Will It Backfire On Me By Being

My love spell backfired help?

i put a love spell on a boy that i had a crush on

i put it so that he could not stop thinking about me
and would love me and would bind our hearts together

the words kinda go like this let his soul not rest till he love me....
but instead of him showing interest and liking me

he has given me mean stares
he used to like me
and also i think the spell has backfired - cuz
because i cried all night yesterday- i wanted him soooo bad...
i was getting all depressed and i just wanted him
in other words my soul seemed like it wouldnt rest in peace till i found him

what causes a to spell to backfire?

Will ignoring him backfire? easy 10 pts!?

Well my bf cancelled on my twice in a row and i feel he may be playing games.
He texted me and reckons he had to help a friend but sometimes i feel i can't trust him completely and that he takes me for granted.
He texted me and said he can see me tomorrow. Well i think i'll texted him back i'm 'busy' and ignore him for a few days. Would that possibly wake him up? or what should i do? Sometimes being silent can wake ppl up!
Or could ignoring him backfire on me?

Also later this week i have to drop something to his work and was thinking of turning up there looking super sexy in a classy way. Because i know some of his workmates think i'm they would most likely say stuff to him and maybe he would appreciate me more!?

I hate playing games but sometimes you need to play back.

Being nice ALWAYS' backfires' on me?

So its' established that being nice is a given in community's. But, when Im nice, it ALWAYS, backfires' on me. I'll be nice to someone, then they'll respond in a negative way. But when Im mean to someone, the next day were best friends'! Its' just so weird, I call it that because It's different from the usual relationship with other people isnt' it? Say if we meet, we get into an argument for some random reason and we tell eachother off. (The next day, we'll get along like Obama and sports'. Yes' thats' racist, so what, punishing one person wont' save the world.) Anway, when I try to be nice it ALWAYS backfire's. Please help...I mean, help. Thankssss

How common is it for a gun to backfire?

Backfiring is done by poorly tuned automobile engines. Not modern firearms.

Older-style firearms would "backfire," in the sense that powder and gasses would exit the rear of the gun or cannon, because they were fired by striking a spark or touching a fuse to an open hole in the back.

With the introduction of centerfire arms and pressure standards for cartridges, this practically never happens anymore.

Can being a "too much" of a gentleman backfire?

Well I had an ex-boyfriend who acted like a gentleman. He was really sweet and so nice and kind at first and I was really taken away by it all, then after awhile it got to be a little annoying not to be rude, considering that I'm an independent woman and I don't like to be treated as fragile or unequal which was the vibes he was giving me after awhile, not letting me do anything by myself, opening my door on the car, making me wait in the car for him to open it. Which on the first date it was sweet and I appreciated it after months of the same thing over and over again it got irritating. Nothing wrong with being a gentleman just don't go overboard on her.

Why does being nice always backfire?

I have the same problem

Why does everything backfire?

Everytime i try to be nice it allways backfires. For example:

My uncles dog died and he was sad so i bought him a puppy. Now that its grown up and lives in backyard he doesnt shower it and everyone tells me im a bad pet owner and dont take care of her.

Another time when i was with my friends we had just eating at some pizza place and had a box of left over pizza so wile i was walkin back to the car a homless guy asked if we had any chagne for food. So i said well i have this box of pizza that we didnt touch and i gave to him. He then proceeded to yell at me and throw the box back at me. (WTF?!?!)

Another is my gf. Dont get me wrong i love her to death but every times i try do be nice it fwks up. Like the other day we had to go to a wedding and she doesnt got much money so i go with her and we get a dress then later she doesnt like it and gets all sad so we go to the store and they say no refunds. Now she is an emotional reck and i gota deal with it even though i paid for the dam thing. (later i ended up buying a new dress anyways even though she didnt want me to i just couldnt stand her issue over the other dress) I also do my best to show her that i love her. I take her out to eat i compliment her on what she wears, how her hairs nice, or she has her nails done nice. Yet i never get a compliment out of her anymore. Last thing i got that was close to a compliment was her telling me "i thought you arent wearing that shirt anymore" cuz i guess she hates it and then says my hair is bad to go cut it even though its not even long.

