Christians Why dont you prove God with actual proof

Christians: Can you prove god is real?

Sometimes, we must prove a negative before we can consider a positive. What you are asking is to prove a positive, when what you are really seeking is the proof of a negative.

What you are searching for is an “argument from ignorance”, which basically means that an idea is classed as true, because it has not yet been proven false.

Whatever our understanding of anything may be, doesn’t change something that is true. Truth is truth, and that is the truth of it. Truth does not wait for human logic or analysis to formulate it, it is always truth. Human nature means that our mind will fill in gaps with imagination, and imagination will always override logic.

Let’s look at reality. Reality (or truth), in it’s essence:
1. Exists at all times;
2. Is independent from our minds and what our minds create;
3. May or may not be observable.

Based on reality, two false concepts can arise.
1. If it cannot be disproven, then it must be true; and
2. If it cannot be proven, then it must be false.

How do you test reality? You look for evidence. But evidence can only be seen if you look for it. Evidence can also be open to interpretation.

1. Evidence for God existing – Events and miracles that people have witnessed that have no other explanation (spontaneous healing; power of prayer; prophecy); personal relationship with God (only seen by those who wish to see it).
2. Evidence against God – Understanding of evil, belief in evolution, ‘scientific facts’ apparently disproving the existence of God.

How do you interpret evidence? Easy, and I quote: “once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” I know this is from a fictional source, but the logic is sound. If you have derived, based on the evidence, that God does exist, then the evidence against it may be false. Without solid evidence either way, it cannot be proven or disproven beyond all doubt that the existence of God is true. That’s why it is called ‘faith’.

The very nature of reality means that the existence of God may not either be proven or disproven by anyone here. I will not ask you to prove that God doesn’t exist, I just ask you to think about it.

Christians, what proof do you have that GOD didn't created us all right now with memories of before?

You will need to prove your claim, dear. The testimonial evidence we do have of God doesn't show us that, but that's not to say your claim is right or wrong, you simply need to support your claim, dear.

Christians! Why do you think that your God is more real than, let's say, Odin or Zeus?

I am a couple of hours late, but my answer would be because Odin or Zeus do not have a holy book with profecies that have been fulfilled, and that are STILL being fulfilled to this very day.

I have not a faith of iron; I must remind myself quite often why I believe ... why it is the most logical belief.

Here is a drop in the ocean...

Job 26:7 He (God) spreads out the northern [skies] over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing.

If there is a god, he would know about his creation, yeah? Before these things were known, the Bible says the earth turns on an axis. The Bible says that the sun drags the solar system, our solar system from one end of space to the other. The Bible says that there is a water system, a hydrological system that works in an incredible cycle. The Bible describes it.

It talks about the weight of the mountains; isostasy, the whole world is balanced. It turns perfectly because it’s perfectly balanced. That’s the science of isostasy and the bible says it is God, who weighs the hills in His balance.

+++++++You never met a Hittite, an Amorite, a Hivite, a Jebusite, or any other "ite", right? They were all around at the times the bible was written, but no...they have long since morphed into the melee and the mix of the races. But we do still have pure Israelites! That in itself is an indication of God’s preservation for their future; AND that my God predicts truth.

Seventy percent, by the way, of Scripture is the story of Israel, start to finish. Just the fact that they’re still a people, recently back in thier land (as B says), and duly constituted as a nation (as B says) proves the bible has to be of a supernatural being - or of a time traveler!

Surely men could not guess SO PRECICELY all the future details that have actually hapend as the bible has predicted!!!!

++++++++ In Matthew 24:14, the Bible says that the Gospel (the news about Jesus and his offer of salvation and eternal life) will be preached throughout the world. The Bible also says that sometime after this happens, the end will come. The Bible has been preached throughout the world for a long time. But now, with the increasing worldwide availability of television and the Internet, there is greater potential for the Gospel to be preached to everyone, everywhere.

Why dont most Christians demand evidence for God the same way they demand evidence for evolution?

In science the nature of the claim determines the rules of evidence that apply and the assertions that can be supported. Observable entities and phenomena require direct observation or other empirical evidence. Unobservable entities or phenomena require indirect observation or empirical evidence supporting logical predictions based on the proposed entities or phenomena.

Evolution asserts itself to be the product of material interactions in the material world and as result the scientific rules of evidence for observable phenomena would necessarily apply. While limited variation due to natural selection has been observed, the unlimited variation necessary for evolution to explain the variety of life observed in the biosphere does not have the support of empirical evidence. The indirect evidence in most cases can be accounted for without the need to include the assumption of evolution making it non-probative, or is a product of the assumption of evolution making it circular reasoning.

