Can war be justified long answers please

Can war be justified (long answers please)?

It is very hard to say if it can be justified, but we can do some research and get some ideas.
For example, after WW1 Germany was very limited and dying slowly because of the Treaty of Versailles. They had a gigantic debt, they couldn't have an army (so they had no defense), the country was divided, and some other consequenses. So we could maybe say that a war comes when:

The country has to pay an unfair debt: they would never prosper because of the debt.
The country in defenseless and has to obbey to an unfair Treaty: As the Treaty of Versailles.
The country needs to fight in order to recover something that belongs to it and it is 100% necessary to survive: this one is very subjetive, and hard to analyze.
The country has been enslaved by foreigner forces: if a country lost its identity, the people could riot.
The country has been constantly opressed by foreigner people due to its form of government: as USA vs. N. Korea (both critizice each other because their form of government).
The country depends on foreigner issues in order to survive: a country with a fake independence.

Anyways, as I said before, it is very hard to tell and it depends on many factors.

Maybe you could help me with 1 click in vote, pls.

Can war ever be justified?

Throughout history (even in the bible) certain wars and battles have been justified by virtue of overthrowing an oppressive system or removing a current (or potential) threat. Were it not for the American Revolution or the Civil War the USA would be quite a different place today.

Our founding fathers believed in justified battles to the extent that they wrote it into our Declaration of Independence: "...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..." and again in our Second Amendment right to militia and bear arms.

Can war ever be justified?

The basic answer to this boils down to; will the end result justify the means? Will you save the freedoms or way of life for more people than will be sacrificed in the pursuit of the cause? What is the lesser of the 2 evils? If the answer is acceptable by a population in general, then mostly likely war will be justified as long as it serves the will of the population and stays to the course of the greater good. History is an excellent example of this. WWI and WWII are examples of the population of the US and their decision to enter each of the conflict at a certain point once a trigger had been reached. In recent history, we seek to eliminate threats to the greater good. Is it justified? Will it be justified 100 years from now? Only the historians will be able to say.

Can war be justified?

The French, Belgians (neutrals), Dutch, Danish, Norwegians, British Channel Islanders had been liberated from occupation by using an aggressive German navy. Many international locations in Asia and the Pacific were liberated from occupation by means of an aggressive japanese navy. Barbaric and savage behaviour was once stopped towards the Jews and other victims of the Holocaust. Two brutish, imperialistic regimes were stopped. Colonialism in its worst type, 200 years prior, used to be on no account as dangerous as this. Normal human freedoms were restored across Western Europe and Asia How much more justification do you want? The Russians have been part of the cause of WW2 (alliance with Germany and invasion of Poland) and they did not repair the freedoms in japanese Europe. They simply fought the Germans after Hitler attacked them - however that's a further political ideology and had no relating the factors for the west going to conflict. EDIT: lots of the land Hitler took - France, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, British Channel Islands, Czechoslovakia etc were in no way German and were not taken away on the finish of WW2. Poland used to be restored via the Treaty of Versailles however it used to be Polish earlier than Germany got here into existence in 1871, so i'm afraid that is a bad argument.

Which wars are morally justified?

I'll focus on wars involving the US.
American Revolution (This was a clear and classic stand against imperialism. The purest America ever was.)

War of 1812 (We would never have survived as a young nation without standing up for our international rights.)

The Civil War (Again, we could never have survived without doing something about the divide between north and south.)

WW2 (obvious)

Korea (Look at North Korea today.)

Vietnam (I know, I know. But when you look at what happened to Cambodia, it's clear we were justified in fighting against communist tyranny. If we had fought the war PROPERLY in 1965, by establishing a FRONT LINE of firebases along the SV/Cambodian border, we could have trained the SV army to take them over by 1968 and they probably could have held on indefinitely without us.)

Grenada 1983 (Hostages)

Gulf War (Kuwait was suffering.)

Afganistan/War on Terror (Until we change our imperialist ways, it is necessary.)
Indian Wars 1800's (We could have done more to prevent the destruction of tribes. We could have fought or negotiated with Britian for Canada, and made Canada THE reservation where they could have had the space to develope their own united native american country with it's own tribal government.)

Mexican War (This is where the US really began to lose it's moral high ground. Shameless conquest. We could have taken over the same area eventually by migration and negotiation.)

Spanish American War (America becomes imperialist. A sad and shameful development for a country that should have been setting the example, not joining a league of evil empires!)

WW1 (Sheer, tragic stupidity. Those responsible for this war and the monstrous Treaty of Versailles are most certainly in hell.)

