Why Would Anyone Want To Do This

Why would anyone want a cat as a pet?

Ha Ha .... I hate cats, they catch all my wild birds and give me hay fever, they sleep on your bed and furniture and leave hair everywhere. They jump on the counter/table and eat your food, the sleep on top of babies, the domestic cat is the cause of the extinciton of hundreds of different species world wide. Oh yes and they carry a terrible incurable disease toxioplasmosis ... deadly when humans get it.

Why would anyone want to be a dentist?

Easier than being a real doctor. Most dentists are usually "neat freaks". People say that your mouth and your hands are the dirtiest parts of your body.

Some dentists really do help people who have serious issues with gum disease and so on. Dentists keep one of the dirtiest parts of your body clean. They help develop toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.

I know dentists saved my life when almost all my teeth fell out, but it cost me a fortune. They kept me from having to get dentures though. Braces was a b****, but I don't know what my teeth might look like without them.

Nobody wants crooked jibs. Except in Japan, the Japanese people find crooked teeth a "cute" attribute. Kind of odd, huh? But, I am not sure if that is popular anymore in Japan. I doubt it.

Why would anyone want to be a coroner...?

well, somebody has to do it so I'm really glad that there are people out there who want the job.

Why would anyone want to be a porn star?

Why would anyone want to be a porn star? What is the psychological factor behind this? Why would anyone want to be having sex in front of people for the world to see?