Will I Lose Weight If I Stop Binging

If I stop binging and purging will I gain weight ?

I think you should tell your psychiatrist about your eating DISORDER.
It is called a disorder for a reason.
No matter what disorder or method you use, a disorder will end up hurting you.

If you want to lose weight and stop your period, I suggest dieting and getting your uterus removed. (And by dieting, I mean a healthy balanced diet with proper exercise. And, by uterus removed, I mean by a doctor in a professional setting after weighing the consequences and benefits.)

How can I stop binge eating and lose weight ?

Start by taking the food supplement 5 HTP, you can get it without prescription in almost any drug store - it provides the body with amino acids for producing hormone serotonin. Binge eating and depressive mood are often caused by serotonin deficiency in the body, if the hormone levels are normal you will find it easier to fight your cravings.Include more lean protein in your diet - beef, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, fish. This foods will keep you full longer and help you build good muscles.Cut your carbs intake - no more pasta, potatoes, chips, pizza, bread or sweets. Eat your meat or eggs with raw or cooked vegetables like green salad, broccoli, carrots, egg plant, zucchini, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers.If you want a snack or a desert - eat whole nuts and fruit, especially watermelon, apples and kiwi, they contain the least calories relative to their weight.Try to eat at home and cook for yourself as often as you can, this is the only way to have full control over what you eat and how much of it. You never know for sure what is in the food that you are served in a restaurant or in your friends’ homes. It is not as hard as it sounds - you can always boil or fry a couple of eggs, boil of bake some chicken, fish or beef and mix a vegetable salad, you can cut some fruit and mix it with cottage cheese, make a green salad with pieces of boiled turkey, eggs or cheese in it. Ask your friends or relatives to teach your a couple of cooking basics and you should be ok.Don’t drink your calories - no alcohol, no beer, no soft drinks, energy drinks or juice - they all are loaded with sugar and alcohol also increases appetite making it difficult to keep yourself from overeating.Practice mindful eating - always eat slowly, without any distractions like tv, tablet or books, savor every bite and stop as soon as you feel satisfied. This will help you feel full faster and prevent mindless overeating out of habit.

How do I lose weight from a binge?

#1 - Realise that you are bingeing for a reason. And, irregardless of any possible emotional aspects, you are most likely bingeing because you are suffering from malnutriton and because the ‘bad bacteria’ in you gut have hijacked your brain to make you eat more of what feeds THEM, which tends to be sweets, processed foods, fake sugars, and preservatives. It’s not your fault, necessarily (except that you have the internet, and could have looked up this health information for yourself already), but you will still feel withdrawals.#2 - Immediately clear out of your house: all processed foods, sugar, wheat products, dairy products, animal products, and corn (unles it’s non-GMO).#3 - Begin a Whole Foods Plant-Based Diet. Hydrate. Allow time for adequate sleep. Eat probiotc and prebiotic foods, as well as take supplemental probiotics *and other vitamins, if you think you need them/are not getting them in your new ‘diet’, to replace the damage done to your gut microbiome. You will lose weight at a rate of 0.5–1kg per week until you have reached your body’s ideal weight. You cannot lose weight if your gut cannot absorb the nutrients your a delivering. Your liver, which processes fat, cannot work if does not have all the tools it needs.If you want to loose weight, personal experience has taught me to AT LEAST cut out all animal products. They alone keep me almost 2kg heavier than my body’s ideal. WITH animal products, I tend to weigh (at the lowest) ~50–51kg, without I weigh ~48–49kg (and that’s while still eating tonnes of sugar, which I do not recommend, for all that I do it).

Depression leads me to binge eating. How do I lose weight?

I’m going to paraphrase Grey’s Anatomy here.How did I do this to myself? How did I end up here? You woke up every morning and you promised yourself that last night would be your last drink.And you made it till 9:00am. Or noon. Some days, till cocktail hour.And you were so pleased with yourself that you rewarded yourself with a drink.You convinced yourself again that it would be the only one.You have a disease, When you're in it, you can't stop. Grey's Anatomy s06e04 Episode Script | SSHow did I end up with disordered eating? I woke every every morning and said, this time, it was the last time I binged. But unlike alcoholics who can swear off the crocodile of alcohol, I have to walk the crocodile three times a day to live.Some days I made it till breakfast. Some days lunch. Some days, I made it the whole day.And I’d reward myself with just one cookie. And I promised myself it would just be one, the only one. And then one more and one more and one more.Other days, I’d eat nothing at all. Just enjoy the empty feeling of control, of being in charge. And then I’d get such a migraine, and well…I have to eat, and I should eat something that stimulates my appetite.Eating disorders and depressions are real illnesses and they need real treatment.One reason I always struggled with food, was that I refused to deal with some traumas that happened to me.Food was my refuge. When things got bad (and they got really bad) a piece of cake was like my one joy in the day.It hit me over the last few months, that my eating disorders came from wanting to fill that void in my heart and wanting a feeling of control in a world that seems so chaotic.Coming to grips and admitting I had severe depression was the first step in starting to heal myself.Some days are worse. Some days are better. I still struggle with my self esteem, but I’m smiling more.So, it��s great you are seeing issues, but losing weight and fighting depression together? That’s a lot to take on, and the depression will actively harm any weight loss goals.Deal with the depression first, and then worry about weight loss.

