4. List 3 Ways That Hamilton And Jefferson Differed Politically And Economically

Thomas Jefferson vs. Alexander Hamilton?

You're right to conclude that Jefferson and Hamilton never resolved their differences; however, both were actutly aware of the other's position. I can tell by your question that you do not need a history lesson of each man's political platform. Yet, your thesis needs some work. Mainly, they were often in direct contact with one another.Regardless of effort, Jefferson and Hamilton had irreconsible differences. Secondly, they may have taken a different aproach if they could've seen the ill-consequences of a two party system.

Neither writing nor speech could bridge the gap between
the two ideologies.Both worked diligently to guide the infant government. Hind sight is 20/20; Jefferson would be apalled if he observed the widespread powers of federal government, maybe Hamilton would advocate caution as well. Washington's words were almost prophetic.

The end result has been tramatic towards our development as a progressive nation. Please do not misunderstand me, we have experienced unparrelled success. Yet, our success has been won in spite of a two party system. The two parties have served their purpose (Divide and Conquer). By pitting the two parties against one another, politicians have been able to garner support without addressing the problems that face their constituents. The two party system is so ingrained in American political culture that I'm afraid only revolution could replace it. Hopefully I'm entirely incorrect.

Nevertheless, until the two party system is replaced, politicians will continue to gain power by playing-up the assumed differences of their adversaries. In exchange for power, given by the citizens, the people will see little more than political favors and the mainteniance of the current balance of wealth. In short, we do not elect our representatives, their parties do.

If you wish to tackle the evils of a two party system, you may wish to rewrite your thesis statement. Maybe try:

Generations after the creation of a two party system, first illustrated by differences b/w Jefferson and Hamilton, one might wonder if both Jefferson and Hamilton would be willing to work together to avoid the devision caused by two factions.

I hope this is helpful.

What are the differences between Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans?

Like, their political views; the differences between what they think; etc.
PLEASE HELP. I'm a Freshman in highschool and this paper is for a college class! I'm gonna be screwed if I can't get some good answers! Will pick Best Answer!

Whose ideas were best for the new nation – Hamilton or Jefferson?

Hamilton- Wanted a strong central government which made use of loose interpretation of the constitution
Believed the country should focus mainly on industry
Wanted favorable ties with England
For elastic clause(if the constitution doesn't say anything about it, then its ok)

Jefferson- Wanted a weaker central government and states with more powers, also strict interpretation of the constitution. Thought that country should focus on agriculture
Wanted favorable ties with France. Against use of elastic clause

In the end, president Washington listened the most to Hamilton, because he was the secretary of finance and the nations huge war debt was Washington's biggest problem. Later on during his administration, Jefferson says to hell with no elastic clause because he needed it to buy Louisiana from the french

What are the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson's views?

They disagreed about almost everything.Two of their disagreements that are still pretty relevant:1. Hamilton believed that there should be a strong federal government, Jefferson believed that the states should be stronger.2. Hamilton believed that Blacks and Whites were equal in ability and that the apparent differences were due to different circumstances (like the Blacks being slaves, being forbidden to read, being ill fed, etc). Jefferson believed Blacks were "inferior in both mind and body".Some other disagreements:Hamilton thought senators and presidents should be elected for life. Jefferson did not.Jefferson thought there should be periodic revolutions. Hamilton did not.Hamilton was a strong supporter of a national bank (and helped found it). Jefferson thought this was unconstitutional.Hamilton proposed freeing slaves and arming them to fight the British. Jefferson owned slaves and thought the institution would die out on its own.

What is the differences between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson?

Hamilton believed in big government, a strong, federal government more like a monarchy than a democracy. He believed only educated, wealthy, land owners should be allowed to vote and participate in government. Large industry and manufacturing much like today's big corporations should be America's economic strength and backbone . He also favored trade and an alliance with England. He believed free speech, and certain rights should be limited, and a national language be English.

Jefferson believe the common man should run the government and govern ourselves. He believed in small, family owned and individual business, should be the driving force of America's economy. Was very strong on states rights, as opposed to a central government. Everyone should be equal and have individual freedom and rights, provided they did not infringe on the rights of others.

In short, Hamilton believe people needed to be managed and controlled by a national government. Jefferson believed in self government of and by the people. Probably their biggest fight and disagreement, was Hamilton believed in a federal bank, like today's Federal Reserve. Jefferson totally opposed it.