2 Algebra Questions Check My Answer And Help On The Other One

Can someone help me answer this question?

We know that 1/2 of the unknown number plus one is equal to one hundred. We can find out that “99+1” is a hundred by subtracting one from a hundred. “99” is half of all the birds. Multiply by two. The one bird is talking to 198 birds.There is also a second answer that can be found from question. Let's say that the single bird is talking to 66 birds. The massive group of birds tell the 1, half of us (33birds) plus the one bird makes the total amount of birds 100... 66+33+1=100.The ACTUAL answer would be determined by how you interpret the question. I guess it could kind of show a person’a subconscious view of the world if you looked into it… but that’a different story. Is the glass full or empty?

2 Algebra Questions!! please check my answer and help on the other one!!!?

1) A No solution
The reason that A is correct is because the other points listed above do not work in either equation(as you said) and you need a point that works in both equations. If both points would have worked in both equations, then the answer would have been D.

2) A (3, -½)
x-2=-2y <--- simply divide this equation by -2
-½x+1=y <--- Plug this in whenever you see y(lets use the first equation)
4x+2(-½x+1)=11 <--- Simply multiply
4x-x+2=11 <--- Subtract 2 from both sides and combine like terms of x
3x=9 <---divide by 3
x=3 <---x term; Plug this back into one of the original equations to find the y value(Let's use the second one)
(3)-2=-2y <---3-2=1
1=-2y <---Divide by -2
-½=y <---y term

So your answer is A, (3,-½)

I hope I have helped you and you can now do problems like these with more ease. Have a happy Friday! :)

Can some one check my algebra answers for these two questions?

1)Find the domain and range of:
a) g(x)=I2x-3I-3
b) h(x)=3x+2/x-1
c) f(x)=x^4-4
a) domain=all real numbers
range= all real numbers
b) domain=(negative infinity,1)u(1, positive infinity)
range=(negative infinity,3)u(3,positive infinity)
c) domain=all real numbers
range=(-4,positive infinity)

2) If the endpoints of a diameter of a circle are (4,3)and (-3,5), what is the equation of the circle?


midpoint : (1/2, 4)
equation of the circle=(x-1/2)^2+(y-4)^2=53/4

Algebra 2 help please! Check my answers?!?

I don't know if I did these right or not so can you check my answers for me and if I didn't tell me the right answer and how to get it please and thank you.

1.Write the expression in simplified radical form. Show your work.

My Answer = 3

2.Solve the equation. Show your check then write the solution set.

My answer = x-1 = sqrt(6) sqrt(x)+10

3.Give the complex number, 5 – 3i:
a)Graph the complex number in the complex plane
b)Calculate the modulus. When necessary, round to the tenths place.

My Answer = I don't know how to do this one...

Another algebra 2 question I don't understand?

Alritey... so this is wat u do..!

let width= x
and length = 4cm + x ( as it says its longer)

now the area for rectangle is width * length

therefore A = x * (4 + x)
117 = 4x + x^2

take everything on one side so you get

x^2 + 4x - 117 = 0 (factorize it)

(x+13) ( x-9) = 0

so you get x = -13 or x = 9 ( as dimensions cannot be negative you ignore one with " - " sign)

Hence x = 9 which is our width and length = 9 + 4 = 13

width= 9
lenth = 13

To check your answer you can times both and check if you get 117 cm^2 which we do in out case so our anwer is CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!

Algebra II questions?

1. Rewrite it, part of it got cut off

x^2/33 + 2y^2/33 = 1
x^2/33 + y^2/(33/2) = 1

Thus you have an ellipse with x intercepts (solutions) at sqrt(33) and -sqrt(33).

3. 5|3x-4|=x+1
|3x - 4| = (x + 1)/5

3x - 4 = (x + 1)/5 and 3x - 4 = -(x + 1)/5

15x - 20 = x + 1
14x = 21
x = 21/14 = 3/2 (answer to first equation)

3x - 4 = -(x + 1)/5
15x - 20 = -x - 1
16x = 19
x = 19/16

x = 3/2 and 19/16

4. ([3]/[5d])/([-9]/[15df])
(3/5d) * (15df/-9)

Check My Algebra Problems?

1. Find slope and y-intercepts
the slope is ? -5
the y-intercept is? (0,-10)

2. System of Equations
x+3y=7 (1)
x=8-3y (2)
my answer (6,1/3)

3.Translate to an algebraic expression
The product of 31% and some number
My answer: 31%y

4. Solve by substitution method
my answer: (-7,5)

I really need help with some algebra questions. Some I need to have checked, while others I need help with?

C(x) = 15+ .25x<<< My Answer. I agree.

Inverse<<Distributive -- this answer looks right.
4(2x − y + 1) − 3(4x − 2y − 1)
To solve the equation, you distribute the 4* to the 2x and -y and +1, for example.

Starting with C = 2πr, the problem wants to say what π is in terms of C and r. To do this, isolate the π term.
C = 2πr ==> C / 2r = 2πr / 2r ==> C / 2r = π

−5 < − 4x + 3 ≤ 23
−5 -3 < − 4x + 3 -3 ≤ 23 -3
−8 < − 4x ≤ 20
−8 / -4 < − 4x / -4 ≤ 20 / -4
2 > x >= -5
The first image fits this.

20 + 1.5g ≤ d<<

You can plug the numbers into the equations and see which equation is true for both points.
Luckily I tried the second one first, and it works. You should probably try the others, and see that both points /don't/ work for them. (Maybe there are /two/ right answers, who knows???)
2x + y = 2
trying (2, -2) 2 (2) + (-2) =? 2 .. 4 - 2 = 2
trying (-5, 12) 2 ( -5) + 12 =? 2 .. -10 + 12 = 2

C(x) = 480x + 1600<<< My Answer -- Right.

You have the function as this: (8x5y2+12x3y20x2y7)/(4xy2) but from the answers, I think you skipped some things. It should be this: (8x5y2+12x3y6+20x2y7)/(4xy2)
The carat ^ is an accepted way of showing "to the power of", just so you know.
= 8x^5y^2 / (4xy^2) + 12x^3y^5/ (4xy^2) + 20x^2y^7 / (4xy^2)
= 2 x^4 + 3 x^2 y^3 + 5 xy^5

You have to do this one in small chunks, I think.
A rectangle with the dimensions x by x plus three is inside a larger rectangle with the dimensions three x by x squared plus seven x plus twelve.
First, list the two areas.
Area 1 = x * (x+3)
Area 2 = 3x * (x^2 + 7x + 12)

ratio of area of small to large is: area 1 / area 2

So, the answer will be a reduced form of

x*(x+3) / [3x * (x^2 + 7x + 12) ]

The answer would be this one
except that I think there should still be a 3 in the denominator.

But maybe the problem wasn't rewritten just right? Anyway, that answer is closest to correct, from the info I see.


First thank all of u who helped me on my previous question I was able to do almost all my problems after that except for one


This is what I did but I don't know if its right please help :)



Please let me know if that's right I have an exam next week your help is SUPER greatly appreciated :) THANK YOUUU :)