Will Taking Ice Cold Bath

Would taking an ice cold bath help lower a fever?

yes it would.
DON'T DO IT it will send the body into shock and may do worse if you want to lower a fever strip the person with the fever down and keep applying room temperature water with a damp cloth or sponge doing this often will slowly bring the temperature down that is how you want to bring it down is SLOWLY take a normal bath if you want and let the water cool down that way then the body has a chance to adjust just don't get a chill

Can I die from taking an ice bath?

If your body is unprotected in ice water for more than 10 minutes, your metabolism slows dramatically down and you die of hypothermia
Shivering is your body's automatic defense against cold temperature — an attempt to warm itself. Constant shivering is a key sign of hypothermia. Signs and symptoms of moderate to severe hypothermia include:

Clumsiness or lack of coordination
Slurred speech or mumbling
Confusion or difficulty thinking
Poor decision making, such as trying to remove warm clothes
Drowsiness or very low energy
Apathy or lack of concern about one's condition
Progressive loss of consciousness
Weak pulse
Slow, shallow breathing

A person with hypothermia usually isn't aware of his or her condition, because the symptoms often begin gradually and because the confused thinking associated with hypothermia prevents self-awareness. .

Ice bath???

Normally when you are sore people apply ice and then something with heat.

What Ice does is:
- decreases circulation to the area applied
- decreases the localized swelling/inflammation
- decreases cellular activity and muscle spasms
- alleviates pain

Normally the rule of thumb is use ice for 1-3 days and then switch to heat which will:

- increases circulation in the body part where it is
- relaxes muscles
- increases cellular activity
- favours tissue elasticity
- may alleviate pain

What are the health pros and cons of taking a cold shower?

While the cold shower can be a “shocking” experience, there are potential benefits outweighing the short term “jolt” of discomfort.·        Therapeutic and recuperative benefits: Cold showers/bathes are used for treating injuries such as strained muscles and broken bones. You’ll find athletes today taking ice baths to speed their recovery from injuries and intense workouts.·        Better looking skin: Cold water tightens and improves the elasticity of your skin. Closed pores will prevent them from being easily clogged by dirt and oil. It is possible to reduce skin imperfections and blemishes such as acne. Your blood vessels constrict in cold water reducing swelling and the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. Keeping skin pores essentially closed during the shower means fewer by-products may not be absorbed your skin.  ·        Healthier hair: Cold water makes your hair look healthier and shinier.  Cold water closes the cuticle making the hair stronger. It also prevents dirt from easily accumulating within your scalp. ·        Increases fertility in men: Cooler temperatures on the testicles raises sperm count. Too much cold water for too long would be counterproductive. ·        Mental benefits:  There is research suggesting a cold shower can have an anti-depressant effect on your mood. It’s a more natural jolt to the system than electro-therapy. Historically, for instance ancient samurai warriors practiced Misogi. Pouring buckets of cold river water on their heads every morning was a purification ritual on a spiritual level.Do not consider implementing a cold shower regiment if you have:·        Heart disease: the sudden shock/jolt to the system could trigger a heart attack. ·        High blood pressure: Contracting the blood vessels could cause a stroke.·        Overheated or feverish: Your blood vessels need to dilate in order to release heat. Cold water causes them to constrict.Remember, don’t just jump into a cold shower; start off with warm water, and gradually decrease the temperature. You’ll enjoy the benefits of a cold shower in shorter doses such as 3-5 minutes. It’s supposed to be therapeutic not self-torture.  Sources:iNeed Motivation: 4 Reasons Why you Need to Take Cold ShowersThe Art of Manliness: The James Bond Shower: A Shot of Cold Water for Health and VitalityDiscovery News: Got the Blues? Try a Cold Shower.Per WickstromFounder of Best Drug Rehabilitationhttp://www.bestdrugrehabilitatio...

Is it okay to take ice baths?

i don't think it is unhealthy at all, im pretty sure that some athletes do that. I know that the cold from the bath helps to relax your muscles after a workout or in your case practice. Like if your get a black eye or an injury that causes some part of u to get swollen. The cold causes blood to rush to that area(if you are lighter skinned which i am not, you should be able to see this) and that helps you to heal faster. So if you can stand the heat, or rather cold it should be fine to take and ice bath, but you should look online for more infomation on it if you aren't sure

If i took a ICE cold bath would i loose weight?

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What is the purpose of ice baths?

I hope you find this helpful.All options below have pros and cons and you should consult your doctor. I know my body pretty well but ice baths seem like a lot of work when you consider alternatives.The goal of an ice bath is to speed up the excretion of waste (Lactic Acid) that was being built up in your blood and muscles during an extreme activity or workout that is causing the pain and stiffness as I understand it.I would consider for myself in lieu of a cumbersome ice bath, a teaspoon of Baking Soda (Biocarbonate) in an 8oz glass of water sipping it slowly over 30–60 minutes. May cause diarrhea or High Blood pressure if taken in excess. An NFL Lineman taught me this.Here are some references;Expert Opinion;“One of the biggest lessons I have learned in the 30 years I have been exposed to endurance sports is that consistency and commitment to the small stuff are paramount to success.” (to me this means gradual growth in a persistent manner, thus no need for extreme treatments)Check out the Athletes improvement with Biocarbonates; Q & A - Using Bicarbonate To Buffer Lactic Acid In AthletesI also would consider for myself a Hyperbaric Chamber as an ongoing treatment breathing pure oxygen.Again, consult a Doctor as I have only used Baking Soda mostly because of convenience and not in excess to watch any blood pressure issues. It can definitely clean you out so I do it only at home.Have fun!P.S. I wrote a gentlemen who runs Ultra Marathons, here is his reply;“I started running ultra (races longer than a marathon) 8 yrs after I started running. It’s part of the running culture in N. Cal. Over 100,000 Americans ran an ultra in ‘17 making it one of the fastest growing sports in the US! And yes, I take ice baths once/week for recovery!”

My 16-year-old daughter only takes cold baths. Could this be dangerous at all?

I've never really heard about people in general taking baths in ice cold water for extended periods of time-that to me sounds a little weird. I know athletes do that, but not for hours on end.I'd be concerned about her body temp dipping too low since she spends hours in there. Hospitals put people in ice baths for long periods of time to reduce high body temperatures. If she truly is comfortable bathing in ice water for hours, that sounds kind of strange.I'd want to take her to a doctor, and have her checked out physically to make sure nothing's wrong. If the doctor doesn't find anything wrong, then I suppose it's just a weird quirk, and I'd let her do what she wants.But I 'd certainly rule out a medical problem first.


Both are pretty comfortable. I'd use a cool shower after working out and a hot bath later, but that's just me. Cold water is numbing, so I can see where someone may want that cold bath to stop soreness, but I don't think I'd put my chest in a cold bath--i think that would make my body tense in other areas.

For injuries such as sprains, you usually use ice for the first 24 hours to get the swelling down, and then use heat the next day to make it feel better while it heals.

Why do people take Ice baths?

no no no, all these are somewhat right. however, the main reason is because when you put something cold on your body, the blood thins out, making faster travel for blood, meaning more oxygen to the body, or anything that is sore. the ice is the fastest way to get oxygen to the part of the body that is sore or needs recovery. so most of these people have the gist of it, but this is the real main answer for icing the body.