2 Things That Rely On Eachother To Work

2 things that rely on eachother to work?

you said they need each other. as in the other would not work with out...the other? How does water not work without fish? also insects don't need flowers, not all of them anyway.

What are some things in nature that are dependent on eachother?

bees and flowers rely heavily on each other
whales and barnacles are dependent on each other
the water cycle- rain is dependent on water and vice versa.

What is that word called when 2 things rely on each other?

It's not symbiosis because that just means whatever they are, they are living. The correct term is mutualism.

What are two things that need eachother to function?

I have to do a project where I draw Romeo and Juliet 'abstractly' and I have to draw them as objects that need eachother to function.

an example would be two blades of a pair of scissors - they need eachother to work.. I mean yeah you could use the seperate parts as knives but that's not what they're used for.

I have a few ideas but they're all obvious things like a needle and thread and stuff like that won't get us as high of a grade.


Biology is awesome!!! Life is a miracle!!!The products of one is the reactant of the next which provides the reactant to the first.We as humans, harvest energy from glucose and exhale water and carbon dioxide through cellular respiration in order to produce energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).In plants light energy, water, small amounts of glucose, and carbon dioxide that we breathe out are used to produce ATP and NADH in the light reactions. In the Calvin cycle, plants use these chemicals to produce large strands of glucose, called cellulose, which plants use as a structural framework. They as a result exhale oxygen, which as you know humans use to breathe.So you see, all living things, oxygen breathing organisms and carbon dioxide breathing plants are both critical to each other's survival. The interconnectedness of life is awesome!!!

These initially come to mind, but I know there's a more provisional term floating through sharper minds:FortifyComplementHarmonizeI requested responses from a couple motivational preachers. Bright minds who write sermons to mega-churches know this concept well because it's at the core of the concept of iron sharpening iron. Inspired Christians are all about that concept.Try the Stack Exchange forum too. It's frequently used as a collaborative thesaurus.

Do you think it is always important for workers to cooperate and rely on each other?

I believe it is important for co-workers to cooperate together to a certain degree. I mean obviously most jobs do not like the whole co-workers falling in love thing but It is important to get along. If you are friendly towards each other you can work more efficiently therefore accomplishing your work goals faster. It is harder when your colleage is trying to make trouble for you or isn't cooperative as you may end up doing all the work yourself or not to an acceptable standard. Co-workers should definately be friends if not at least cooperative.

Two things that need each other?

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two things that need each other?
looking for a tattoo idea with me and my guy and want something like... two things need the other to survive or to go on.. doesnt hav to be living just.. well you know. lol 10 points best answer ;D