Why The Magnitude Of Lattice Energy Of Naf .

How to determine magnitude of lattice energy?

The following two factors are important in determining the magnitude of the lattice energy.

1) The smaller the distance between the nuclei of the ions the greater is the attractive force.
2) The charge of the ions also is a factor, the greater the charge the greater is
the attractive force.

In this case all cations have the same charge and all the anions have the same charge.

RbBr largest cation and largest anion.
NaF smallest cation and smallest anion

Greatest lattice energy NaF > KCl > RbBr least

Which has greater lattice energy, NaF or LiF?

LiF‎: ‎-1045 LiF has the higher lattice energy. Rule of thumb: as the atomic radius of the anion or cation increase the lattice energy decreases. L

Why is the lattice energy of NaF higher as compared to the LICL?

As Lattice Energy magnitude is inversely proportional to sum of ionic radii ; NaF with a smaller sum is larger than that of LiCl as both have the same product of ionic charges q+.q- being equal to 1.

How to tell what has a higher lattice energy?

Okay so I'm supposed to determine the order of these salts from smallest to largest lattice energy. The salts are: CaS, MgO, KCl, CsI, and NaF.

I understand of course that CaS and MgO are larger than the others because they have a larger charge. But how can I tell which of the two is larger, and how can I tell which of three others is smallest and which is largest? I know it has something to do with ion size but I can only determine that if they both have a shared element, like LiF and CsF. CsF would have a greater lattice energy because it has a greater ionic size, right?

Ranking salts in order of their lattice energy?

I need help with this problem for my chemistry homework. Any help would be appreciated!

Rank the crystal lattice energy of the salts
Al2O3, CaCl2, CaO, NaF, Mg3(PO4)2
from least to greatest:

1. NaF < CaO < CaCl2 < Mg3(PO4)2 <

2. CaO < NaF < CaCl2 < Al2O3 <

3. NaF < CaCl2 < CaO < Mg3(PO4)2 <

4. Mg3(PO4)2 < NaF < < CaO CaCl2 <

I think I am thrown off by the Mg3(PO4)2 compound. I am not sure which answer is correct. Please help!

Among LiF and MgF2, which one has more lattice energy?

Lattice enthalpy of two salts can be compared by using Born–Lande equation (one of method) as,So, greater the charges of cation & anion, higher will be the lattice energy of the corresponding salt. Again, smaller the ionic radii of cation and anion, higher will be the lattice energy. Now, in comparison between MgF2 & LiF, we deal with Mg+2, Li+ and F– (in both case) ions. Mg+2 has higher (+ve) charge than that of Li+ and ionic radius of Mg+2 is smaller than that of Li+. Hence, it is clear that MgF2 has higher lattice enthalpy than that of LiF.For evidence, I would like to attach one pic that contains data of their lattice enthalpies,

Which of these ionic solids would have the largest lattice energy?

Strontium oxide has the highest lattice energy. Here's why:

Lattice energy, the amount of work required to separate a crystal structure into its ionic constituent particles, is influenced by the strength of the charges holding the lattice together. In addition, the size of the charges plays a significant role, as seen in Coulomb's Law (e.g. greater charge separation distances decrease the magnitude of the force between the charges).

In an ionic solid in chemistry, the main factor is the product of the charges of the cation and the anion. You can start the problem by calculating those:

Ca2+, Br- : 1 x 2 = 2
Na+, F- : 1 x 1 = 1
Cs+, I- : 1 x 1 = 1
Sr2+, O2- : 2 x 2 = 4
Ba2+, SO4 2- : 2 x 2 = 4

So here the biggest charge-products are in strontium oxide and barium sulfate. To decide which of these has the larger lattice energy, you have to decide which has smaller ionic components (see Coulomb's Law, above). The sulfate and barium ions are larger than the oxide and strontium ions, respectively, so BaSO4 has the lower LE of the two.

UPDATE: My answer to this related question might help you.;...

How does lattice energy depend upon the size of the ion?

The smaller the ion, the greater the charge density. Eg sodium ion has a greater charge density than potassium ion.The larger the charge density, the greater the force of attractionThe greater the force of attraction, the greater the lattice energy