4x^6/2x^8 Write In Positive Exponents

Exponents and division?

1. Factor a 3 out of the constants and cancel out x^5
answer 3x^3/4

2. To make an exponent positive put a move it to the denominator of the fraction.
answer 1/n^5

3. Factor a 3 out of the constants, cancel x and y
answer y^3/3

4. Factor a 5 out of the constants cancel an h and a k^2
answer 3h^5k

5. cancel f^5
answer 2f^5

1. cancel the 12, m, n
1/m^2n^4 to get rid of the fraction make the exponents negative
answer m^-2 n^-4

2. cancel x^3 and Y^2
y^2/x^6 to get rid of the fraction make x's exponent negative
y^2 x^-6

3. cancel 2, x^2
2y/x to get rid of the fraction make x's exponent negative

2y x^-1

Simlify. when appropriate, write in standard form. All exponents should be positive?

1) (-3x^2 + 4x - 7) + (2x^2 - 7x + 8)
Remove the parentheses and then combine the "similar" terms:
= -3x^2 + 2x^2 + 4x - 7x - 7 + 8
Simplify by adding and subtracting:
= -x^2 - 3x + 1

2) (39a^4 - 4a^3 + 2a^2 - a - 7) - (10a^4 + 3a^3 - 2a^2 - a + 8)
Multiply - 1 by each term inside each parenthesis and this becomes:
= 39a^4 - 4a^3 + 2a^2 - a - 7 + ( - 10a^4 - 3a^3 + 2a^2 + a - 8)
Now combine all similar terms:
= 29a^4 - 7a^3 + 4a^2 - 15

3) - 3xy^3(x - 2y)
Multiply - 3xy^3 by each term:
= - 3x^2y^3 + 6xy^4

4) (8a^3b^2)(2a^ - 4b^ - 5)
Remove all negative exponents in the term 2a^( - 4)b^( - 5):
= (8a^3b^2)((2)/(a^4b^5))
Multiply 8a^3b^2:
= 16/(ab^3)

4) (3x^3y^2)/(6x^ - 2y^5)
Reduce the expression by removing a factor of 3x^( - 2)y^2 from both the numerator and denominator:
= (x^5)/(2y^3)

5) (3x^2 + x - 1)(2x - 3)
Multiply each term in the first polynomial by each term in the second polynomial:
= 6x^3 - 7x^2 - 5x + 3

6) ( - 3x^2y^3z)^3
Multiply through the terms and this becomes:
= - 27x^6y^(9)z^3

6) (3x + 7)(2x - 5)
Multiply through the terms and this becomes:
= 6x^2 - x - 35

7) 64x^3y^2 - 16x^2y^3 + (32x^5y^5)/ (8x^2y^2)
Reduce this expression by removing a factor of 8x^2y^2 from the numerator and denominator:
= 64x^3y^2 - 16x^2y^3 + 4x^3y^3
Next, reorder this alphabetically from left to right, starting with the highest order term:
= 4x^3y^3 + 64x^3y^2 - 16x^2y^3

8) 2x^2z(3x - 2z)
Multiply through the terms and this becomes:
= 6x^3z - 4x^2z^2

9) (10a^3b^2c^7)/(5a^5bc^7)
Reduce this by removing a factor of 5a^3bc^(7) from the numerator and denominator:
= (2b)/(a^2)

10) (15a^4b^2c)^0
When you see anything raised to the 0th power, in other words ^0, it is simply 1. In this problem, notice that the entire thing is to the 0th power, so the answer is:
= 1

11) (x + 6)^2
= (x + 6) (x + 6)
Multiply each term in the first group by each term in the second group using the FOIL (First Outer Inner Last):
= x^2 + 12x + 36

Simplify each in the space provided, showing all steps. Answers should have positive exponents.?

1. (2x^2y)^0 (3xy)
2. a^-2 b^3 a3
3. 4^-5 4^6 / 4^2
4. (2x)^-2 (2y)^3 (4x)
5. (a^-3 b^2 c)^-2 / (ab^-c3)^-1
6. 2^4 8^3 16^-2 / 32^-1
7. (5u^2v / 2uv^2) x (-3uv / 2u^2v0) ^3
8. (3^-1 + 2^-1)^2
9. a^-1 - 3a^-2 / 2^-2

Write the following with positive exponents, and then simplify, when possible?

1) (2x)^-2

2) (x^6/x^-8)^3

3) The number 0.23 104 is not in scientific notation because 0.23 is less than 1. Write 0.23 104 in scientific notation.


How do you write expressions without a fraction bar?

You need to know exponent laws. A POSITIVE exponent in the denominator is a NEGATIVE exponent in the numerator. Example of first one:


Note, the base is a in both numerator and denominator, so this allows us to raise the denominator into the numerator such that:

a^(7-10) = a^-3, so now you have expressed it without a division or fraction bar as you put it.

