45 Mins Of Strength And Cardio Enough

Is 30 minutes of strength workout enough?

I agree with Steve Link. You need to set your goal first and then think about length, frequency and type of workout.Yes, 30 min is regular workout time for beginners, but I wouldn’t say it is best for after some time. I do around 30–45 min of workout for the main muscle group(depends on the day) and 10–15 more minutes cardio or abs workout.I would suggest not to limit on the length of the workout and focus on the workout it self.

Is a 30-minute cardio per day good enough?

That sounds like a good plan. You should take one day off from exercising to give your body a rest. Also, over time your body will get used of the half hour workouts and they will become easy, that is the time to step it 45 minutes or an hour 3 days a week and 30 minutes 3 days a week. I find doing one exercise over and over again gets boaring so you could pick a day or two to go for a nice long walk..try and find hills.
That is a very reasonable goal, if you stick to your plan you should have no problem...good luck!

30 minutes of cardio daily. Not long enough?

20 is the minimum, 30 is quite good, especially if it's daily. If you watch fat intake, keep calories under control and do this daily I think you should lose weight. I worked out with weights, stretching and 30 mins on a treadmill 3 times a week and lost 25 pounds. I also cut out alcohol, sweets, fats and most meat. Sustained it for about 10 years till I hit mental-pause.

Is 20 min on a stair master enough cardio per day?

You should have a daily average of exercising of 30 minutes to maintain weight (for your cardiovascular system’s health), one hour to lose half a pound of fat reserves a week, and two hours to lose one pound of fat reserves a week (each pound of fat reserves is 3,500 calories of exercising).

Of course, if you eat a lot, you could still gain weight working out 30 minutes a day or not lose any weight working out one hour a day, which is the best to be at, once you’re fit and want to maintain your muscle mass to stay fit while not having to worry about your calorie intake.

Now the 30 minutes for your cardiovascular system’s health include the 5 minutes warm up and the 5 minutes cool down so you’re only in your THR (Target Heart Rate) zone for 20 minutes, which, according to studies, is the minimum time to start getting health benefits.

For fat burning, be aware that your body starts using a percentage of fat reserves after about 20 minutes. The lower the intensity of the aerobics, the higher the percentage of fat reserves used.

Once you’re in your zone, breathing hard, sweating and drinking water, you’re thinking of all the time you need to go to the gym, change, warm up, stretch…then you’ll have to cool down, shower, go back home. You might as well stay in your zone as long as you can to make it worth it.

For toning, you should do weight training and you need a good blood sugar level because you cannot use fat reserves for weight training, since it is anaerobic (fat burning shuts down) so you get enough energy to be able to push yourself beyond your limit. Then you need to make sure that you eat a lot of proteins and more carbs for the repairing process.

30 minutes cardio & 30 minutes weight training?

You sound really motivated! I think you should do 45 minutes cardio and 30 minutes weight training, but only do it 6 days a week so your body can get some rest; that actually helps muscles develop faster. On the day you don't exercise, though, eat about 1200 calories, and don't eat any sugar or junk, b/c if you're not exercising it will go straight to fat.
Try mixing up your routine also. So if you normally jog on the treadmill for cardio, swim the next day, and take a 5-mile-walk the day after that. The swimming will tone muscles that walking and jogging can't reach. But walking/jogging are great for your legs.

One last thing: for your strength training, be sure to do weights, lunges, squats, situps, and pushups--those are the most important exercises. Also stationary bicycle helps flatten your tummy: try for how to do it.

Good luck! =)

Is 45 mins cardio and 20 mins muscles training enough along side healthy diet for weight loss and and a good shape (I'm a female)?

45 minutes of cardio is the WORST thing for fat loss & puts your health at risk.There have been several studies showing as we age, long steady state cardio actually turns you into a fat storing machine!What cardio does is make you more “efficient” at using fat as an energy source. On the surface this sounds fantastic, but it’s definitely bad.Being efficient at using fat means you start to use fat slower and “better” to fuel activity. To be more “efficient” at using fat as an energy source means to burn less of it, not more of it! You’re getting “more” out of “less.”The problem with cardio gets even worse…As you become more and more efficient at storing fat then your only option is to go longer and longer, which then in turn only enhances the effect of burning less and less fat as you get better conditioned! It’s a deadly snowball.Isn’t this the exact opposite of why you introduced cardio in the first place?Eventually, you have to go LONGER to get the SAME effect as you did before, which is the law of diminishing returns. This sets up a very bad situation for your body, sex-drive, and lifestyle.WHY in the world would you participate in an activity where, after a while, you need to do more of it to get the same previous results? Especially when there are easier, faster and smarter options such as this brand-new approach I created that is making huge waves in the industry right now.In short, incorrect cardio reduces your calorie-burning machinery. It gives you a smaller and more efficient engine.

I do cardio twice a week for 30 minutes. Is this enough?

Congratulations on making the decision to get healthier. Doing cardio is a great way to support your eating plan. If you are interested in getting leaner, this is a perfect choice as it will work all of the muscles in your body. However, you will probably want to include one more day of workouts if this is your only exercise plan.The best option for getting leaner though is through a healthy diet. A combination of proteins (for building muscle), carbohydrates and fats is necessary to fuel the fat burning machine inside of you. Try to include whole foods and fresh water as much as possible as this will further accentuate the process.Moderate activity should be your goal and cardio is again a fantastic option. If you are looking to build muscle though, resistance training is the better route. Muscles will only get larger through activity and they tend to repair themselves and grow after a heavy workout. Be sure to eat right and be active to accomplish your goal.Read about proper nutrition and fitness at

Is 30 minutes of cardio in the morning and 1.5 hours in the gym with cardio and weight training safe and good for weight loss?

Hi!There are few things I like to address here.I think most of your “weight loss” till now has come from dramatic calorie deficit and long hours of cardio! Is 118 kilos your current weight or did you start from 118 kgs and lose 22 kilos?The 1st thing that came to my mind the moment I read your question and the comment is “over training”. If you follow a routine like the one you have mentioned in your question, you will (a) never break your weight loss plateau and (b) end up over training.I don’t know why you want to be so harsh on your body in the name of “weight loss”. A good loss program will yield positive results. Similarly, a horrible workout program will be counterproductive and risky!I’ll break down your workout schedule and tell you what will happen if you follow it.A 30 min walk early morning does nothing “if your goal is lose fat and retain lean muscle mass”. The best time to workout for fat loss is early morning. This is time when your body will dig into the fat stores for energy. Walking for 30 mins will ensure that your body begins to eat into its own muscles for energy. It starts to store fat for survival. The result is that you will stop losing weight and fat because your body will sacrifice muscle mass leaving your metabolism at an all time low. This means that you will burn fewer & fewer calories as you progress and eventually hit a plateau.Adding to this damage, you will weight train for an hour in the evening. You are already running low on energy from your early morning muscle breakdown and fatigue when you get into your weight training. This means, you will never be able to lift well and lift for gains (be it muscle gain or fat loss). As if this body shock and damage is not enough, you are planning for an extra 30 mins of cardio after weight training. For optimal performance and results, a good 45 - 60 mins workout is best. After that, your body starts to increase lactic acid and cortisol production. Cortisol induces insulin resistance leading to fat gain.Lastly, your program does not include “ample recovery” time!Definitely over training!

2x30 minutes cardio or 1x60 minutes?

Go with 2x30. It's not just about calories burned during the exercise but after wards as well. Two sessions will prolong that recovery period.