God, if he exists is not a material entity and therefore the scientific rules of evidence of unobservable entities or phenomena would apply. Under these rules the existence of an unobservable entity or phenomena no matter how well the logical predictions based on this entity hold up cannot be said to exist in reality - this is where faith comes in. The indirect evidence supporting the assertion of God is so well established, a good degree of confidence can be applied to the assertion God is real.

This is why the common atheist assertion "I don't believe it God for the same reason I don't believe in Santa Claus" is a non-sequitur Santa Claus is asserted to be a material entity and therefore is subject to different scientific rules of evidence than God which is a non-material entity.

Why do christians believe in god creating the world when scientists proved them wrong.?

Did the skeptics and creationists all escape tonight?

A lot depends on how you define create and what you consider proof?

As to reporting you, try asking a sane question instead of one that is insulting (that's reason enough to get the question yanked).

I do not accept the idea that God created the physical earth in six, 24-hour days for the main reason that the Bible does not say this. That concept is man-made by people who ignore Genesis 2:1-5. The creation is a planning or spiritual creation and so all it does is provide a perfectly good blueprint for the creation of a habitable planet in a solar system. The order doesn't matter because it was planned by activity.

Consider this:
1. The word from which "In the beginning" is translated could just as easily become "Once upon a time" (reaching here) or more accurately "In _a_ beginning" - that is, "at a starting point."
2. The Hebrew word for day has reference to how day is used in this statement: "Today is the day of man." In other words, it is an epoch, an era, a period of time having no measurable or set boundaries, measurable by a clock.
3. Then the boundaries are marked as the morning (the beginning) and the evening (the end), which is also common to the language and doesn't have anything to do with a clock, either.
4. On top of that, the concept of a "24-hour" day is lost entirely without the reference of a planet spinning on its axis. That didn't exist for several "days."

And a claim that scientists have "proved them wrong" is without merit without references.

Why do Christians pretend that everything unexplainable is proof of some "God"?

"pretend that everything unexplainable is proof"
I don't think they pretend, per se - it's more a matter that they can NOT stretch their minds any more in the case of some BIG questions because they have neither the intellect nor the learning to imagine something may be logical despite the fact they can't understand it.

I don't understand how lotsa stuff works ... the combustion engine, computers (those little men must get awfully tired), why the sun doesn't disintegrate, why the man in the moon just keeps smiling ... and so many more.
BUT, just cos I don't understand, I don't immediately assume that the imaginary sky freak had a hand in anything.
That, my friend, is Bronze Age thinking ... which is exactly the place that xian and muzlim get their information.

I can't understand how they get the confidence to take their sick children to modern day doctors - wouldn't they be more comfortable taking them to see the local witch-doctor who operates in faith and voodoo?

Why do atheists have to prove god doesn't exist?

You say, "You do realize 'the burden of proof falls on the person that makes the claim' is meant for people who claim a positive and not a negative."

My fairly simple response is ... why? You ARE making a POSITIVE claim. You are making a positive claim that "the burden of proof falls on the person that makes the claim". Well, if that's true ... PROVE IT!! You have to PROVE the burden of proof falls on the person who makes the claim. Because IF IT'S TRUE, then since you are making this positive claim, you have to PROVE IT!!

Believers: what would you do if someone could prove to you 100% that your belief system is wrong and that your god does not actually exist?

Its the idea that I care for and pray to.

I have come across many who have tried to prove things otherwise. Its not just religion that I talk about. Its the concept of faith. A sense of belonging. The ideology behind someone's belief system is their own. As Michelle pointed out, I'd certainly question the motives of the person proving me wrong.

I do value science and rationality of thought. Logical deduction at one point takes you as absolute as zero. What do you strive for? What you look up to? Why you care? The answers to these questions also hint the necessity of faith. which everyone is free to have their own.

If you logically start thinking on the scale at which cosmos works, the sheer massivity of it will render you insignificant. It will murder your very spirit and at that moment, no scientific theory or fact will help you. Rationalising everything with proofs and data will give you knowledge. Yet its not knowledge that comes in handy when your son is diagnosed with cancer, or your neighbour is hit by a freak accident. The facts do not help you calm down. Thats where the belief systems come into play.

The belief systems, in their own strange way are outcome of human insistence of rationalising everything that goes around, one way or the other. Everyone is free to rationalise the way they want in the grey area.