Will Someone Help Me Get Money In Gta 5 Or Donate It Will Help Alot

How can you send money to someone's bank account when you don't have a bank account yourself?

an object A is perfect if there is no conceivable object B which, if it were to exist, would be better than A. Note that this requires a metric of betterness. For our purposes,Anybody who claims that right is either perfect, or - much more likely - seriously disturbed.But suppose there is a metric B which you and your accuser agree. you can prove that the concept of perfection is selfcontradictory, you can prove that it does not make sense to say of anyone that they are perfect.Let us take as the definition of perfect: any consistent metric will do. We shall call it the B function. We require B to be such that if B(X) > B(Y), and B(Y) > B(Z), then B(X) > B(Z).Let us assume that person X is perfect. In other words, it is categorically not possible that there is another person Y, such that B(Y) > B(X). This is trivially true if everybody has the same value of B. Then everybody is perfect, just the way they are. So the first thing you should ask of anybody who calls you imperfect is “What gives you the right to determine a metric of betterness which discriminates against me?” (Note that it is no accident that the devil’s chief function is that of accuser). This means that X never makes mistakes, ever. Because otherwise we could conceive of some Y just like X, making one less mistake and therefore being better than X. However, you can’t learn without making mistakes. Y might be better today, but less adaptable to the future, by virtue of having learned less. If you take the future into account, X is better. You cannot define a metric of betterness which at the same time is 100% concerned with the current situation and 100% concerned with the future. People who are overly concerned with perfection are blind to the future.Then it is evident that there is an upper limit to B, say U. Then B(X) = U.

How can I make money on creating mods for games?

To put it bluntly, there is no money to be made in creating mods for games. This is because people already make/modify mods as a hobby (and share for free) because it is fun and they enjoy the games, the technical challenge, the experience, community, etc. Therefore there is no real demand for mods or a market to sell them on. However, you could make money with mods in the realm of entertainment. By this I mean, if you build a subscription base like a blog or email list where subscribers can go to get updates on and download your mods, you could install an ad revenue such as AdSense by Google and generate revenue from traffic. Another way to make money could be to have a YouTube channel where you show off your mods, game play, activities and (like in the previous suggestion) build a subscription base where YouTube (also owned by Google) would pay you based on traffic. Video Game Humor

What is it like to receive a kidney donation from a family member?

More context would be good, but in general it's pretty neat. I had a kidney transplant in 1998 and my dad was my donor. When it was determined that I needed a kidney transplant both parents were tested for compatibility. My mom previously had a type of cancer that prohibited her from being a donor (blood or organ). My dad and I matched on 5 out of 6 of the genetic markers so he agreed to do it. We had to go through a ton of tests as well as some counseling. The day before the surgery we checked into the hospital and did the no food or drink after midnight thing. They gave me, as the recipient, an enormous amount of immunosuppressants the night before to jump start things. My memory of the morning of surgery is a little hazy. They wheeled my dad out to the OR  before me and they made a small (4-5 inches?) incision on the lower (right?) side of his back and removed his kidney. They wheeled me in and made my incision on the right lower front of my abdomen. Removed one of my kidneys put in the transplant and sewed me up. My memories directly after the surgery are also hazy. I remember waking up in the ICU and not being allowed to drink but being super thirsty as well as in a lot of uncomfortable pain. Next memory I have is being in a regular recovery room the following day and the nurses having me get up to walk just a little bit. I was in the hospital for I think 8 days after the surgery, but my dad was in for only 5 days? I still take immunosuppressant meds as I will for the rest of my life, my dad healed up just fine.While I'm extremely grateful to my dad for what he did I do like to tease him sometimes and tell him his kidney is SOOO thirsty and would love it if he would bring me a bottle of water.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas i can't complete it , help me please?

You at the take back the turf part?
Then jz recruit gangz and take as many turf as you can.
until there's the pink 'aura' appearing at the first home...
It's a super cool game,enjoy!!
And don't go learn cursing and swearing like they do...
It's kinda...bad...

Is 18 weeks too late to get an abortion?

Ok..I just need someone to talk to and give me an opinion.I will be 21 in a few weeks this is my first pregnancy, im a college student and I work. I fell in love with the wrong guy and end up getting pregnant by him. I tryed to get abortions the first 3 months but it didn't workout. Also, he is very undecisive its his first child and he is scared, 1 minute he wants the baby then he wants to make an abortion appointment. When we actually make a abortion appointment he changes his mind. Its really a stressful situation for me because I have a supportive family that wants me to keep the baby and so does his family. Its just him being undecisive and not knowing what he wants to do. And i'm willing to do whatever decision he choose. After going through this with him for the last 4 months i'm just really wanting to give up, I mean i'm seeing a side of him I never seen before and as much as it hurts everyone i just want to give up and go get the abortion on my own and move on and end this chapter of my life. I mean I never had to go through nothing like this before in life and personally I don't have to and I don't want to. I'm just ready to have an abortion. Is it too late?