is 1/4 white and 3/4 Asian, then their kid might have the chance of inheriting that 1/4. I've noticed that in White+Chinese couples the first kid tends to be more Asian looking and then each subsequent child tends to be whiter or more ambiguous.I'm mixed, but most people have no idea what I am or just assume I'm 100% Asian, while my younger sister looks more mixed. As a kid, people thought our mom was her nanny. My husband is Chinese so my kids are 3/4 Chinese but they both have much paler skin than i do, curly thin hair, and a blue tint to their eyes. Everyone looks at them and then looks at us and wonders why our kids look mixed!

Would an interracial couple involving an Indian man with a white woman face a lot of problems in the UK?

I lived in London for nearly 10 years and never heard anyone pass comment on interracial couples. I went out with guys from africa, south and east asia and it was never mentioned by friends, colleagues or any other people I came across. There are many mixed race couples in London and it is rare for people to look twice. If you are visiting London, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid.In some parts of the UK which are still predominantly white I have experienced people asking questions or being curious towards mixed race couples. It could be irritating but in my experience wasn't hostile.I cannot speak for areas which have large Indian/Pakistani communities. From reading the UK media there are tensions between white/asian communities in some areas but I cannot comment on this specifically, maybe someone else can.

Why do you always see black men with white women but you almost never see white men with black women?

The flip side of the question is why are Asian women more popular as dates or mates than Asian men? And the answer to both questions is that black men and Asian women fill their respective gender roles better.African-Americans, both men and women, are taller and stronger on average than most other Americans. The media exaggerates this by portraying black sports stars. This make black men seem more “masculine” and seemingly more desirable. The same qualities make black women (Serena Williams, perhaps?) seem less “feminine,” and therefore less desirable.Asian-Americans are physically, smaller and culturally quieter than other Americans (and the media plays up this as well). These are considered “feminine” traits that enhance the desirability of Asian-American females, and decrease the desirability of Asian American males.

How come black and Indian couples are so rare?

I think Indian families would never accept a union between their own and a Black romantic partner. I don't want to believe it and wish to be proven wrong but Indians seem to be the most racist to Blacks. I think us both having brown skin has lead them to have extra mixed feeling about us and themselves which is evident in the Colonial Mentality I see within Indo-Society. In order to stress their whiteness they have to distance themselves from blackness so Solidarity never formed between our groups. Hell even Gandhi was racist towards blacks and felt offended that Black South African Cops had power over him. Indian people being lump together with Blacks in South African is what got Gandhi into his crusade to prove to the white world how equal the Indian race is to them... nothing was every said of blacks and till this day I have nothing stating where he denounces his old South African belief that Blacks are not a civilized race and therefore should be regarded as animals. Gandhi legacy is kissing white *** on his race behalf and from I see the tradition is still going on in newer generations. American-born tend to be in denial of this and blame stereotypes or strict parents for the reason Indian don't like/date black (generally speaking) but then they get pissy when stereotype make them an outsider to the same white people they long to impress so much.

Has anyone noticed the Asian/Caucasian interracial couple agenda?

I have not noticed any such thing. However, this is probably because no such "agenda" exists.To expand, since apparently this got collapsed from downvotes:People being more open to interracial marriage is a consequence of people being less racist and recognizing that love is not tied to race or ethnicity, but to what people feel for each other.Talking about an “asian/caucasian agenda” is like talking about a “white/white agenda” just because you see white people getting married in the media and everywhere else. There is no coordinated effort to “push” any vague, nebulous “agenda” in anything. People are just getting married. That’s all there is to it.

Why do modern women struggle with the virtue of humility?

I think that it is because parents and teachers try too hard to instill "self-esteem" into young girls that they go too far and inadvertently create arrogance and narcissism instead.

How are Chinese+foreigner couples viewed in China?

Back in the 70’s a Chinese foreign couple would promote looks of disapproval, especially if the male was black or middle eastern. I was on a bus once when two African students got off the bus chatting animatedly to two Chinese girls. A frisson went around the bus and one passenger put his head out the window and yelled “Chinese people have lost face! 中国人丢脸!” Good friends would counsel you: good Chinese girls don't go out with foreigners.But foreigners were a dream come true for too many families to let the opportunity pass. Many young girls, and even some not so young married foreigners in order to get out of China, of at least get the desired foreign status. Then they set out to get their family out while helping them change RMB for foreign currency and buy the highly desirable imported electronic goods like televisions and video players. Gradually the big cities got used to the sight of couples, usually Chinese female and foreign male. But sometimes the reverse. Chinese had a saying: a foreigner marrying a Chinese girl will be spoiled and treasured for life, but a Chinese male marrying a foreign wife will have to learn to do everything for himself.These days foreigners are still looked on favorably by leftover women, highly educated spinsters, divorcees and so on. But the young attractive girls head for the big cities to find a rich Chinese VFM or just be a Xiaosan 小三,a kept mistress. Too many foreigners in Chinese these days are seen as white trash by the aspirational but even they are sought out by village girls or those of lower material ambitions.Sometimes of course love just has its way of disrupting our plans.