Will My Employer Health Insurance Cover Bills From Before The Insurance Coverage Starts

What happens if my employer forgot to deduct my health insurance?

I just started a new job and my employer seemed to forget to deduct my health insurance from my paycheck. I called the benefits department and they said I was signed up for the health insurance. I called the health insurance company and they said I'm signed up. I called the accounting department and they said I'm not signed up for health insurance. What happens now? Am I going to get hit with a huge bill for that not being withheld from my paycheck?

Will medical insurance cover this after I quit my job?

Medical insurance covers based on date of coverage, and date of service. If you have coverage through your employer on the date of service, even if you quit the next day, it's covered.

However, if "related bills" includes followup services, they may NOT be covered, unless you elect COBRA.

If I get sick before my company's health insurance begins, is it a preexisting condition?

It does not matter.

If you have insurance now, and you had it for 13 months or longer, and you keep it until the new insurance starts, and it is insurance through work, then it must cover preexisting conditions exactly the same way as it would cover them if they were not preexisting. It only matters whether a condition is preexisting or not if either (a) you did not have insurance before, (b) you had it for less than 13 months, (c) you had no insurance for a continuous period of longer than two months, or (d) the insurance is not through work.

However, to answer your question, yes, it is preexisting. It is also preexisting if it is diagnosed after the insurance starts, but you had it before. It does not have to be diagnosed to be preexisting. It just has to exist. That is why they say 'preexisting', not 'prediagnosed'.

None of which matters.

Carly receives a bill in the mail that says she owes her insurance company $100 towards her deductible. What is a "deductible"?

a. The amount of money that the employee pays for any medical tests only
b. The amount of money that the employer pays for health care
c. The amount of money that the employee pays before the insurer begins to pay
d. The amount of money that the government pays for health care