Youtube Keeps Skipping Back A Few Seconds.

Youtube videos keep only playing for one second. How can I fix it?

Good to see somebody copy/pasting a Best Answer of mine from over 3 years ago,
(June 2010, to be precise) --- even though it talks about IE6, Firefox 3, and Safari 3.

How about this?

The quickest/easiest solution is to right-click a video -- and then click on "Settings".
The first tab will show you an icon of a monitor and ''Enable Hardware Acceleration".
Simply UNCHECK it, and you should be fine.

If I skip the ad on YouTube before it ends, does the advertising company still pay YouTube for it?

There are two type of Ads on YouTube (the ones which plays before the requested video plays) - a) The ones which you can skip after 4 seconds, and b) The ones you can not skip.[In addition to these there are text Ads on the screen too]Google & YouTube, based on your browsing pattern place Ads. And keeping in view the quality and popularity of content you are consuming, your user profile is ranked as someone who would skip Ads or will watch it.If you are someone who always skips those Ads, YouTube forces you to watch a few Ads. And once you consume these Ads, they are to be paid by the Ad promoter.If you see an Ad where you get the option to skip it, YouTube is actually doing a few things here - a) Is testing whether the Ad content is compulsive enough to make it watch it till the end; b) Is the content you requested for is something which you are compelled enough to watch without any delay; and c) You as a user are how patient or impatient to Ads.So, the moment you skip a Ad, the Ads quality is downgraded (can be shared with less people, and hence its Advertising charges go high), The requested content's rating goes higher (as a user you are more attached to this content and want to watch it now!), and You as a user gets a downvote (you need to be thrown more forced Ads or else you will keep consuming videos without generating any revenue for YouTube).So, when you skip an Ad, the Ad Promoter doesn't gets charged. However, his Ad Promotion gets costlier.Hope that helps. Thanks

Youtube keeps skipping back a few seconds.?

You may have deleted your Cookies, but 99% of the problem is actually your 'Cache'.

It's your Cache (also called 'Temporary Internet Files') that have clogged-up YouTube
much like hair clogs a sink drain.  Simply clear your Cache, then shutdown & reboot.

Afterwards, your YouTube will be A-One!


Why am I getting french youtube ads?

Well have you been to France lately and used youtube there? Or maybe you selected the French youtube website? It has to do with your cookies. Try deleting all of your cookies and try to re-sign in to your youtube account, this should fix the bug.

I hope my answer helps.

My shoulder keeps "falling out"... Subluxation?

Hey, I'm sorry about your shoulder. Shoulder injuries can be serious and there's a lot in the shoulder that can be hurt and cause pain.

It does sound like shoulder subluxation (partial dislocation). Shoulder subluxation can be caused by tears in the ligaments and cartilage or by overstretching and looseness of the ligaments and cartilage.

I highly recommend you see an orthopedist (aka an orthopedic surgeon) (bone and joint doctor). They specialize in this specific area and will provide the most/best help.
Normally I say to skip the family doc or hospital if you can; they won't do much except maybe your shoulder and then send you home when the xray comes back fine. You could have soft tissue damage. Or if they think your shoulder needs further evaluation, they'll refer you to an orthopedist anyway. So, skip that step if you can and see an orthopedist. An orthopedist deals with all injuries to a joint.

Your orthopedist will ask what happened and what symptoms you're experiecing. He then will examine your shoulder by palpating (feeling) and maybe doing some "hands-on" tests. These tests just involve bending your and moving your arm around in certain ways to check for possible injuries. If you search "shoulder exam" on YouTube, you'll see the different tests they do. You may be sent for an MRI. An MRI will show any damage done to the soft tissues, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. The orthopedist will have a good idea of what's causing this and then will send you for the MRI if he thinks it's necessary.

You'll then meet back with your orthopedist to go over your results and discuss the best treatment for what's wrong.

You can also look at this website:

It describes shoulder pain and different causes.

Yours does sound like shoulder subluxation though. I'd definitely see an orthopedist.

If you've more questions or want to talk about it, etc., feel free to email me at and I'll try to help if I can.

Good luck!


Why won't Youtube play videos without constantly freezing up?

The cause of your problem is simple: your "cache"
memory & "temporary internet files'' are nearly full.
This is especially true if you've been watching lots
of videos or playing a lot of games/music.

If you are experiencing either: A) slugglish loading
and buffering, B) "choppy" videos which frequently
start/stop/start/stop, C) the YouTube dotted circle
looking like it might spin for ever, or D) videos that
will sometimes come to a sudden "stop" or freeze,
that is often a sign that your cache/memory is full
and cannot take anymore.

Exit out of YouTube (but not your browser) and do
one of the sequences below. Afterward, shutdown
& reboot. Not only will this 'free up' your computer
memory, everything will be ''fresh'', and load faster:

Mozilla Firefox 3:
→ Tools → Clear Private Data
[x] Browsing History
[x] Download History
[x] Saved Form and Search History
[x] Cache
[x] Cookies
→ Clear Private Data Now

Mozilla Firefox 3.5/3.6:
→ Tools → Clear Recent History
Time range to clear: → Everything
▼ Details
[x] Browsing & Download History
[x] Saved Form and Search History
[x] Cookies
[x] Cache
→ Clear Now


If you have other applications which are running at
the same time, those will slow down YouTube too.
If you have "Torrents", you might want to consider
closing or uninstalling them. A couple people who
chose me as "Best Answer" wrote that everything
worked great after they'd uninstalled their Torrents.
For some reason, simply closing them didn't work.

Also, "Adblock Plus", various Instant Messengers
and literally every "stupid video accelerator" under
the sun is known to interfere with YouTube.

Another thing you may want to consider is turning
off your anti-virus -- but only momentarily. As long
as you remain on YouTube (and do not wander off
to other websites), you will be okay, because you
cannot get a virus from YouTube.

And lastly, you can easily check your speed here: