How do you live with the shame late schooling

Is it too late for me to pursue medical school at the age of 36-37?

Yes, I would say so according to the sayings of my own uncles, aunts and cousins who were medicos.

Most medical schools around the world have a written or unwritten age ceiling on applicants to medical school. If it’s unwritten (and I think most are unwritten) it is for good reason.

Most medical degrees worldwide are 5 years long. Then there’s the 1–2 years “houseman” or residency thing. Then I understand another 2 years of a final gateway qualification (like the MRCP and MRCS in the UK).

That like 7–10 year from start to finish.

What I’ve heard from my medical relatives and friends was that medical schools generally expect the older student going into medicine to come out to work in medical research rather than as hospital doctors or general practitioners (clinical work).

You're the person you hate the most in your life for a day. What do you do?

Amazing question thank you, first that one day I cry, scream, feel shame and guilt may be hurt myself , think worst for me. Second, next day I treat myself for get rid of all fear, shame, guilt. I crown myself with title of happiest and the craziest person in the world. Because people live with guilt and shame their whole life but I get rid of them all in just one day. Whatever the happens to you bad or worst they all useless without your response. Remember this all people in the world deserve happiness and love. Start love yourself first and make people feel happy.

What does it mean if I'm always ashamed of myself?

You may suffer from a condition called the impostor syndrome.
Impostor syndrome - Wikipedia

I’ve been in your position before, and I have a friend that has the same problem.

I was born as a precocious child. During my childhood I always was “in advance” on the others kids.
At the age of 4 I was already wondering about life and death matter.
At the age of 7 I was “diagnosed” as intellectually gifted (it’s called Surdoué in French).
For a long time I was ashamed of my gifts, of my difference. I was ahead of most of the children my age, but I didn’t understand why. Why me of all the people ? Why am I “more intelligent”, why can I understand maths and litterature more easily than my classmates ?

I admired people who could work hard and learn their lessons to have good grades, while I was sitting at home reading about philosophy or some article about astronomy in a science magazine. And I was ashamed to be successful in school without putting this hard work.

So I began to think it was luck, because it didn’t make sense. I didn’t feel special, I didn’t feel like I deserved all of this, I didn’t feel I was more intelligent, despite the clues showing the opposite.

And I was afraid one day people would realize I was not the intelligent kid they thought I was.

Somehow, after several years I learnt to accept my strengths by discovering my weaknesses like physical activities, procrastination, difficulty to organize my thoughts etc. We are all different. Some people are better in maths, some are better with words, some excel in social skills.

I have a friend who is in the same situation as you are. He is the best student in my IT engineering class, he is hard working, he his very kind with people. He lacks social skills but when he feels confident with a group of people he is very funny and outgoing. But he thinks he is a failure and is ashamed of himself.

I tried to help him with my very limited knowledge of psychology, but I think at his age (21) he reached a point where he needs professional help.

So this is the advice I’m giving you : seek professional help, it is important for your mental well being.

I hope I was able to provide you with a sufficient answer and hope you will one day be at peace with yourself.

My 3 year old son has just started talking, but only saying 1 word and not sentences. Anyone else had this experience? How did you cope with it?

Every child is different, and so are their milestones.

That said, there are certain developmental milestones that a child must meet at a specified age. If not, then perhaps some attention and/or help is needed.

No mother is a bad mother. The fact that you are concerned and worried and asking about it is a proof so don't feel bad.

My son started talking a little late as compared to my other children. And I was very concerned about him not talking. I took him to a Speech Therapist, multiple early learning centers and professionals. Here is what they told me and I am sure it would help you too:

1. He was not 'trying' to talk because all his needs were fulfilled and his siblings and the rest of us were doing all the talking for him. If he needed water, he would just point and 5 people would run and get it for him. So we had to stop doing that.

2. We had to ask him questions; do you want milk or juice? Do you want cookie or chips? You want to play with blocks or cars?

3. We had to not give him anything unless he asks for it.

4. We had to read to him, so I would start reading with him sitting by my side, and then less than 30 seconds later, he would get up and start moving around. I would continue to read, so he can hear me. At least for 10 minutes.

5. Even if he babbles or said baby words, we replied in proper short sentences.

6. One month later, he started like a parrot.

I do not know if it was his time to start talking or was it our efforts, but I still highly suggest to just keep trying and not feeling bad. Also do not compare him to any one. He has his own personality and his own timings for things. Just keep holding his hand and guiding him. best of luck!

How do you feel (as an American) when prominent people from other countries mock or criticize things the President does, says, or Tweets? How different does it feel when similar content is presented as "comedy" on late night television?

How do you feel (as an American) when prominent people from other countries mock or criticize things the President does, says, or Tweets?

Most modern presidents have been subject to the ridicule of prominent foreigners. It didn’t seem to hurt Reagan or Clinton much. It isn’t clear that anyone told Bush43 about it, and that sort of thing was likely excised from his Weekly Reader. Obama took a ribbing about as well as any modern president.

There was a NYTimes article in the early 1980s indicating the US intelligence community had concerns about Reagan not being taken seriously because that was their indication from the number of jokes about Reagan of foreign origin. The fact is Reagan really was a functional tabla rosa in economics including the effects of tax policy. It took the mass media to convince secular white trash Reagan was their tin God in the months before the 1984 election.

In my opinion the US president being ridiculed by prominent foreigners is part of the real world. Most of the foreigners doing this are deflecting from issues that cause people from their country to flee to the US, and the rest are pretty much on the anti-US bandwagon that started in the late 1960s and never let up.

Trump is nothing special in the “Foreigners are attacking me” game.

How different does it feel when similar content is presented as "comedy" on late night television?

Again in my opinion, late night comedy shows do a far better job of ridiculing presidential peccadilloes than any foreigner I ever watched make fun of the US president except some English who speak the public school dialect.

That is likely because foreigners tend to lack nuance, except again the public school English, who are masters of the nuance game.

To date no person in the ridicule game has got Trump as good as at least three different players dialed in that ratty little inheritor Bush43, so again, it isn’t like Trump is something special being a target of late night comedians.