1st Question That Should Be Asked Of Dem

What was the first question ever asked?

This is of course impossible to answer, with any sense of certainty. Not only that but there is obviously no clear and sudden boundary by which humans became humans, and no longer their nearest hominid ancestor. Anyway, as far as I remember from carl sagan's cosmos, one of the earliest known story's written by a human, was about someone who tried to sail across a certain river to the underworld to ask three witches how he might become immortal in order to never die. Perhaps this can be considered the first question.

Question for dem ladies?

When we get our hair cut and you 'guys' notice it and say that it looks nice. Compliments are very sweet to a girl. =)

How do I start a conversation with a girl after saying "hi"? What should be the next question to ask or how do I not bore a girl in the conversation?

You go upto her , look at her with a genuine smile and say Hi. Now , her response depends on two things.First , if she was also into you secretly and she was just waiting for you to say hi . Congrats , you've hit the jackpot . You just cannot bore her . She would laugh even at silliest joke you make.Second , if you're not lucky enough and she wasn't into you then you can try your odds out .Here is the first 4 ques guide . If this didnt work then it quite difficult my friend .HiI have been noticing you for a few days , you are really cute .If affirmative response like , thank you with a blush then just ask her can we hangout sometime ? If not affirmative then don't push it . Leave it there to try sometime later.If positive , ask for her number.Now when you have her number , probably she would say yes to you if she finds you interesting enough. So use your words wisely .

How do you respond when someone asks "Why do you think about me?"

Oh that's a good one!Remember that saying, three things you can't take back : the stone once it's cast, time once it's passed, and the word once it's said.I think I might go with this:“Sharing my thoughts of you will not be up for debate. Ask yourself first what you expect to gain from knowing what I think about you.”OR “Are you sure you really want to know because you really don't need to know”OR “I'd like to keep our friendship intact so let's not go there. Luv ya!”I don't typically ask unless I truly want an opinion or critique.And if that someone argues with you about it you tell them “you asked!”