Would Teleporting Or Time Traveling Being Easier

Is time-travelling same thing as teleportation?


Lol! I mean honestly...why does it matter?
You can't do either one in real life...

What is the difference between time travel and teleporting?

well ill gonna tell u about TELEPORTATION:-As u all know there is no evidence of teleportation.“teleportation” is shifting space without passing time .Now imagine you are swimming in deep waterlet the water be the time and its flowing against the direction of your motion so that if u remain at rest somewhere in water , water remains to flow or u can say now time remains to flow. and now teleportation , you want to teleport to a distance or a point u imagine at some distance from you now u have to make it through there without swimming through flow of time (flow of water) now what should you do to get there without passing time (which werelated to flow of water against us ) u need to move on to the surface of water (that take time ) and when you reach the surface, jump above like a dolphin and now that u in the air there is no time u are passin (because we have taken flow of water as a time ) then for sure landed down on water and also covered some distance without affecting the flow or in our case u can say without effecting the TIME .

About Teleportation and Time Travel?

You can time travel, but not the way that you might want to.

About your idea of traveling in time (where is the people that traveled on time?) is called the time tourist paradox or something like that. Also there was a convention in which time travelers were openly invited to assist and none of them assisted.

Let's talk about physics. Nobody have ever teleported atoms or any kind of matter. What they did was quantum teleportation ( they transferred the quantum state of a particle to another particle that have never interacted with it before.)

Yes I agree that time traveler (backwards in time in the same position) will never be invented. There is a lot of intellectual paradox (as the one that you mentioned) and also there is not reason to suspect that science allows it. Also it can put in jeopardy cause and effect.

Teleportation as an instantaneous transfers of matter is against physics (relativity forbids it).

Now suppose for fun that there is a machine that can scan all your body and record all the information. Then maybe we can send this information to another place and in that place using your information they can construct an exactly copy of you. In quantum mechanics to "scan"your body they need to "destroy it" then in principle this can work as a way to transport people from one point of the galaxy to the other. Now in quantum mechanics this impossible. Is impossible to scan all the information of the body (no-cloning theorem). In that sense quantum mechanics also forbids teleportation.

Would you rather have time travel or teleportation?

With time travel you can win the lottery. buy bitcoin at $0.008 sell at $19000. buy Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Apple stock, invest in successful startups.With teleportation you can appear in bank vaults, and safehouses all over the world including the federal reserve, gold repositories, museum vaults.With time travel you can see the Parthenon, the Colosseum, the hanging garden at their prime.With teleportation you get free travel to gorgeous vacation spotsWith time travel you risk being lost in time, altering the time line or the butterfly effect. Being eaten by dinosaurs, Saber tooth tigers or any number of extinct menaces. You could be raped to death or killed by Mongols, Zulus, Romans etc. Being executed for witchcraft.With teleportation you risk appearing somewhere embarrassing or inappropriate like a naked woman/couples room. The CIA/Kremlin, the white house briefing room. You also risk teleporting into solid matter fusing with it, or into a vacuum (space), into the sun or the Mariana trench.I choose teleportation. With either method you could become rich. With teleportation you can go anywhere on earth in seconds (extreme convenience), become well traveled. Post pictures like this on Facebook making your friends insanely jealousInstead of realistic versions of these pictures that could draw the wrong sort of attention (government, enemy government, bond villain looking for pets)

Which is more plausible, time travel or teleportation?

Teleportation. To move something from one place to another instantly or electronically, I think we will descover it.Time travel is not only improbable but it’s impossible within our physics. Time is a measurement not a thing or place. Once all things have moved past a certain point there is no reverse. You would need enough power to stop everything and I mean everything seen and unseen known and unknown and move it backward in the same path it took to get to its current position. Let’s just say yeah, impossible. Forward is the same deal. Can you observe something before someone else does well yes if you could move faster than the speed of light but the probability of that happening is what?

Which will come first - time travel, immortality, or teleportation?

Immortality through telomere/telomerase experiments would probably be achieved first. Time travel is completely dependent on your speed or position in a gravity well, and backward time travel is impossible. Teleportation will probably be last or come very close with time alteration, since both would deal with bending spacetime.

Do you think time travel and teleportation will be possible in the future?

Teleportation is something which relates to transfer of mass. Not only that, but the technology should be able to transfer each molecule and reproduce it in some other location without disturbing the arrangement of molecules with ZERO ERROR else you would become something else. We do not have any scientific explanation on being able to transfer mass from a place to another even if we do not consider the arrangement of molecules.A time travel is a concept of travelling in time, where most scientist claim that we cannot travel back in time but we can travel to future. A general misconception is that we can travel in future, but what are we actually doing is slowing down time for us and letting the time flow for the rest at normal pace.These two concepts do not have a strong explanation to back them up. However, we do not have the complete knowledge about the concepts and thus we cannot conclude what we could do in the near future. You can take the same example with electricity and evolution of electrical devices. Until we came to know the use of electricity we were unaware of its miraculous uses.Lets give time to Reasearch & Development, & who knows a person or an organization may find how to manipulate time.