1.madison Argued That The Best Way To Prevent The Tyranny Of Fractions Was To 2.which Branch Has

What other constitutional devices, besides those mentioned by Madison, tend to prevent the control of gove....?


What other constitutional devices, besides those mentioned by Madison, tend to prevent the control of government by a faction?

i realy need help with my ap us homework
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What are the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's views?

They disagreed about almost everything.Two of their disagreements that are still pretty relevant:1. Hamilton believed that there should be a strong federal government, Jefferson believed that the states should be stronger.2. Hamilton believed that Blacks and Whites were equal in ability and that the apparent differences were due to different circumstances (like the Blacks being slaves, being forbidden to read, being ill fed, etc). Jefferson believed Blacks were "inferior in both mind and body".Some other disagreements:Hamilton thought senators and presidents should be elected for life. Jefferson did not.Jefferson thought there should be periodic revolutions. Hamilton did not.Hamilton was a strong supporter of a national bank (and helped found it). Jefferson thought this was unconstitutional.Hamilton proposed freeing slaves and arming them to fight the British. Jefferson owned slaves and thought the institution would die out on its own.