Windows 8.1 Update Stuck At

Windows 8.1 won't update stuck at 60%?

Windows 8.1 isn't that special and only changes a couple of little things, it's probably easier for you to just stick with Windows 8.
I've had the update fail on a couple of machines and, after a few nights of trying to sort it, just ended up reverting back to Windows 8 and leaving it as-is.

If you really do want to go through the trouble, have a look in the Windows event log, that should show you what the problem is. Be prepared for a lot of reading.

My computer is stuck. It is updating to windows 8.1 and it is stuck at 82 percent.?

Mine upgraded itself the other took about 2.5 hours. Looked 'frozen' many times. Just leave it alone. It'll finish in a little while.

Windows 8 update stuck at 101%, help?

Can someone tell me what I need to do if my update for Windows 8 is stuck at 101%? It's been stuck for about an hour and a half and it has not even continued the update so far.

Why is my Windows update stuck at 32 percent? How do I fix it?

I think your update has got stuck.Problem is while installing or upgrading your system you should have turn off the internet? Is that true?Are you upgrading your system from Windows 7/8.1 to Windows 10?Have you taken a backup?If it is still in 32% for more than hour it will automatically take back to the factory OS installed in your laptop/desktop by which it was shipped.Always take a system backup/ create a restore point for an update or upgrade of your system.Easy Steps!!! How to back up Windows 10 SystemHope, it helps you.

Windows 8 Update Error - Stuck in "We couldn t complete the features"?

While installing a windows update on my brand new laptop, I attempted a hard reset as it was taking an exceedingly long time to install "1" update. Upon booting again I got a message saying "We couldn t complete the features ." After waiting for an hour and a half, I realized something was wrong and looked up a solution. The said solution involved booting into safe mode, which when I attempted resulted in the same error message appearing and I m at the end of my rope because my less than a week old $1300 laptop is now a brick.

Windows 8.1 Update Stuck At "Getting Windows Ready" Screen?

Ok so, apparently my mom went on on our new Windows computer. She told me that it wouldn't let her get on it. It said she needed to download something first. She blindly updated our computer to Windows 8.1 without thinking or reading. I've tried shutting it off and on, unplugging the wires, and just waiting. It's been 3-4 1/2 hours since this screen has been there. I don't know what to do!! I'm about ready to Fus Do Rah this thing to pieces *^*!!! PLEASE HELP MEEE!!!
BTW: The semi-circle thing is going, it's just not in that picture!

The Windows 8 update is stuck at 0kb and 0% downloaded. What should I do?

If there is nothing downloaded (0kb) and update never started (0%), you can safely shut down and restart your machine. If the update is still available, it will auto start after prompting you based on your update settings.

What should I do if my Windows 8.1 computer is stuck on the "we couldn't complete the updates" screen?

DROP, LOCK AND LOAD! Or reboot. Whichever works... Seriously though, rebooting works quite often, especially with periodical updates. With "roll-ups" or Service Pack updates, the answer would be quite different.

Windows 8 computer is stuck on "We couldn't complete the updates. Undoing changes. Dont turn off your computer."?

Its been doing this for 10 hours and hasn't changed. Its plugged into the charger so it won't die. When I was turning it off I clicked on Update and Shut Down and it said some percentage and now this. I tried Shift f8 and shift f7. F7 is volume down and F8 is volume up. I tried control alt delete. I tried esc and nothing is happening. i hold the power button off and when I turn it back on it goes straight to this. There's not even a Restarting page. How do I fix this? I'd like to use my computer lol