14 Year Old Male Overweight 190-200lbs 5

Is 150 pounds at 14 years old overweight if I'm 5′2"?

Hey! You've described yourself as 150lbs, standing around 5'2 as a 14 year old (gender not specified)Personally, I would say as long as you understand what constitutes a healthy diet and lifestyle, I wouldn't worry too much about your weight at this point.There are so many factors that go into weight that determine or signify health and I dont know enough about you to determine that for myself.So! I have a few recommendations:If you have a small frame and arent likely to continue growing (look at your parents height to determine this) - Then I would say speak to a doctor and work out what's going on, you could be eating too much of the wrong things, not exercising enough or there could be other causes for this.150lbs isn't necessarily overweight still! Its about 11stone and thats quite healthy for most men and women as they approach adulthood.If your frame is of a medium stature and you are likely to continue growing - Then dont worry for now unless you feel like you have low energy, pain, difficulty getting about or are feeling self conscious. Being overweight will make you feel uncomfortable physically and mentally, HOWEVER, at your age it is normal to feel self conscious as you've become aware of yourself recently and with age you will find more self confidence naturally.If you are of a larger stature (broad shoulders, good muscle definition) and are likely to grow still - Then this weight is probably quite healthy but pay attention to your well being and mental state still to say for sure.At 14 I was 14 stone, somewhere around 200lbs, overweight definitely but i was developing into a young woman and didn't hate myself for it. I learnt about healthy eating and naturally lost weight after I hit 15. I'm a tall girl - based on my family- with a very broad, athletic figure so i will always be a heavier woman and I need to remember this when comparing myself to others my own age.Try not to worry too much, enjoy your teenage years!! They fly by too quickly.

Is 180 pounds overweight for a 5'9 male?

Listen guy, i hate people with Rude remarks when you are trying to find a answer. I will tell you a few things. If you have more muscles, then you will tend to weigh more. Muscle weigh more than fat. I am 5'11 200lbs and i will tell you the majority is muscles. I was a Fitness Trainer in the Military before retiring this year. I know what the BMI says, but it never takes in the fact that muscles will make you weigh more... I hope that helps you..

What is considered to be overweight for a 14 year old boy?

Gosh, who weighs themselves in "stones" any more?...12 stones might be a little high. Maybe if you just exercised regularly, your body would automatically regulate your weight to an appropriate weight. I'd say probably .4 sacks (10 or 11 stones) would be a more appropriate weight.

P.S. For those people trying to answer, 1 stone = 14 pounds.

I am 14 years old 6'0" and weigh 180 lbs is that normal?

I am 14 years old 6'0" and weigh 180 lbs. i have very small man boobs and a little bit of belly fat. How can i lose the belly fat and man boobs? i am also going through puberty and i have gone through puberty in certain places is it because of puberty?

I’m a 13 year old girl who is 200 pounds. How do I lose the weight? I need diets or exercise plans or something.

You are at an extremely unhealthy weight, but don’t despair. You can turn this around. Your current obesity is a serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately, and it is great that you have the desire to do something about it.I wonder what the adults around you are doing and someone should talk to them about how they are neglecting you.You are too young to deal with this on your own, so you have to get some adults involved. If you are in the US, there are resources available that you need to pursue today.The first step is to see your primary care physician. Talk to them about putting you in touch with a nutritionist and getting you on a regular exercise program (they will probably insist on this as soon as they see you). The fact that you’ve gotten to 200 lbs and have nobody has provided this for you suggests that you are probably not seeing a doctor as often as you should be. This is a failure on the part of your parents. Your parents are doing a bad job and they need a wake up call. They need parenting lessons, a book on parenting, and probably some professional supervision.Talk to your school counselor, and the school nurse. Then they can get you to see a doctor. Take action now. The longer you put this off, the worse it will get.