37 Weeks Pergnant What Are Signs Of Labor Without Water Breaking

Signs of water breaking?

is there any signs that your water is going to break or does it just happen? i mean any cramping, weird fetal movement, nausea? i'm 37 weeks and havent read anything about it so does is just happen?

What are the signs of labour at 40 weeks of pregnancy?

Why is it important to wait till 40 weeks of your pregnancy?Even though your baby is considered full term at 37 weeks, staying pregnant until 39-40 weeks has tremendous benefits for both, you and your baby. Research shows that every week of pregnancy is important for the baby's development. If you've tracked your pregnancy week by week, you'll see the rapid progress your baby makes during each week. The last few weeks of pregnancy are as important as any other week - as many vital organs are still developing at this stage. Consider this, at 35 weeks gestation, your baby's brain is only about 2/3 the size that it would be at 39-40 weeks. This is also the period when the folds of the brain - which help co-ordinate the sucking and swallowing action - are developing. Studies show that full term babies are able to suck and swallow more effectively than babies born earlier.A quick look at pregnancy symptoms at 40 weeksYou're in the final weeks of pregnancy almost reached the end of the journey. With the big day just around the corner, it's a good idea to keep your hospital bag ready - because the baby may pop out any time. Meanwhile, here are some symptoms that are typical during 40 weeks of pregnancyYou may run out of patience due to sheer tirednessGetting a good night's sleep may be difficultYour body is preparing for labour, so watch out for those early signs of labour - like abdominal cramps, bleeding/spottingA lot of women experience the 'nesting instinct' - an obsession to clean the house and prepare for baby's homecoming.Your baby drops further down into the pelvis. As a result you could have some discomfort in the lower abdomen.Since the baby has been pushed down, it exerts extra pressure on your bladed, increasing the frequency of your visits to the toiletSometimes, even before the onset of labour, the water bag may break (rupture of the amniotic sac). It's normally a sign that labour will begin in the next 24 hours.This is also the time when you may experience the Braxton Hicks Contractions. These are irregular, false contractions which may be hard to be distinguished from the real labour.

37 weeks pregnant - no signs of labor.....?

I'm in my 37th week of pregnancy and I'm not having any labor symptoms. :( I actually feel pretty good - more energy than I've had in a while. I am having some muscle soreness from stretching etc. but that's about it.

Do you think this means the baby is going to be late?

What are the most common signs of early labor at 33 weeks pregnant?

Sometimes we find ourselves convinced that something healthwise is happening to us when it isn’t; I can certainly attest to that. As a current medical student, I find that at times I'm convinced I have a particular disorder, when chances are I don't.However, pregnancy is a delicate time. If you have any indication that things are abnormal during pregnancy, you should seek medical attention immediately. I'm not trying to stress you out or anything, but it is much better to have a doctor tell you everything is fine than to wait and find out later that something was, in fact, wrong. My advice would be to go see a doctor and do not delay.

40 weeks and 4 days pregnant, no sign of labor?

That Happened To My Sister, she was very frighted about the subject, Her Baby Was A week over due, She Had To Be Induced, She Didn't Want That But It Was For The Best

If You Want A More Natural Way To Give Birth Other Than A C Section, I Suggest Talking To Your Doctor About Being Induced If You Dont Do Into Labor Soon.

More Infomation On Labor induction

Common suggested reasons for induction include:
The baby is believed to be getting too big.
Post-term pregnancy, i.e. if the pregnancy has gone past the 42 week mark.
Intrauterine fetal growth retardation (IUGR).
There are health risks to the woman in continuing the pregnancy (e.g. she has pre-eclampsia).
Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM); this is when the membranes have ruptured, but labor does not start within a specific amount of time.[2]
Premature termination of the pregnancy (abortion).
Scheduling concerns.
Fetal death in utero.
Twin pregnancy continuing beyond 38 weeks.

Good Luck With Your Bundle Of Joy!!

37 weeks pregnant what are signs?

Hey there, dont' listen to the others here saying this is a stupid question. I'm pregnant with my second, but since I was induced with my first I had NO idea what the signs of labour were either.

At my prenatal courses I took they said to wait for pains that come rhythmically, these can be pains in your back or your belly. Once they start to come about 5 mins apart then you can go into the hospital.

If your water breaks on it's own before that, don't submerge yourself in water, don't have sex, and don't check yourself for dialation... all these can cause infection and distress to your baby.

If you're looking for ways to start labour naturally at home try sex (semen is a natural prostaglandin - what doctor's use to ripen the cervix), orgasm and nipple stimulation release oxytocin (the natural form of pitocin which doctor's use to induce). Also walking helps by stimulating your bowels (don't ask! hehe). Never take caster oil as is suggested by some moms, this can lead to dehydration and infection because it gives you the runs!

Signs that it's coming soon? A blood tinted glob of goo in your panties (mucus plug), more and more braxton hicks contractions that never seem to get in rythem, and you'll have a hell of a time sleeping.

Good luck!

I'm 40 weeks pregnant, when should I suspect to go into labor?

40 weeks? Figure on any minute now! Make sure your hospital bag is packed, the baby’s room is ready, and all sorts of other little bits and pieces of things to keep your mind busy. Do your best to get a good night’s sleep (impossible, I know, but try) and walk around a lot inside the house—since it’s cold and likely to be slippery outside, and not safe. Be patient. It seems like you’ve been waiting forever, but it’s the last minute now! Just a day or two and you will be holding that lovely little baby in your loving arms.

38 Weeks - No Signs Of Impending Labor?

the due date is a rough estimate, the date could be up to two weeks off, so you might actually have four weeks left to go, not two. (I know you didn't want to hear that).

When I was preggers with my son, I was so hot and miserable all summer and couldn't wait to deliver. I thought he'd be in there forever!

I didn't show any signs of impending delivery til two days before I went into labor, the first sign was the mucus plug. The doctor still had to break my water for me and I ended up with a c section.

Bottom line is this - you will not be pregnant forever, its okay if you don't have your baby the same time as your friends do, your baby will be just as loved and cooed over as everyone elses.

Even if the baby decides he or she doesn't want to come out and meet the world, the doctor will at some point in the next few weeks take matters into his own hands if it comes to that and bring your baby out for you.

May you have a beautiful, healthy and happy baby in the near future!!!

I'm 37 weeks and no sign of labor or pain or specific discharge, first pregnancy, when is it likely I will deliver?

Normal pregnancy lasts about 37 to 42 weeks. Delivery is normal at any point within this time frame.It is NORMAL  to observe signs of labour which include painful uterine contractions (labor pains), drainage of liquor (breaking of water ), passage of show (a thick blood stained mucus discharge from the cervix ) at this time.So you have no worries.You have about 5 more weeks within within which delivery is deeemed normal.The woman is given the chance to fall into labour naturally if there are no contraindications.If this does not happen, we can induce labour usually from 41 weeks 3 days to ensure the baby's safety.

I'm 38 and a half weeks pregnant, dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced. How close am I to going into labor?

You could BE IN LABOR.If you start experiencing contractions don't hesitate to go to the hospital. Right now.I was in exactly your situation when my water broke (slowly,…imperceptibly, because my baby's head was plastered against my cervix) and when we arrived at the hospital I was informed there was mecunium (my baby had already defecated inside my uterus. It was time to go.)If you're feeling like the baby is coming out then you need to go to the hospital. Let the delivery team work out the details.And don't wait. If they say your baby is in distress then do what needs to be done. I wish someone had told me this before I went through 17 hours of labor. I never fully dilated and they performed an emergency c- section… don't risk your baby's life.