110 Pounds And Trying To Tone A Little More.

Im 110 pounds, 5'3'' i look fat i dont get it, i wight less than all my friends. why do i feel/look bigger?

Well, you are not overweight Kat. There is the possibility that you are over fat though. Have you ever tested your body fat percentage? If not I suggest you grab a good set of calipers and measure yourself. The flabby arms sound like an indication that you are carrying your fat in a zone that most would want very little fat on. What I'm interested in - and you can take this to the bank - is your hip to waist ratio. If it is less than .85 you are fine. If it is greater, you need to put on some muscle on and control what you eat. Women gain weight first on their hips. That is just the way Mother Nature said it would be. I hope the above helps.

I am 15, 5'7'', 130 pounds. How do I build muscle mass?

You build muscle mass by working out and eating extra. It doesn't matter what exercises that you do just be sure to never work out the same muscles 2 days in a row as muscles take 48 hours to repair and grow. I suggest you start with bodyweight training to get into it and maybe even do a whole body workout 3 times a week. So push ups, pull ups, dips, squats, calf raises and when you can manage it handstand push ups (this will take time but you can always get a friend to hold your feet and provide a little assistance). Do 5 sets of each with a minutes rest in between and do each set for as many reps as you can. This should get you into it and further down the line you can always buy some weights or join a gym. Make sure you eat extra and consume 1.6–2 grams of protein per every kg you weigh each day (split up into a meal or snack every few hours. Weigh yourself regularly and if you are not gaining weight eat more. You want to gain around half a pound per week but a pound is ok to start although any more is too much and will likely be fat. Well done for deciding to get in shape while you are young that's great! I wish you all the best with your goals!

I'm a 16 year old female and I weigh 118 pounds. Will eating less than my TDEE help me lose weight? I want to be 110 pounds.

At 16 years old, any kind of specialized diet for weight loss that has you not eating enough calories will do semi permanent damage to your metabolism. This will make it harder to loose weight in the future. The scale is a lier. how tall are you? 110may be healthy…at 5′1″(155 cm). Go for being healthy instead. Eat 7 full sized servings of vegetables a day for 21 days. Cut out dairy and refined sugar entirely. Drink 64 ounces (2 liters) of water a day minimum. You may not loose any weight doing this, but you will loose acne, loose some bloating, and feel amazing.

Is 110 pounds good for a girl who's 5'1?

BMI indicates what weight a person should have according to his/her height. BMI greater than 25 are considered over weight and BMI less than 19 are under weight.
I took your present weight as 122.5 and ur BMI was 23.39
BMI = 21 , is considered as perfect
if you loose upto 110 pounds, your BMI will be 20.70 which is awesome.
BMI less than 19 are under weights, so minimum weight you should have is 101 pounds!
So in my view, u r thinking right. 110 is best

I'm 16,5'2, and 181 pounds. whats the best workout for me to do to get to 110?

I was abut your wieght until I joined weight watchers just 11 dollars a week and I got more than that for my lunch money! Anyways what they do is teach you to eat right and exercise and its not a diet it a lifestyle and you are able to go eat at fastfoods and everything! I love Chris Brown too!

What workout regimen would you give a 5'9, 130 pound, 14 year old male to gain useful muscle?

I was exactly like you, three years ago. If you are a novice lifter, as a presume, everything will do the job fine. However, I strongly suggest you follow a PLAN — ANY PLAN. Too many young guys go to the gym, don’t know what to do and end up switching routing and alternating between chest and arms every day.If you really want a great ressource, check out this guy’s website. He got me started with lifting and even provides free sample plans on the site. Very good no BS advice.There is also this man who provides great advice. I’m currently following his plan and my strength is going up like crazy.My final advice is to NEVER cut unless you are severely overweight (or you bulked way, way too far). And not seeing your abs is not severely overweight. I made that mistake and ended up not progressing and probably harmed my growth at some point.