Why Is There So Much Pressure For Girls To Look Good I

Why do teenage boys pressure teenage girls into sex?

Be very, very careful!!! I got pregnant on my first time at the ripe age of 14. If I could do it all over, I'd wait till I was in my 20's! Besides, teenage boys will tell you everything you want to hear, and don't think for a second that he really loves you. Also, other girls may look at you as being a skank and you may loose friends over it, even if your friends are doing it. Be careful, honey, and use protection if you do decide to have sex, but I wouldn't advise it. Good Luck!

Why do girls need makeup even if they look good? Is it social pressure?

Well, I wouldn't say girls “need” makeup. Would you say guys “need” deo? Do they feel pressurised to smell good? Like anything about a person, it's a personal choice. While I personally love makeup and interested to experiment with it, there are some girls I know who consider it a bother.HIGHLIGHTS BEAUTY :But generally, I don't know of a girl who goes out of the house without kajal or eyeliner. It's because girls feel their eyes are naked without kajal. It defines and makes your eyes pop out. It highlights the beauty of a girl's eye. Similarly, most of the makeup products helps you to highlight your existing beauty. If you have beautiful lips, a red lipstick shows it off gorgeously.DESIRE TO LOOK GOODOkay, come on. Don't we all,both men and women, want to look good? Present ourselves well. It is kind of socially frowned upon when men wear makeup ( Though this trend is changing! Many men love makeup and make a career out of it. Eg: Wayne Goss ).ATTRACT THE OPPOSITE SEX :Makeup hides your flaws. Yes, we are human beings and we all have flaws but tell me this. If you look at a person, do you judge them based on how good their heart is or how smart they are? Nope. They should look pleasing, beautiful and flawless. After all, human mind is wired to appreciate perfection. Makeup helps you achieve that!Simply because we love Makeup! :Yep, woman wear makeup because they love to! Makeup is an art. There is so much to experiment and create in makeup. Some of the eye makeup looks will challenge an artist with the creativity and perfection present in it.Social Pressure?Well not so much! Atleast for me. Girls from my school or even my college do not wear much makeup. They opt for subtle makeup.Finally, you can put it psychologically as the right side of the brain is much more active in women. Hence, they are more creative, artistic and they are generally perfectionists. Hence, they want to look and present themselves perfectly. It has nothing to do with social pressure.

Why is there so much pressure to have a big butt?

I am I teenaged girl and I have a nice toned body and I may not have a big butt but it's perky an not filled with celulite.I recently lost weightand my family always makes fun of my *** (my older guy cousin)... He says "it's flat and look at your sister!! It's so round!!" he even said I should do squats and made me do them. And I have been doing squats and other workouts but I am just annoyed with everyone saying my *** is flat. One time I was walking at school and a guy yelled out "no booootyyy!" even this guy I liked dropped some hints saying how I could have a bigger butt. I'm just sick of it. Can somebody please help me?

Why do girls struggle so much to look pretty?

because they are under pressure from every 1.
i mean every girl nowadays compares themselves to others or makes little comments about the way others look that they feel pressure about looking nice or that they dont look nice enough.
If they are a bit diff then its a prob too.
that is why i think that is why girls get sooo upset about it
i am a girl and i think that it is a bit silly(no offence to any1).
i mean i wanna look my best but i personally think that sum ppps take it to the extreme

Why is there always a pressure on guy to make his girl happy and why not vice versa?

Another Always-Never question, which sounds more like a complaint than an actual question wanting sincere and helpful answers.There is not Always pressure only on the guy. There is not Never any pressure on the girl. I can’t even think of a culture where that might be the case. Maybe in ancient Amazon (woman-dominated) tribes? But even then…This is the complaint of a self-focused and rather ill-informed person. Women have immense cultural pressure, which also has the nasty habit of pulling her in all directions. Be pretty, don’t be shallow. Be thin, but not too thin. Wear makeup, be natural. Be sexy, be a virgin. Be strong, be feminine. Have a career, be a proper mother. Don’t nag, don’t expect me to read your mind.Which is not to say that men don’t also face cultural pressures. We all do.The idea, and my advice to you, is to first realize there are no sweeping generalizations that can easily describe what all women and men want or need. Second, if you consistently find yourself in the company of selfish, demanding people, take a look inward and then take steps to find more compatible friends.

Does society put too much pressure on girls to be perfect?

I know a girl who committed suicide, she was a med student. Smart, beautiful, in great shape, funny, sociable, she was perfect. Sadly, the burden of perfection became too much for her.

I honestly dont think men have the same burden to be perfect from family, friends, and society in general.... they may get pressure from women to be perfect but thats another story.

Why is there too much pressure for perfection?

I'm doing this essay and I've got writers block!! I need some help, why do people expect girls to have perfect bodies and is there to much pressure for perfection?