By exponent laws, a^-3 is the same thing as 1/a^3, a^-3 = 1/a^3

Number 2 Use cancelation of the terms

4x^2y/2x^3 = 4/2 x^2/x^3, and this gives us 2 and by exponent laws x^2/x^3 = x^(2 - 3) = x^-1
So our answer then is: 2x^-1 and as I said this is also equal to 2/x, note in the denominator, that the value of 1 becomes positive and that x is the same thing as x^1.

Third one:

x^3/x^9 3/9 y^4/y^2 = x^(3 - 9) 1/3 y^(4 - 2) = x^-6 1/3 y^2 = 1/3x^-6y^2 and 1/3 is still showing with a fraction so 1/3 = 0.333 approximately and so the final solution is: 0.333x^-6y^2

What is the number of terms in the expansion of [math](x - 3x² + 3x³)^{20}[/math]?

Taking ‘x’ common, we get (1 – 3x + 3x^2)^20.Now, in the expansion, highest and lowest powers of x will be 40 and 0 respectively.And since it has continuous powers of x (0,1 and 2), the expansion will have all the powers of x ranging from 0 to 40.Therefore, the no. of terms in the expansion will be 41.

Simplify the following expression and write your answer using positive exponents only.?

(a) [ (x^2 y^-4) / (x^3 y^2) ]^-3 (since you are dividing by a neg root use the reciprocal)
(x^2 y^-4) (x^3 y^2)^3
(x^2 y^-4) (x^9 y^6)
(x^11 y^2)

(b) [ (-2x^6 y^-3) / 9z^7 ]^-2

(-2x^6 y^-3)( 81z^14)
(81z^14) /4x^12 y^-6)
(81z^14 y^6) / (4x^12)

How do I obtain constant terms in binomial expansion?

Let us try to view the general term of a binomial expansion in a slightly different way.Let us consider an example where we need to find the constant term in the expansion of [math](x - \frac{2}{x^2})^9[/math]General term for the above binomial is: [math]T_{r+1} = \ ^{9}C_{r}(x)^{9- r}(-\frac{2}{x^2})^{r}[/math][math]T_{r+1} =  \ ^{9}C_{r}(x)^{9- r}(-2)^{r}(x)^{-2r}[/math][math]T_{r+1} =  \ ^{9}C_{r}(-2)^{r}(x)^{9-3r}[/math]Now for a term in the expansion to be constant, the power of x should be 0.So, 9 - 3r = 0r =3Therefore, the 4th term in the expansion of [math](x - \frac{2}{x^2})^9[/math] is the constant term.[math]T_{3+1} =  \ ^{9}C_{3}(-2)^{3}(x)^{9-3*3}[/math][math]T_{4} = \ 84 (-8) \ = \ - 672 [/math]Method: Step 1: Find the general term in the expansion of the binomial.Step 2: Collect all the powers of x terms and make it one entityStep 3: Set the power of x equal to 0 and find the value of rStep 4: Substitute back the value of r in the general term to get the constant term.Note: If r is fractional, then there is no constant term in the expansion.I hope it helps!

Put y= x2 + 4x - 6 in vertex form (y=a(x-h)2 + k) and state the vertex, axis of symmetry, y-intercept-PLZ HELP?

Hint: Use ^ to indicate exponents in the future if you do not know how to write the exponents.
Example: y = x^2 + 4x - 6

You have to complete the square to convert it into vertex form.

y = x² + 4x - 6

y = (x² + 4x) - 6

y = (x² + 4x) - 6

Add placeholders.
y = (x² + 4x + ___) - 6 - 1(___)

Notice that the second blank is multiplied by -1 to account for what you had to add to complete the square.

Take the coefficient of the x term: 4
Divide it by 2: 4 / 2 = 2
Square it: (2)² = 4

Add 4 to both blanks.
y = (x² + 4x + 4) - 6 - 1(4)

x² + 4x + 4 is the expanded form of a perfect square binomial.

Remember that (a + b)² = a² + 2ab + b². Apply this to what you have.
y = (x² + 4x + 4) - 6 - 1(4)
y = (x + 2)² - 6 - 1(4)

Simplify the rest.
y = (x + 2)² - 6 - 4
y = (x + 2)² - 10

Remember that the vertex form is: y = a(x - h)² + k

y = (x + 2)² - 10
y = [(x)² + 2(x)(2) + (2)²] - 10
y = (x² + 4x + 4) - 10
y = (x²) + 1(4x) + 1(4) - 10
y = x² + 4x + 4 - 10
y = x² + 4x - 6

ANSWER: y = (x + 2)² - 10 is the vertex form.

Given: y = (x + 2)² - 10
Means: h = -2
Means: k = -10
Means: a = 1

ANSWER: The vertex is at (-2, -10).

Since the equation is a function of x and a is positive, the parabola opens upwards.

Parabolas that open upwards or downwards have an axis of symmetry that is the same as the h coordinate of the vertex.

ANSWER: The axis of symmetry is at x = -2.

Remember that y-intercepts have x = 0. Find the value of y when x = 0 by substitution x with 0 in the original equation.

y = x² + 4x - 6
y = 0² + 4(0) - 6
y = 0 + 0 - 6
y = -6

ANSWER: The y-intercept is at (0, -6).