6 Week Old Kitten And Washing

6 week old kitten with fleas?

Your vet can properly flea treat her. None of the over the counter stuff you can buy is safe for use in kittens younger than 12 weeks, but actually most of that stuff isn't safe - period. The flea products made by Hartz, Sargent's, Zodiac, etc contain ingredients that can cause seizures and death in adult cats, and are especially lethal to kittens.

Bathing her frequently like this isn't a good idea either - you're going to dry out her skin and all bathing does is wash the live fleas off. It's important to get her a flea treatment, as fleas can quite literally suck the life out of a kitten. They cause tapeworm, and flea bite anemia.

Call the vet and make an appointment to take her in. Take a stool sample with you as well, and she can be wormed at the same time he flea treats her. Pick up a safe flea treatment for your dog while you're at the vet, as he should be treated as a precaution as there are bound to be fleas in the house.

Can I bathe my 6 week old kitten? ?

Because your kitten is too young to keep up his own grooming, you will have to do it for him. In this case, I would bathe him, but be very careful that he does not get chilled. Use warm water and either a pet shampoo or baby shampoo. Dry the fur as thoroughly as you can with one towel, then take another dry towel and toss it in the dryer for a few minutes to get it nice and warm. Wrap the kitten in the warm towel and hold him until he is nearly dry, and he should be fine.

Of course, that's not saying he'll LIKE it. :)

4-6 week old kitten covered in fleas?

The earliest you can use just about any flea product is Advantage and the kitten must be 8 weeks old and you MUST use the kitten dosage. All the others are several weeks older.

Dawn is not now nor has it ever been a flea product. That's an urban myth. It's used by rescue groups for cleaning off sea birds after an oil spill. It is used because it is so mild it won't kill the birds and yet it cuts through grease and oil. That's all it does. You can use Dawn (and only that brand), you can use baby shampoo, you can use any very mild shampoo to wash the kitten. All you are doing is washing off fleas and drowning them. You ALWAYS have to use a flea comb at least 3 to 6 more times on the animal to comb left over fleas that didn't wash off.

Make sure you keep him warm on a heating pad (on low and wrapped in a pillow case) after a bath!

Just so you know, fleas can climb out of a vacuum. So if your vac has bags you must throw it away and use a new bag every time. If you have one with a plastic cannister you need to dump it every time and wash it out.

You need to have that kitten blood tested for FIV and FeLV. If positive for FIV it can live a good long life indoors only, not around other cats, and with consistent annual vet care and kept stress free. If positive for FeLV discuss prognosis with vet because that is fatal for cats. Both those can be transmitted from the mother so always have blood tests for rescued strays!

Your kitten should be on KMR for at least 2 more weeks before you start to transition it to kitten kibble and canned kitten food.

Good luck!

How often should i feed my 6 week old kitten?

I have a 6 week old kity and I know nothing about them I am allergic to cats but I Found this in a bad living inviorment she had lots of flea and really dirty. But i took her in and bought her food and Even a little pink bed with bows on it! I really love her even though i itch alittle bit and get watery eyes. I have no carpet and an air purifire so i think i am good.
She acts like she wants to eat allday I feed her 4 times aday can food but she wants more and i dont want to over feed her being a baby i know how that can be! thanks

How do I bathe a 6 week old kitten?

It can be unsafe to bathe a kitten with flea shampoo not designed for kittens, but otherwise, human shampoo is better than dish soap. Also, if the kitten is still small, be careful not to use too much water. I recommend the sink and avoiding the head so he doesn't smother.

After the bath, I recommend you get him some flea medicine and tapeworm pills. Lots of fleas has always led to tapeworms in my experience. If you can afford it, get him a monthly prescription of Advantage Multi from a vet. Good luck! ;-)

Can i give my 7 week old kitten a bath?

I give kittens as young as two weeks a bath.

You just want to go slow, keep the head above water, use a very gentle soap, preferably one approved for kittens, and keep the kitten warm and dry it off quickly. Water should be warm to the touch but not hot.

I have a 6 week old kitten who keeps peeing on my bed?

My kitten was left by it's mother. And I have been her new mother now for a little over two weeks. She is litter trained. She has not had any accidents but when she gets around my feather down quilt. I washed it the first time three times in extra hot water, left it off my bed for about a week. No accidents any where. She uses her litter box and she sleeps with me every nite. A week later I put my feather down back on my bed, and she pees on it again. What is it about the feather down? I love my kitty but I love my feather down to. Anyone have any good suggestions, besides lock her in a bathroom or put her litter box in one room and lock her in it. Because this is the only times she has pee'ed any where besides in the litter box. I can have any other blankets on my bed, but my feather down, no problem no accident's. Desperate mom in need of good advise. Can't wait to hear the great answers. Thank You!