Somalia/Bosnia/Kosovo 1990's (Their fight was none of our business.)

Iraq (We're in the wrong country. We should have gone into Iran or Syria.)

Can there ever be a 'Just' war?

no never, especially as it is outlined. War targets civilians to break the will of the enemy, the US is as guilty as anyone when it comes to this. We are told to love our enemies and to turn the other cheek, we are meant to be like Christ who allowed the evil to consume Him. War is never justified and it is never Christian.

Can war ever be good or justified?

No, war is an excuse for destruction. People will say that they're doing it to protect the ones they care for, but, there are other ways to protect your family then war, it can also be argued that if there was no war then there would be no need to send out the military to kill in a war.

If you want an example of how peoples' "justifications" are wrong then here you go. If someone murdered/mugged someone you cared about you wouldn't declare war on them, you'd argue against them in court, well its the same way for someone declaring war. There's always a reason they start a war (resources, land, etc...) So why can't we bargain with them? I think we give up to easily because there's always a instinct in us to kill.

Animals hunt all the time, whether it be for food, or territory, or just because they feel threatened. People say that we're above animals, but we were all created, we all live, we all die, and we all care for someone or something. Let's face it we are animals, we may be a bit more advanced and are able to create great things, but we all have brains and we all have instincts.

So I hope you find my answer helpful!

Was the US government justified in the using of the atomic bomb on Japan in 1945? explain please.?

No, I do not believe so. For several reasons:

1) Even though we were at war with both Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan we viewed the Japanese as less than human, whereas we viewed Nazi Germany as a country that was occupied be "evil" people.

2) I believe that racism and revenge played a part in the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan.

a) Racism- The Germans were white Europeans and many Americans had ancestors or relatives that were of German decent. There were far more German Americans than Japanese Americans living in the U.S. yet only the Japanese were put into prison camps. The Germans had a plan to invade and take over South America and invade the U.S. from the South, the Japanese did not. Even though they were collaborators with the Germans.

The U.S. was willing to sacrifice men and money to defeat the Germans in a long drawn out war of occupation. The Americans had no patience to do this with the Japanese. They said that it would be a long drawn out bloody war. I do believe that there would have been a very long war./occupation to take Japan, because the Japanese soldiers and people were of as different caliber than the Germans. They were willing to fight to the last man, woman, and child, but that is no excuse to drop an atomic bomb on them and give the Germans who tortured, raped, and killed millions of Jewish people, women and children included, a pass.

b) Revenge- The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor unprovoked. Yes, there were underlying socioeconomic issues that motivated the attack, but there was still no excuse for them to attack us. Due to this revenge factor the U.S. decided to bomb innocent civilians. The attack on Pearl Harbor was wrong, but they killed service members not civilians, and if any civilians were killed it was collateral damage and not purposeful. The U.S. would have been justified to bomb military installations, but instead they chose to send a brutal message to the Japanese people, and that message was "We can and will wipe out your innocents. Surrender."

In closing I believe that the bombing was not justified and was horrible and disgusting. We should have given the Japanese the same considerations we gave the Germans. I am an American Soldier and I believe in every cell of my being that we had the right to use nuclear force on any enemy, but I also see the underlying racism and hate behind the bombings of Japanese civilians.

Can we morally justify rape?

Maybe if in a far fetched situation where person A was held in a situation by person B where person B said that if person A didn't rape unwilling-to-save-anyone-at-a-cost- person C that tB would kill a whole bunch of hostages. Then A could have a good reason for their actions... That is the only thing I can think of and it's stupid.

Should nations outlaw war as inhumane?

It would be nice but unfortunately its impossible to do. Switzerland is one of the few countries in the world who has been able to pull off avoiding war but even they were close to being invaded by Hitler in WW2 even though they claimed to be neutral. If you make war inhumane & out law it you would also prohibit yourself to defend itself. There will always be war there will always be greed there will always be reasons one country finds to attack another & more often then not a smaller one at that but still there will always be war. banning war would be like saying you should have doors on your house because their made of wood that would ultimately invite crime to your house in some form or another while at the same time living you little option in stopping it when it came. You don't have to start a war to be pulled into it & any involvement would lead to or contribute to inhumane things. If german invaded Switzerland & they fought back it would take Germany longer to take over delaying the victory most predicted & extending the time civilians could be hurt or killed fighting. While if they roll over & gave up they'd end up like France who still suffered even after giving up. So either way they would have suffered & had inhumane things done.