Im thinking to just stop being nice to people and just say screw it.

Has your honesty ever backfired?

I’m a graduate engineer working for an energy consulting firm in the hub of energy industry in Houston,TX and I started working for them right out of college.I’ve been with the firm for an year now and on an average I’ve barely put in 10 productive work hours a week, while I’m forced to bill our clients for complete 40. My skills have been under-utilised and by a big margin.I’ve reached out to all levels of management expressing my disappointment about this and also about my willingness to work in cross functional job roles at any capacity but I fear all of it has fallen on deaf ears. I’ve even gone to the extent of filling up my timesheet with unpaid hours; trying to be loyal to the food I eat. Yet, after an year, I still turn up at the same desk each morning knowing that I’ll be spending most of the next 8 hours doing nothing worth the food I eat.And reaching out to managers has certainly come at a cost - An unhappy manager and a screwed up annual review.

Why do people say exposing a narcissist will backfire on me and what are the consequences? What will happen if I try to expose my narcissist?

It takes many months or maybe years to get your own head around this abuse. You've tried for a long time to fix yourself, tried to stop being ‘so sensitive’ as well as other accusations. Your ‘sensitivity’ has resulted in a wide variety of confusing and hurtful punishments from your so called beloved. You take the blame as you are unfortunately programmed to reflect on your own perceived misgivings when you have inherent goodness at your core. Be glad now, you were only being a decent human being. You so wished for peace. You never questioned that it could be deliberate abuse, from the person that you loved and who purportedly loved you!Trying to share the experience with others is going to be problematic. Even people who know you well doubt your sanity. They think as you once did, no-one would do these things deliberately. You have doubted your own sanity during the experience! This is the nature of the abuse. That's why only those who have been inflicted understand.It's so astounding to the average person that it seems unbelievable. At first you yourself will automatically prefer to go into denial. I did. It's easier to cope with than reality. You may tell yourself that maybe it's just that he has some of these ‘traits'. Narcissism is very rare etc. You try to believe this for as long as you can bear.It's just when you suffer from it again and again that mentally and physically you can take no more that you are forced to face the awful truth. Accepting the reality of it all is devastating, yet because you really need answers to stop you losing your mind you find them among those who have lived it, who know. Once you know, you know, and will finally realise, thankfully, there's no going back once no contact has been set by you.By all means find your answers, you need them to heal. Look up Veronica Welles on Quora, she is a genius on the subject. Then when you have them, you'll know it's time to prepare for this never to happen to you again.Only share your experience with those who know, it's said that it’s double abuse when you're invalidated. Again. It's extremely painful. You can do without more pain. Thats your consequences you wanted to know about. Remember how long it took for you to get your head around this?You know the truth. Share with others who get it. This helps your healing.Time to take care of you now!

Has being a good person ever backfired on you?

This happened last weekend when I was in office for some support to upgrade oracle.We faced some issues on production environment.And it was impacting the business.So,I raised a ticket for which SLA was 20 minutes to process that request.I waited for 20 min but request was still pending.So,I decided to call those people on support. They accepted that ticket is still in pending state and they will take it up.After another 12 mins the ticket got completed.We again faced the same issue after couple of mins and I again raised the ticket.Now,I called them again to process it fast but they told me SLA is 20 mins and not to call again.This resulted to many Page mails in my inbox.The request got processed after 30 mins.After this matter,on Monday my manager called me and told that the issue happend on weekend was escalated to higher level management.I should not have called them at any cost.I explained him the scenario and urgency, but he told me Americans are like that only. My call have caused inconvenience to them.Their valuable time and privacy got violated due to this issue. I was amazed that though it was business impacting issue, they were following process and delaying the work. My manager told me if I have extra energy or enthusiasm,go to gym and do pushups.I took this this positively and started to know about Americans and learn business etiquette prperly.I also started going to gym.Peace!