Will A Time Machine Ever Be Invented

Will there ever be a time machine?

yea it's possible but in your lifetime i doubt it...

here's the thing one theory states that one can only travel back in time as far back as when the time machine was first created. So to go back to that time you'd essentially have to find an alien race that had a time machince that long ago so you could travel back.

Who invented the time machine?

Time Machine is only invented in Science-fiction. In reality it is not invented. If invented, this news will spread with more speed than the speed of jet. This shows how  Important Time Machine is. Well it will be the greatest invention by mankind and the person who will  invent Time Machine will be consider as the greatest genius ever born on earth. All the good and evil forces will be behind this person. With Time Machine you can do anything.But for now you can only see them in movies like Back To The Future, The Time Machine, Project Almanac etc. "Time Travel Is Dangerous".

Do you think a time machine will ever be invented?

Jacob T, why do I have to be insulted so much when I'm merely asking a question on YOUR opinion. You've made your point that you don't believe in it, and there's no need to have a go at me just because I have a different opinion to you.

If you have proof that dark energy doesn't exist, then you'll make a lot of money out of that and solving how the universe is expanding at such an accelerated rate. Dark energy is a theory, just like Newton came up with the 'theory' of gravity, and it turned out he was right.

As for cold fusion, it probably doesn't exist but you have to remember that Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons offered legitimate proof that cold fusion exists, and subsequent efforts by other scientists have supported their claim. So until you're omniscient, don't insult other peoples' intelligence and claim things that you don't actually know.

Do you think a time-travel machine can be invented?

Hey, time travel is not sci-fi, it once was but now isn't the goverment has attempted to create time machines since the 50's. To be more specific, the CIA. Time Travel has been tested in very small ways, sending objects back a few seconds, to a few minutes, to a few years. Until Congress finally made the dicision that it would be safe for a human to test this. And he did, in 1986 a man who i do not know the name of was the very first time traveler. From big machines, to small objects that could be able be wrapped around a waist. To now being able to strap it to an arm. TIme travel is not exactly safe, but it does work. If you are able to use light and be able to go faster than the speed of it, than you have time travel so building time machines out of vehicles shouldn't be a problem. For more info, email me at

What will happen if a time machine is invented by a scientist?

What FOOLISH people will do:If a time machine is invented, first of all people will go MAD after it. They will then start dreaming of what they will do if they acquire it. If somehow they have it they will do everything to change past and see future. Thus, they will ruin their present and ultimately their future. They will then curse themselves and the scientist. That is what foolish and over-excited people will do.What SENSIBLE people will do:First of all, they will not think of using “time machine” for themselves as they would know if they do that they will not learn what time teaches us. They will not ruin their life. Maybe what’s mistake today become right tomorrow !!!

Will a time machine be invented? If yes, what is the probability?

This question is almost impossible to answer, because the probability of us builidng a time machine is 100% and 0% at the same time.Why?Because theoretically - and mathematically - it is possible to make a time machine as the laws of physics allow for such an object and the materials required to build to exist.However, here lies the problem - the materials we need that have been theorised have yet to be discovered - we simply cannot detect it right now or are not looking extensively/in the right place. Therefore the fact that we have not even discovered this material - Exotic Matter ( even the name suggests how unique it is - makes the question almost impossible to answer. Simply because the fact that the probability of us stumbling upon it is so unpredictable. But simply finding it would allow us to bend space-time in such a way as to allow us to time travel!!Picture credits : Exotic Matter

What would happen if a scientist invented a time machine, travelled back in time, and then life came to existence?

This scenario is utterly impossible.. A lot of reasons being behind that, given as follows..First of all.. A person just can't simply waltz back in time and do as he wants.. Altering an event as big as the creation of life itself will have drastic effects on the space time continuum , and the moment that person alters with the event , BOOM!! he'll never even have existed, all his past would be altered..During the early stages, when life got created and the first cellular organisms came into being, the earth was in a drastic state.. Scientists speculate that even the earth's crust was not solid and kind of semi molten.. The first organisms thrived in water bodies.. So the scientists can not start multicellular life form production there.. They won't be able to survive that harsh environment..Human survival would be impossible too.. Since there won't be any resources to survive..So.. It is seemingly impossible that such an event can be plausible, even in the very distant and advanced future also..Thank you..