Will Alopecia Areata Affect My Facial Hair

I have Alopecia areata???

Alopecia areata is an unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease resulting in hair loss. Sometimes the hair grows back only to fall out again. In other cases, the hair just suddenly grows back.

There is no cure but only your doctor can tell you if he will prescribe a drug for you. Drugs may or may not work and, often if they do re-grow the hair, they will not prevent it from falling out all over again.

The drugs are as safe as any other drug which means that only taking it will tell you if your body likes the drug or will react to it. What you may be given include:
Corticosteroids - a powerful anti-inflammatory drug to suppress the immune system administered via:
1. local steroid injections - injections into the bald areas to increase hair growth, does not have the serious side effects of long term oral steroid use, painful
2. oral use - treatment of choice for auto-immune disease, long term use can have serious side effects
3. ointments or creams - less effective
Cyclosporine - a powerful anti-rejection drug, dangerous

As for harming your body and hair, it would all depend on how your body reacts to the particular medication. Everyone is different so there is no way to predict this.

As for what you can do:
use sunscreen on your scalp and face (in addition to all exposed areas)
sunglasses to protect your eyes (especially if your eyebrows and eyelashes are gone)
wigs or hats to keep your head warm and to protect it

If you are interested in being a part of research into alopecia areata, if available in your area, please sign up for the registry at

Madeline Duvic, M.D., Principal Investigator
Department of Dermatology
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Box 434
Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 713-792-5999
Fax: 713-794-1491

Does alopecia areata come back?

Hey, I understand your sense of worry. I first had alopecia areata when I was 13. There were six bald spots on my head, one of them twice the size of my thumb! I took some steriod shots in the head, which hurt like hell, but seemed to cure my alopecia. I had a full head of hair again at age 15. I noticed a bald spot in my head once more at 19. I quickly went to the dermetologist and got another shot right away. My hair grew back two months after. It is a reacuring thing for most people unfortunately, but you shouldnt worry. If it comes back, just use whatever worked last time; wether it be, creams, shots, or drinking a table spoon of olive oil every day. If nothing works, its fine, hair is too mainstream anyway. =)

What is alopecia areata?

No, not a all. It's actually rare for me to hear in USA that alopecia areata is related to another disease. I'm Mexican american and I received treatment for alopecia areate in the 80's, A dermatologist in Mexico in my opinion know more about this.He made my hair grow back, but I decided to stop using the cortizone's injections because it has secondary effects, it's better not to use anything. Alopecia areata is not hereditary, nor is contagious and it's a big lie that is caused for being worried or nervous. The person who has alopecia areata doesn't feel anything, any doctor can take analisis of that person and results are gonna be completely normal, for the exception of the white blood cell that are gonna be high, because that's what it causes the hair loss. The white cells do not recognize the hair follicules and attack them without a reason. This "bad called disease" is only "estetic". There is no cure, the person who has it has not to deal with any pain or problem with the exception of the emotional matters for being treated with sorry (family and friends don't do that please).

My daughter has Alopecia Areata. Is there any effective treatment for it?

If you really want to know how to regrow hair naturally you must first find out the main source of the problem. Because unless you do, all you will be doing is coming back and forth in between solutions but not really going anywhere. In fact you might up doing just more harm than good. There are many factors that can attribute to hair recession or massive hair fall and you need to find out which one exactly is responsible for the problem you are having now. Of course male pattern baldness is still the most common cause, but what if you are a woman? This is the reason why you will need to really dig down and see the source of your problem. Other causes of hair loss may include; severe mental or emotional stress, excessive use of coloring or bleaching agents, traction alopecia or excessive strain on the scalp due to braiding or corn rowing, hormonal changes, alopecia areata or hair loss due to autoimmune diseases, and many more.

Each of these conditions will require a different approach in order to achieve success regardless of whether you’re going to be using conventional or natural methods. If you are in need of more information regarding how to regrow hair naturally one book that has plenty of information can be found at and will prove to be of great help to your search.

Do I have Alopecia areata barbae?

There are many methods to make our hair grow faster, shine , glitter in natural ways without using chemicals. Learn here

Men, and sometimes women, notice that their hair is thinning prematurely for several different reasons. Age, menopause, pregnancy, genetics, illness, and other factors all play a role in hair loss.

Sure, you can use drugs or you can go in for a hair transplant or fusion, but sometimes the easiest, most inexpensive solution, is to try to stop hair loss naturally.

How do I cure alopecia areata naturally?

You need to follow below diet:Consume foods rich in anti-oxidants like bright-coloured fruits and vegetables.Hair is basically protein which is also the building block and main protective nutrient in the body. So make sure that your protein intake is adequate. Protein-rich foods include eggs, chicken, seafood, liver, milk, beans, sprouts and soy among others.Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for healthy hair. Omega 3 rich foods include flaxseeds, fish oils, spinach, broccoli and cauliflower.Biotin nutritional supplements and as well as minerals present in blue green alga are essential for hair growth especially in Alopecia Areata.Onion juice is said to have a beneficial effect on hairfall.Aloe Vera can be applied to the scalp and the juice can also be consumed to reduce hair loss and promote hair growth.Welcome Cure™ Homeopathic Treatment & Consultation OnlineThank you

Is there any cure for Alopecia Areata?

