2 Year Old Genius On New And What Is The Explanation Behind Such Stuffs

How do I know if my 2-year-old son is a genius?

You don’t.The kid is TWO years old, for one. The best you can do for now is observe and wait until he’s old enough and shows signs of excelling in things be it in the arts or science. Buttaht will still not mean he’s a genius. He could just be good at it because he studied hard. Or good at memorising.What I want you to do that will play a very vital role in his growth and future is that you should STOP EXPECTING. Don’t set standards. He’s a toddler. He’s supposed to spent those part of his years exploring and playing and discovering things on his own. Your part comes in when the child starts asking questions like “why is the cat meowing? Why are there stars in the sky? Why does the sun come up in the morning and why does it go down at night?”The best way to see if a child is “smart” at a young age (5–7 years old) is when they start asking the why’s when the what’s were answered. It means the topic interests them to the point that they want to LEARN more. As a parent, you should ENCOURAGE that.If your son starts drawing too much instead of answering your addition/subtraction flashcard, don’t get mad and take his crayons away. He’ll grow to resent maths (and probably sciences) and he’ll never be happy at what he does, no matter how good the income it brings to the family.If he asks why are there stars in the sky explain that there is a world greater beyond us. Explain the stars, the planets, the sun, and even why shooting stars come to be. But don’t be clinical about it, be creative. Children like cartoons because they aren’t mundane like your favorite tv series. They have short attention spans and its natural.If the child wants to have his room decorated with star stickers, help him do it. Encourage what he likes and you wouldnt need to invest on those story books and flashcards that he will barely play with because apparently you don’t have a future math-wizard. You have a future astronaut.You should let your son be whoever he wanted hinself to be, GENIUS OR NOT.

Does it take a genius to become a physicist??Explain your ans..?

No, it certainly does not take a genius. I would define a physicist as somebody who has completed their degree in the field and secured a job in the field. By that definition, all one would need to do is study and do well in college. That does not take genius level brain power, just time and committment.

There's a fine line between genius and idiocy, do you agree? what's your reasoning?

Short answer: NO, I disagree.

First off, depends what you mean by "idiocy"; by the dictionary idiocy is defined as "extreme lack of intelligence or foresight," which would mean that the two are at the extreme ends of intelligence and separated by far more than "a fine line."

Second, I'll be more liberal with the term and assume that you mean insanity (schizophrenia for example) or maybe eccentric. For mental disorders, people of high intelligence do not suffer at a rate higher than the general population, and thus this common stereotype hasn't panned out in scientific research.

As for the possibility of being eccentric, or kinda out there and weird, it may be possible- extremely intelligent people often have very academic interests that most of us find boring. In the same token, they may not also feel the need to focus on things such as the latest fashion on clothes or the newest sitcom on tv. I'll try not to go on too long here, but in closing also remember that what is weird is in the eye of the beholder.

I think my 2 1/2 year old son is extremely smart for his age?

He started showing an interest in numbers just as he turned 2. He can now count to 30 without prompting. He recognises all these numbers too. For example, if we are in the supermarket and are down aisle '17' he will tell me.
Now what stumps me is the fact that he knows and recognises the alphabet. He has known this for a few months (but not in order) If you ask him what 'television' starts with he can tell me 't' and so on.
He knows all his colours and shapes. This can't be normal?? I have two older children who didn't know any of this

Am i a genius?

Not what I would call a "genius"

You are just an over the average kid who is smart for his age. it was the same for me back then. I used to think I was so smart and all that stuff so a skipped a few grades.
It ends up totally normal though. there are just some of us who need more challenging things.

A genius would be graduating at the age of 14 and then having a certified degree in molecular construction in just a few years.

Mozart was a genius, Einstein was a genius. I found out the hard way that we're just a little over average joes.

Being intelligent can be very good, yes. You can feel more triumphant and breeze through shcool with the slightest of ease while still playing COD 4 (love that game btw) or Halo 3 without studying. I zoomed by my school years playing all but guitar hero and watching anime with straight A's too xD