3 Creative Teachers With Different Fortes Want To Start A Business

What are some business ideas with 5 lakh investment?

What type of skills do you have? What type of things you can do effectively? If you don't want to get your hands dirty then can you hire people to do service tasks? e.g for food catering, courier delivery and other stuff. For 5 Lakhs, here are 10 ideas for you to choose from. Get a car under 5 lakh, give it on rent to IT companies. Start a freelancing business for photography (wedding and corporate events)Start web design business OR IT service business that requires less than 2 L capital. Start food delivery service, if you can have catering service at home even better.Start printing services. Start with XEROX machine and then add computer printing, flex printing etc. Buy ornamental religious stuff or cheap products and sell it for profit on OLX or quickr. Sell stuff that sites like flipkart don't sell and you have unique business. Start utility service like plumbing, electrician and carpenters and hire them on task basis with 20% cut off the price paid by client. Find the gap in government or public sector services, save time of people by letting them use your service to perform tasks in these offices. Start small shop for selling food or clothing. It takes relatively quickly compared to other niches. Offer services like financial advisory, insurance etc. Get necessary accreditation for the same. And offer the services for say flat price or percent wise on advisory.

How do I start a profitable business?

Reduce friction - that’s it.Provide something people want/need and charge accordingly for the savings of time or money.Simple Example anyone can do, study guides:In high school I put together an outline for my Spanish Final 3 pages front and back, it had everything on there. The test was coming up and well you know most people slacked off and we went through about 140 pages of book.Cost: Probably about 4 hours of my time, some printer paper, and the ink.Sales: I sold out all 20 copies at $20 per for a cool $400Profit: Minus my time and materials assuming $12/hr job without the taxes about $364 in less than a week.If you find people’s friction points and you can make things infinitely easier, you’ll find a profitable business. THERE ARE LOTS.What are people required to do?What takes time for them to do?What is a huge hassle to do?Step 1: What do you know that not everyone does? What do people call you about when they need help?Step 2: How do you monetize your advice? Can you create something people would be willing to pay for?Step 3: Start. Pen and paper, computer and a blog, anything, just start. You’ll be surprised what you know a lot about. If you’ve had a job, take copious notes about how things are run, things that work, things that don’t.Most people go on to start businesses after working for another company and realizing inefficiencies. There is NO business that is run without inefficiencies, there is always room for improvement. Use logic and process and you can improve just about everything.Building on the study guides thing using logic and process.Logically, people with lower grades in the class need to do better than those that have higher grades. Targeting those students means you can charge them more for the study guide. Logic dictates that either they have a flaw in their studying process or they just don’t have the proper information and drive to succeed. They also make an easier sale.Process wise - can you save yourself even more time, can you find an existing study guide online, do some cut and paste, check it to be correct then cut your 4 hours down to 1?Or you do what I did, put in the work, take it to the teacher to check over to make sure you didn’t miss anything then put their stamp of approval on it and sell it as officially recommended.Thanks Mr. Gonzales!

Is there a difference between being smart and wise?

Also, is it possible to be smart, but in a different sense? I heard there were several different types of "smartness" (verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, social-interpersonal, & intra-personal).

I find that if I teach myself something I'm better at it. I'm good at english and reading and stuff. But I find that "book smarts" aren't exactly my forte. I have a hard time understanding simple directions a lot of the time (dyslexia) and have a hard time getting to places on time (people often see me as a flake or ditz). But if I walk into a room, I can immediately tell what emotions people are feeling, and I'm always analyzing myself and others (like I know why I or other people do the things they do), am always thinking about what's beyond this world, and in a lot of ways I feel more "wise" than I do "smart". Music seems to affect me really deeply too. If I listen to a sad song, I literally feel a heaviness on my chest, if it's a happy/energetic song, I'm bouncing off the walls. The tune and everything really gets to me.

Is it possible to be more wise than smart or to be smart in a different way? Because I've always felt different from other people. People have often thought of me as a ditz, but I feel like I'm intelligent but on a different level, maybe a deeper level? Like I'm more aware of things such as who I am as a person, why people do things, life/experiences, etc... What do you all think? Sorry to keep rambling.


Where do you go after getting a creative writing degree?

Your mum has a good point. I did a similar arts degree, and recently bumped into someone from my university. We were talking about who we keep in touch with, and when I mentioned someone else from our course, she asked "Which fast food chain is she working for now?"

Seriously, though, there are things you will be able to use your degree for, other than teaching - although that is probably the most straight-forward and, believe it or not, profitable career path. Until you have got your own fiction under way, you can look at other writing jobs, for example with newspapers and magazines, preferably those that cater to your interests. Although there isn't always a lot of money in doing this at first, and you may need to start at the bottom or freelance to begin, it will mean that your name will be out there and gaining recognition for when you are ready to look for publishers for your own work, and will also provide you with a folio of published work, should you be asked to present this to anyone in future. Other options are things like copywriting for publicity companies, press releases, things like that. Think about looking at public relations firms and things like that.

Good luck!

Seeking child's font to help with learning to write numbers?

I am trying to teach my 4 year old how to write and I am looking for a font which has the number 4 in it that is written as a vertical line down, a horizontal line across and then a separate small vertical line down crossing the horizontal line (i.e. like a cross but with a vertical line attached to the left). This is the way they are taught to write in school but all the fonts I can find have the number 4 either as in Times New Roman (one line) or with a diagonal line instead of a vertical. Rather uselessly none of the samples I see on-line show the way the numbers appear. Does anyone have any info (if it has the fonts as dots that can be joined up then so much the better).


What can we do to improve the Indian education system? How can a possible solution be brought to the government’s attention?

**Education in India** is provided by the public sector as well as the private sector , with control and funding coming from three levels: central , state and local . Under various articles of the Indian Constitution, free and compulsory education is provided as a fundamental right to children between the ages of 6 and 14. The ratio of public schools to private schools in India is 7:5.We have a large population where entrance exam based higher education is quite popular but worst thing we have is that no personal choice is available even if you get selected in JEE ENTRANCE exam for any IIT because everything is dependent on rank and students are forced to take branches as per their rank. We have seen movies like “3 IDIOTS” and appreciated a lot but sadly we have nothing beyond appreciation.Almost 6 months back i was having similar itching in my brain about our education system and i was searching google and instantly my eyes glittered by seeing a startup Rankethon on facebook that was running innovation in learning program in different schools and colleges with real life implementation of practical world. I applied for internship in the startup and got to know they are ground to earth team with huge stretch on practical innovation on the basis of interest.Rankethon changed my life a lot as from there only i got enough hope to pursue my dreams as per my interest and the robotics automation field became my key interest. I have even never imagined that something like Rankethon will be started in such a dirty market of India where everyone is running crap schools/colleges/institutes for money purpose only as everyone promises a lot but real picture use to be disgusting.These type of organizations needs to be boosted and supported even i say other startups should also start from the same concept by establishing strong base, as this is the only way Indian education system can be reformed in a manner which can do over all development of the nation.Indian government should understand such startup and support them to enrich the Indian education system with innovations