Yes, just find which one will work best for you.The loss of hair in patches is known as alopecia areata. Homeopathic treatment is very effective in dealing with alopecia areata.Homeopathic Medicines for Alopecia AreataArsenic Album is a recommended homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata which appears as circular bald patches along with itching and burning on the scalp. These symptoms aggravate at night. In some cases, the scalp is also sensitive.2. Vinca Minor is another useful homeopathic medicine for alopecia areata. It works well in cases where there is a tendency for hair to fall in spots which are then replaced by white hair. Along with this, itching and violent scratching over the scalp may also be present.The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for alopecia areata in young people are Baryta Carb, Lycopodium, and Silicea.3. Baryta Carb helps in recovering from bald patches that occur on the top of the scalp.4. Lycopodium works well for bald patches on the temples.5. Silicea is a good homeopathic treatment for alopecia areata occuring on the back of the scalp.6. Fluoric Acid is among the top grade homeopathic remedies for alopecia areata. Fluoric Acid helps in the regrowth of hair in the bald patches. Fluoric Acid is also a highly suitable homeopathic medicine for hair fall after fever.7. Another homeopathic medicine that has shown its effectiveness in alopecia areata cases is Phosphorus. Phosphorus works well in cases where a person suffers from the loss of hair in patches. Along with hair loss, dandruff on the scalp is also present. In some cases, there is itching on the scalp along with hair fall. Phosphorus also seems to help cases of traction alopecia. In such situations, there is a receding hair line. Hair fall from the forehead is prominent. A person needing Phosphorus may crave cold drinks and ice creams.Consult a homoeopathic physician.Hope it helps.

What is Alopecia and why is it attacking my hair?

Alopecia Areata ('baldness in spots') is a form of hair loss, usually from the scalp, although it can affect other areas of the body. The hair loss mostly remains limited to the scalp but in certain cases it can extend to eyebrows, eyelashes, facial hair (beard, mustache), nasal hair and give rise to bald spots anywhere in the body. Alopecia Areata is a common condition which arises largely due to a mix of immunological and hormonal factors.Alopecia Areata can affect both men and women and it is not uncommon to see children affected with this disorder. Approximately 2% of the general population worldwide suffers from Alopecia Areata. We come across many children with Alopecia Areata.The hair is made up of a protein called keratin which is also the main constituent of nails. A specialized structure inside the skin called ‘Papilla' produces the hair as shown in the figure. The papilla is surrounded by a sac-like structure called the ‘Hair follicle' which also surrounds rest of the hair root within the skin. The part of the hair outside the skin surface is called as shaft.Alopecia Areata is considered to be an auto-immune condition in which the immune system of the body (which protects the body from bacteria and viruses) mistakenly attacks the hair follicles and destroys them. This leads to hair loss in the affected area.The commonest presentation of Alopecia Areata is appearance of bald patches on the scalp. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a small coin. The patient may have single or multiple such patches. In some cases these patches may remain static, whereas in some cases the patches may spread to involve larger areas of the scalp. In some cases, hair loss is more extensive. Although it is not very common, the disease can progress to cause total loss of hair on the head (Alopecia Areata totalis) or complete loss of hair on the head, face, and rest of the body (Alopecia Areata universalis).

Is alopecia treatable?

Alopecia Areata ('baldness in spots') is a form of hair loss, usually from the scalp, although it can affect other areas of the body. The hair loss mostly remains limited to the scalp but in certain cases it can extend to eyebrows, eyelashes, facial hair (beard, moustache), nasal hair and give rise to bald spots anywhere in the body. Alopecia Areata is a common condition which arises largely due to a mix of immunological and hormonal factors.Alopecia Areata can affect both men and women and it is not uncommon to see children affected with this disorder. Approximately 2% of the general population worldwide suffers from Alopecia Areata. We come across many children with Alopecia Areata.Alopecia is definately a treatable disease.Homeopathy is strongly recommended for alopeciaWhy homeopathy for Alopecia Areata?Major benefits of homeopathy could be as under:It addresses altered immune system, treating the roots of this autoimmune disease.It is not superficial but deep acting; gives lasting to almost permanent results in most cases.It is absolutely harmless, safe and non-toxic.For further query you can visit our website

What causes Alopecia Areata?

When I realised I was losing more hair than regular, I knew there was a problem which had to be tackled right away. After in-depth research about the causes of hair loss, I still wasn’t able to pinpoint the problem. A friend who had the same issue, suggested RichFeel to me to get a proper checkup. He got great results from the trichologist centre, and I’m thankful to RichFeel to be able to detect that I was suffering from alopecia areata.In medical terms, alopecia is used to describe hair loss. Alopecia areata is one of the most prevalent autoimmune diseases in humans. It leads to hair loss due to the failure of the immunity system in the hair follicle. Additionally, the body's immunity system rejects the hair follicles growth and considers it as foreign and eventually attack their growth. It is a lifelong disposition that could be inherited from any parent. Alopecia areata causes a unique coin-like hair loss pattern on the scalp which is different from the mainstream age-related male and female pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia primarily affects men because of the male hormones.My cause of alopecia areata was genetic as my father also faced this problem. There are other causes such as tension, anxiety, scalp infection and certain illnesses like diabetes, thyroid, and lupus. A reason that one usually ignores is poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle. The way we nourish our body directly affects the way we look. A balanced diet, good eight hours of sleep, and exercising are critical to maintaining the human body.My diagnosis of alopecia areata was made through a clinical examination at the RichFeel centre by top-notch trichologists. I was asked entirely to quit animal protein, and my diet was modified according to my needs. All in all, I had a great experience with RichFeel, and I will suggest it to everyone looking to treat hair loss.