1.the People That Responded Most Successfully To The Challenge Of The Great Depression Were A The

1.The people that responded most successfully to the challenge of the Great Depression were:A the Arabs throughout the Middle East?

B the socialist-led Scandinavian countries
C the United States
D none of the above

2 During 1915 the British and French attacks
almost destroyed the Germans
never gained more than one mile of territory
were defeated by the U.S.
none of the above

3 In 1927-1928 ___________ paid about $1.3 billion in reparations.
none of the above
4. In 1919 France's army:
was the largest in Europe
defeated Spain in less than one month
slaughtered over ten million West Africans
crushed the government of Peter the Great
none of the above
all of the above
5. During the second Sino-Japanese War the Japanese are estimated to have killed __________ Chinese.
2 million
4 million
10 million
25 million
6. Because of this event in 1991, the U.S. became the world's only superpower at the time:
Answer the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany
the collapse of the Soviet Union
the complete surrender of the North Vietnam army to the U.S.
all of the above

none of the above

How was the Soviet Union affected by the Great Depression?

Oddly. Because the USSR was the only communist state at the time, it had minimal trade contact with the rest of the world. Because of this the Soviet economy did not take a hit like that of the capitalist countries who's economies were closely interlinked.The Soviet economy arguably actually benefited from the Great Depression. The USSR hired specialized labor particularly from the USA to help fuel their industrialization. Farmers, engineers and industrialists were brought in to help develop the relatively backward and agrarian economy into one that was Urbanized and Industrialized. Many of Stalin's collective farmers were developed by American farmers, due to their experience on large scale farms in the USA.The numbers of important engineers that were hired from the USA can be seen with the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power station in the present day Ukraine. 6 American engineers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for their efforts during the power station's construction.  The GAZ automotive factory in Nizhny Novgorod was a vast industrial investment that was conducted for the USSR with Ford's help, both with the construction of the plant and engineers to supervise the manufacturing processes. But the Great Depression also help to perhaps fuel the disastrous Holodomor and other famines of the period. With the growing employment of foreign expertise and machinery imports the USSR sold too much of its grain flowing out of the county to maintain foreign cash flow into the state. This could be argued to have been one of the driving factors of why the Holodomor became as disastrous as it did.  In conclusion the Great Depression if anything helped to fuel the industrialization of the USSR and actually had a positive effect on the counties economy. But the arguable side effects of this were the scale of the famines of 1932-1933 which devastated Ukrainian, Kazakhs, and Russian peasantry populations.Bradley

Sad, lonely, depressed and near suicidal 19 year old male?

I can certainly relate to your experiences - been through the depression and anxiety myself and it's not easy. Just know that you'll come out of it as a stronger, better more confident person. It may take some time but it's really a healing process like any other.

Glad to hear you are going to see a therapist- that also helped me out a lot.

I know you'll probably hate to hear this but my depression and anxiety were the absolute worst between the ages of 13 and 20. It's such a tough time in one's life and peers can be so judgmental and obnoxious - it's best to just ignore them and focus on healing yourself and learning to love yourself (I KNOW it sounds cheesy).

I remember my dark days as well - it's so suffocating and horrible - many people just don't have any idea how bad depression can be. And I understand you might feel that you are "ugly" and inferior. In my case I was born with a rare facial deformity, so yea - life has NOT been easy and people often think I must be mentally retarted just because my face looks different.

After I saw a psychologist, started medication and therapy - my life completely turned around!!! I used to be a mess - now I'm 31 with a masters degree, great job, engaged, confident and comfortable in my own skin. It's like night and day. Please keep hope alive and keep yourself alive - you'll get through this just like I and many other people have. Now looking back on my days of depression and anxiety - I'm so glad I hung on and much of my confidence and strength now is knowing that I was able to survive and thrive despite the tough challenges I had to face.

So take care of yourself, and BTW you are great at expressing yourself in writing - have you tried journal writing or any other type of arts to get your emotions out?

What were some of the problems of the Gilded Age that progressives tried to address?

During the Gilded Age, the large problem from which most other problems stemmed was the enormous disparity between the elite privileged class and the rest of society. The Gilded Age ended with the introduction of an income tax and labor laws that made the first steps toward an equalization between economic classes.The obvious problem of the era was poverty and the abysmal conditions in which the poor lived and worked. The greater problem was the general acceptance of the great gulf between the classes.With the exception of a small number of social critics and reformers, society turned a blind eye to the fact of inequality and an unfair economic and social system.Three of my favorite books vividly bring the Gilded Age to life along with its ugly underside. They are:A Night to Remember by Walter Lord which relates the Titanic disaster through the means of written records and interviews with survivors. Allen presents the 1912 sinking of the Titanic as a microcosm of the prevailing attitudes toward class, and the event that increased social awareness, and heralded the end of an era of class privilege.The Proud Tower-A Portrait of the wold Before the War 1890–1914 by Barbara Tuchman is a long but very readable history of society, culture, policy and politics of the period.The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, although a work of fiction, presents the author’s insider view of the insulated, extravagant way of life led by the Gilded People for whom anyone not of their own class, were outsiders of little or no significance. The central character, Lily Bart, falls from possessing the height of privilege into absolute financial/social ruin, and thus, out of existence.Another work that contributed largely to growing social awareness, was photojournalist Jacob Riis’ How the Other Half Lives, published in 1890. His photographs exposed the squalid living conditions of the poor who inhabited New York City slums.Our present administration is making headway in bringing back a new Gilded Age. No more taxes on the wealthy, no regulatory agencies to oversee business, no worker protections, no laws against usury, no social services. It’ll be an America of the Nouveau Doré and the swarming poor; that’s what MAGA really means.

Why are disabled people always so happy? Don't they understand?

I understand completely. I know what a great life I have. I know that my life is better than most people I know and that I am very lucky. Disability is only one aspect my life and is not the deciding factor in my happiness.

I certainly hope all the kicking of yourself you must do does not render you disabled as I think you would likely be one of the most unhappy people in the world.