14 Year Old Workout Help

How often should a 14 year old workout?

I'm 14 years old, 5"10', and 140 lbs. I'm slightly built, and I would like to build more muscle. I want to build muscle as fast as I can because I want to enter my first year of high school in September with a nicely toned body. At the moment, my abdominal muscles are decent, but my pecks, arms, and shoulders need a lot of work. I play a lot of basketball, so my right arm is noticeably larger than my left.

My goal is to even out my biceps, and build my triceps, pecks and shoulders. I want to do as much work as possible, but I heard that if I overwork my muscles the recovery time is going to be a lot longer. Right now I'm working out twice a day every other day. For my abs I do the plank until it's unbearable, the abdominal hip thrust, the Russian oblique twist, the bicycle, and the body cross crunch. For my chest I do the dumbbell flye (with two 10 lb dumbbells) and the dumbbell pullover. For my arms I do the dumbbell biceps curl and Perfect Push up. I maintain the correct form while doing the exercises but I don't feel the burn as much as I'd like to.

First off, thank you for reading my whole story. Second, what exercises should I do and how many times a week should I do them to get maximum results?

How often should a 14 year old workout?

Slowly cut down on fatty foods! try not to get greasy foods! they also ruin your skin! (acne)
try and tell whoever is cooking to maybe bake it instead of frying the food. eat a couple fruits a day.. drink some water about an hour before you eat diner this will make you less hungry! get some gum to chew when you feel like your gettin the munniez!
As for exercise id say the maxium you should work out is maybe 4 days a week go for light jogs Do some pushups crunches ... start at 10 and work your way up the next day example monday : 10 tuesday: 15 wenesday : 20 Eveery day keep telling your self come on i can do it 5 more just 5.. after exercise drink water to be hydrated.. music is also helps you for me is dup step...!

well i hope i helped at least a little..!
best of luck!

What Pre-workout should a 14 year old take?

none. You don't need it, it wont magically build muscle. You have to eat in a caloric surplus in order to build muscle. The only prework I would recommend is you can make it at home
This is how you make it you put a cup of pepsi then add instant coffee maker to it. It will work just fine. You are young dont need all these preworks.

Good Workout for a 14 year old boy?

Muscle Milk is serious stuff. Don't mess with it until you're older- it's not as bad as creatine or whey protein, but it's still far more serious than you're ready to deal with yet.

Drink Rockin' Refuels from Shamrock Farms if they're available. Great mix of proteins carbs and fats. Milk is the best thing in the world for you. Eat the obvious- a glass of orange juice, glass of milk, eggs and toast for breakfast is actually perfect.

At your age it's easy to overeat, trust me.

Just eat about four meals a day, and do pushups, pull ups and sit ups every other day, taking the weekend off, and play sports.

To REALLY gain muscle, join football in high school. Most freshman teams don't require any real skill, no offense, so you're a shoe-in, and might find you actually are good at it, if you aren't already.

If you play sports already, ask your coaches for some tips on muscle gain.

Once you can run a mile in 9 minutes, and do sets of 50 pushups, sets of 50 sit ups, and at least 10 nice and slow pull ups, come back on the internet and find some good workouts to advance. One guy,, actually has a bunch of videos and plans set up to introduce yourself to bodybuilding if you choose, or just to getting bigger in general.


How long should a 14 year old work out a day?

I was able to go from 135 lbs to 175 lbs in one summer. I ate like a horse, made sure I ate at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, and I used Mike Mentzer High Intensity training routines (AKA heavy duty).

Here is a youtube clip of one of the routines. clip is kinda boring, but gets the point across

Now here is my whey protein schedule

Right out of bed 50 gram shake/smoothie
Immediately after workout 50 gram shake/smoothie
Right before bed 50 gram shake/smoothie

Then sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night, I will go to the kitchen and have another 50 gram shake/smoothie.

This blows up recovery and puts the mass on quick!

Here is a protein link

Here is a WICKED gainer smoothie video

Try and eat a couple of these mega gainer smoothies per day in addition to your normal diet and your sure to gain!!!

Is it bad for a 14 year old to workout often?

As long as you get enough Protein from meats or beans, and give your muscles plenty of rest, only good will become of that. However, if you over-work your muscles the already fermented Lactic Acid will eventually give you more soreness doing you slight harm now, but might turn into serious injuries later on.

How much should a 14 year old girl workout a week, what should i do when i work out and what should i eat?

i would say five days
in cross country season we ran everyday except sunday
i would give you some break days
running is really good
and i do crunches and supermans every week night
if you go to the gym you can work out their
alot of gyms you have to have to have an adult with you
but if you go into the fitness room and just try out most of the machines you will get into shape
and mess around w/ intensity
every other day kick up the intensity
and the days when the intensity isn't kicked up still work out, but not as much

What's a good workout program for a 14 year old male?

First- ignore the people who talk about grown inhibition. It’s a myth. Total, misguided, unfounded, stupid myth. I have a long, detailed explanation I won’t paste here because it detracts from the question.I’ve worked with a few baby mammals (that’s what you are) in my day, and seen results… especially with the ones that did what I said. I wish I’d have known at your age what I know now, I’d be a monster. Ah, well.At 14, if you’re not ripe for muscular growth already, you will be very soon. My recommendation is to get a book called Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. It’s solid, it’ll teach you more than you want to know about the basic movements, and the guy has a lot of youtube videos to support. The program is simple, I won’t write it out because you can google it, but the book’s worth a read anyway because form matters.Eliot Hulse’s 5x5 is also solid.And my take, I put new guys on Starting Strength with the exception of not doing power cleans, but dumbbell rows for sets of 10–15. On days they don’t do rows, they do pull-downs (or pull-ups) for 10–15 reps as well. And abs every workout.I should also note that Starting Strength calls for drinking a gallon of whole milk a day (without sacrificing what you eat already). You want to put on serious weight? Do that, even get close, you might be amazed.As for supplements, don’t get roped in to all the money-sucking nonsense, but vitamins and minerals can be important, protein powders can help when you just can’t eat anymore, and fish oil and creatine are worth looking into. (They’re not magic by any means, mind you.)And that’s it. Drink water, condition yourself to eat more than you can right now, GET ENOUGH SLEEP, and good luck.Oh! Take the time to stretch now. Don’t wait 10 years and start from a deficit like I did. It’s lame, it’s boring, it’s uncomfortable, but trust me, it’s awesome to be limber.

What do you think about a 14 year old doing the Insanity Workout?

Well im a 14 year old girl (5'4 & weight 175) I would like to know do you think that it is a good idea for a 14 year old to do the insanity workout. I only want to weight like 120 pounds, get sculpt and toned. What are you guys opinion on this?