If I stop exercising, but start eating right (no binging), will I lose weight?

Most people think jumping into an exercise program head first will get them a six pack, and then continue to eat whatever they want. Then they wonder why the weight isn't coming off and exercise isn't working. The answer to your question: YES. You can lose weight without exercising, provided your eating habits allow your body to burn more energy than it takes in, AND feeds it with all the nutrients it needs to function at its best. Fat loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. You do however, need to compose your meals, snacks and drinks such that they are made up of the right amount of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc) to make sure you don't end up malnourished and unbalanced (not the best set up for weight loss - being in starvation mode will signal your body to hold on to fat, not use it). Also, the single best 'non-exercise' exercise (ie it doesn't feel like an actual workout) you can do to give your body the movement it needs : Walk as much as you can.One other thing you can do to make sure there are no other factors that will get in the way of your weight loss: A full medical check-up to get your doctor's all-clear from medical issues like hormonal imbalances and thyroid dysfunction.Good luck!

Can I binge on salad and still lose weight?

I love to eat. Who doesn't? But I have a tend to overeat a lot. Last year I lost 30 pounds by diet and exercise, but lately I've noticed that I've been hungry. Pretty much all the time. And no, I'm not pregnant. So I'm wondering, if I binge on salads and fruits, will I be able to maintain my weight? ..Or will I still gain weight?

How can you lose weight with a binge eating disorder?

I adopted healthier eating habits and a regular exercise program, but would sabotage my weight loss progress with bouts of binge eating. It wasn't until I tackled the binge eating itself that I was able to maintain my weight loss. (Am 105 pounds lighter now, 50 pounds more to go.)Two things helped me curb binge eating. (1) I keep all potential binge food out of sight. My daughter and husband help me by putting away their snacks immediately after they are done eating. (2) I found an alternate activity to replace binge eating. I discovered that I have a knack for acrylic painting, so I set up an area with all my supplies and have some photos on my phone that I'd like to paint some day. When I get the feeling that I need to binge eat, instead of heading to the kitchen, I pick up a paint brush and start a project. It usually takes a bit of time, which gives the binge eating urge time to subside. So I paint instead of eat.It took me a lot of trial and error to figure this out. Key to this “distract yourself away from the binge eating” method is that the alternate activity needs to be immediately available, and it should really hold your interest. (You need time to allow the binge eating urge to pass.) It should also make you feel good — so you won't miss the eating pleasure.Hope this helps!

Can you still Loose weight if you binge Once a week?

Well, by eating under 1500 cal. per day, you are putting your metabolism in starvation mode. You are actually making yourself lose less than if you ate healthy calories throughout the day. example: Oatmeal and an apple for breakfast rather than no breakfast or just a couple crackers or something will actually help you stay full longer, the fiber will cleanse your system, and you will actually lose weight. same goes with other similar healthy choices. Issue #2, working out 2 hours a day is not good either. You are not going to lose weight, in fact you are preventing your muscle from repairing itself and growing, and muscle burns fat so basically you are stopping that process. Take about 2-3 days off per week from the gym, or reduce your workouts to maybe an hour a day, with a day or 2 off. And the part when you ask, will you gain weight from binging one day, no you won't. this is mostly because your body is not going to be use to handling this volume of food and its basically going to go right thru you without proper digestion. I was once like you, and I thought that the least I could eat and most I could work out would make me skinny. I learned the hard way that it can ruin your body forever, your metabolism and you will actaully be larger in the end.

Its been 3 years since my crazy strict diet and exercise regimin. I have actually lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks now (I'm not fat, so thats quite an accomplishment) and I did it by eating the Daily Recommended amount of calories for my size and age which is about 2,200. Then I've been eating high fiber foods to cleanse my system. And I have been doing cardio (wthin target HR for fat burn) for 1 hour, every other day, sometimes 5 days a week. I finish off my workout with 10 minutes in a steam room which temporarily takes off a pound of water also. It can get rid of bloating from sodium intake so I like that benefit of it. Anyways, I am gonna be skinny in no time and I am not starving, and I feel great. I recommend doing this.

Why do you still gain weight after purging?

the reason you are suffering from binge purge disorder is because of those days where you are eating very little. A binge is your brain and body's way of saying you're not getting enough food. I understand the cycle...have a bad binge and feel guilty, so make up for it by starving yourself. But it will only lead to another binge. Our bodies need a certain amount of calories daily to survive and function, and our instincts are stronger than our willpower. What you really need to do is begin eating a healthy balanced diet daily...this will help you lose the weight in the long run because you wont be continually sabotaging yourself with binges (in a typical binge, after all, one usually eats about 3 times the caloric intake for an entire week). And like your question asks - the reason we gain weight even if we purge is because it isnt physically possible to purge up everything that we have consumed, and so the calories that remain in our system far outweight the defecit that we have created starving ourselves the other days of the week.

Like i was saying before, if you eat a healthy, balanced diet with enough caloriies and all the nutrients you need...and allow yourself to indulge every once in a while in healthy versions of the foods you really want to be eating, then you wont feel the urge to go on a binge and over time you will gradually lose weight because you will be maintaining a regular calorie defecit.