Why Women Seem To Love Their Kids More Than Their Husband

Why do most husbands love their mothers more than their wives & put their moms 1st?

Even nice men will still love their mothers(and even fathers) more than their wives. Why is that? Why do they put their parnets before their wives? even though they made a vow to their wives and NOT to their parents? Is it b/c a mother's a mother for life; you can ALWAYS get a new wife?

Do some women love their husband more than their children?

Naturally, I haven’t conducted a study of this question, all I have is my own experience and what ten men have shared with me over the years. In my case, and seven out of the ten husbands’ cases, we definitely felt that the child or children came first in our wives’ affections. The other three fellows either felt loved more than the children, or more or less equally by their wives.Furthermore, I and three of the other husbands felt we came in second to our wives’ love for her family. This really became intolerable. Her mother and father, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc., taken as a whole, came first, and we were second. Once the first baby was born we were relegated to third place. One husband put up with this arrangement, but for me and the two others it was the death knell of our marriage. My guess is that this situation is fairly common.

Why do most women love their kids more than their husbands when it was through the husband that they got the kids in the first place?

As children, kids are always very affectionate to the mother. You get a lot of hugs, kisses, “I love you mommy from younger kids”. It is more difficult to connect with adult males and feel that same kind of affection.Also if mothers were not so attached to kids, they would not be efficient at ensuring their broods survive. Husbands seem to fare pretty well in life and are not depending on the wives for survival.At the same time, I wonder why men do not realize that the wife is protecting his genetic inheritance. The fact, the wifey loves so much those kids you gave her should make you proud. Actually, the kids have your last name and all her adoration is partially for your family genes too.

Why do Black women raise their daughters and love their sons?

Is this why we have so many irresponsible, lethargic Black men in our community? In a house where males and females are being raised, why do the roles of the male and the female seem so backwards? Why does it seem that the Black woman has so many responsible "hats" to wear while it would seem that the Black man has more "leisure" time than her?

For many Black women who work for a living, we are responsible for caring for the kids, playing chauffer, attending every recital so that your kid knows that they are loved, keeping every responsibility of the house attended to, being an involved parent at your child's school, cooking, cleaning, making holidays special, struggling to keep financial needs met,keeping your man's laundry list of expecatations met to keep him happy, giving 100% on your job, caring for elderly relatives and the list goes on and on. In the meantime, where's the Black man? Polishing up his car? At the strip club or bar every weekend? At the game? Taking a nap? Hanging out in his "man cave"? Chasing skirts?

When we as Black mothers fail, we are crucified and blamed for not doing better. When Black men fail, they are "just being a man" and are given the alibi that they were not raised or socialized to be responsible. Is this true?

It's no wonder why some Black women are so irritable. We're tired as heck and resentful that we have all the work to do with little to no help.

Does it go back to how Black men are raised by their mothers? Are our expectations too low of them, is that why we get so little?

Granted, these are sweeping generalizations. Here is the disclaimer: For all of the responsible Black men out there who are involved fathers and loving and involved husbands who pull their weight, this is most definitely not for you. I applaud all of you for who you are.

Does a mom love her children more than her husband, or is it an equal amount of love for both?

There's no way to answer that.Not all moms are the same, and you can't paint everyone in a group with the same broad brush. I've seen several moms dump their kids for a new boyfriend. I've seen moms dump their husbands to protect the kids from him. I've seen moms dump the entire family because of boredom. I've seen moms sacrifice everything for husbands and children. I've seen great wives that hated being a mom. I've seen great moms that were unnecessarily hard on their husbands. There are women that seem born to be moms, and women who were not so good at it. We can't pigeon hole people. Moms are just people, and people come in all shapes and sizes, attitudes and beliefs. Judge each one on her own merits.

Should a mother put the kids first or her husband first?

This question is very tricky. But with that said I've always looked at it as my kids come first over any man whether it's a boyfriend who is not their father or their biological father. As a mother you probably will be put in that position and they'll be times where you Will need to look at both sides whoever is right is right and who ever is wrong is wrong. I recently went to a wedding where the bride's parents did not show up both mother and father of the bride are still married were invited but the father has a very big issue with the groom. The mother of the bride soon posted on social media that she stood behind her husband and therefore did not go to the wedding because of that reason. I personally take offense to a woman putting her husband who is not her flesh and blood over her child who is a being that knows the beat of her own heart. I love of life and the husband is conditional to what each party brings to the table where as the love of a child is unconditional or should be unconditional.

Why are women so insecure?

A lot of women are insecure because society puts so much pressure on women to be "perfect". But really, why try to become something that's definition differs so much from person to person? What is considered perfect to one person could be considered sinful or horrible to another. Why try to achieve perfection when it doesn't have a concrete meaning? Really all we need to do is be happy with ourselves. We shouldn't care what other people think of is. We should be ourselves and not let anyone change us. We shouldn't change ourselves to gain someone's approval.
Some women do try to make up for lack of intellectual abilities with physical attraction, but that's sort of just their way of coping.

Why do women want more than one child?

Some really great answers from this group!!!
I do run across a lot of single moms, and I know how hard it is to raise just one child, let alone 2,3,4 or more. My question was more to judge how women in general have changed over the years from when I was a child and my siblings and I were growing up in the 1940's and 1950's. I have 3 children of my own, and 4 grandchildren. oday doesn't compare with when I was born because it is SO much harder on all of you, moms and dads, although I see less marriages, I still see lots of loving between moms and their kids. hanks all of you for your answers. I'll pick one later for best....most deserve that rating so it will be hard!