How to force my son onto the homecoming court

Is Clarence Thomas self-loathing?

I don’t think he is self-loathing. Actually, he is quite proud of his activities - including voting for gutting the federal law that prevented states from openly discriminating against minorities when it came to the voting.

I have maintained, since the day he was nominated by GHW Bush, that he was essentially a second vote for Scalia and he has not proven me wrong even once. And his vote against Lily Ledbetter was shameful in the extreme.

If Thurgood Marshall had not resigned when he did, Clarence Thomas would not even have been considered for the position on SCOTUS.

Was I right to send my son to school in a dress to force him to stand up for himself because he always prefers to give in and cry?

Absolutely not.

When I was about 7, I accidentally wet the bed one night. My parents decided to send me to school with a diaper on so I would “learn my lesson.” They duct taped the diaper around my waist multiple times, that it was impossible for a 7 year old kid to take it off. I was humiliated. My friends no longer talked to me, bullies bullied me even more, even the teachers seemed to make fun of me.

Because of this, I now have anxiety. I have trust issues. I am easily emotional. I am afraid of doing things because I fear of doing things wrong. I have many mental illness that I may not have if my parents didn’t humiliate me like this. I never forgave them, but then again, they never apologized. I didn’t want to return to school ever. Some kids still bring up the incident. I had a nickname for some years too.

Humiliation doesn’t solve anything. It makes things worse. Beg for forgiveness for your son. He may forgive you, but he will never forget.

Why do people force their beliefs onto others?

Q. Why do people force their beliefs onto others?

In general, if one can get someone else to believe the same thing, it’s a form of validation for what one believes.

In terms of religious beliefs — and I want to say this as kindly as I can — the behavior of some religious people can seem quite irrational to someone who does not share their belief. (Note the word some.)

They accept the dogma of their religion as given and appear to question nothing. Two of the major religions, Christianity and Islam, accounting for about 40 percent of the world population, tell their members to convert others. Sometimes they have done it by the book. Sometimes by the sword. Sometimes by burning a few unbelievers at the stake.

In my country, we are finally making it difficult to impossible for them to use the mechanism of government to do that, but it is a constant battle.

How to force my son onto the homecoming court?

Ask him to post cool things on his favored social media related to his accomplishments, looks, and cool life moments to remind everyone how great he is. I've seen people I used to go to high school with post photos of their tests with A's on them, both while still in high school and in college. Make sure he also posts plenty of pictures in his most handsome clothing with lots of friends.

High school students can be mean, so make sure no one knows you're involved in trying to convince them. People might think of him as a "mommy's boy" and it could hurt his popularity. A similar thing happened when I was in high school. A popular girl's parents would call the school to yell about her test scores and made the teacher give her almost all of his class time to help her instead of other students. By the end of high school, almost no one liked her.

This isn't going to work for sure, of course. It's very hard to change the opinion and choice of a teenager because they can be very stubborn and strong-willed.

Alternatively, you could try to learn about the guys who did get chosen for homecoming court to try to figure out why they were chosen, and work from there.

What is the absolute strangest thing you've seen while stopped at a traffic light?

This story is absolutely true. And I’ve told it only two other times…

It was 1991 and I was working graveyard shift at a now defunct bank in downtown Los Angeles.

It’s probably in the 4:00–5:00 am hour and I’m on my way home. I’m a few blocks away from my house driving down a big empty boulevard maybe six blocks until I reach the street I live on.

I’m driving the speed limit eastbound. I’m approaching an intersection with a green light for me when all of a sudden a very, very elderly woman steps into the intersection and begins crossing the street in front of me.

No big deal. I slow down and come to a complete stop to wait for her. This doesn’t perturb me at all. What’s going through my mind is that she shouldn’t be on the streets period. What errand could she possibly be on at this hour? By herself!

As she begins crossing in front of my car a big white heavy duty utility van also crosses the intersection in the same direction as the woman. FAST.

I look in the van’s direction saying to myself “Hey! They ran a red light! And they’re speeding!”

They ran a red light. Speeding.

My hands on the steering wheel I look up at my green light. I look at the woman.

And I continue driving home processing what just happened. And realizing, what didn’t happen.

I only came to a complete stop because of the woman crossing the street. Without her I would have driven right into the intersection and been T-boned by the van - striking the driver’s side of the car.

Nobody else was on the street at this hour but the four of us. Me, the woman, and the two men in the van.

That saved my life.

And only I know that.



When it mattered.

At what moment did you realize that your pet is loyal to you?

My pet dog Rish came to us in 2000 when I was growing up as a selfish,arrogant and difficult child. I had noone to take care of. Being the second child, I was getting all the attention I needed and more. Somehow my mother sensed if this is how I grow, I will be a tough kid for life. Rish changed that,one stone at a time. But he always used to see me as his competition as he was a puppy and I was a six year old. Soon he started seeing me as his sibling since I started giving him my share of milk and he realised his puppy face worked wonders on me when anything delicious was being prepared at home. Still, his loyalty belonged to my parents, especially my mom. This went on till 2008, when my elder sister left for college and my father became extremely strict; so much so that I was not allowed to socialize with my family in living room. I was always expected to study and stay in my room. Those times were tough for me. Soon I saw Rish who previously used to sleep around the house started spending a lot more time in my room. He constantly checked on me. During important exams, he used to sleep next to me while I used to pull all nighters.

RISH( 11/10/2000–06/03/2017)

^Us in 2011.

Then came a day when we were on a daily walk. A massive dog came charging in our direction. Since I am a slow runner, I started running with Rish on leash. He had not seen the charging dog yet. After Rish picked up a good pace, I left his leash. I thought atleast my soft little doggie will be unharmed if the dog gets to me. Rish noticed that I left the leash soon and looked back to search for me. That's when He saw the dog charging. He started running towards the dog. My fluffy white Pom was running towards a massive well built dog!! I went bonkers is to say the least. To my surprise, the dog changed direction and seemed scared of the current situation. I ran behind Rish and caught him and the other dog's owner came running hearing all the noise and growling that was taking place. That is how I realised two things about my pup:

He will protect me with his life.
He overestimates his size.

What to do when a father refuses to allow child to participate in team sports during his parenting time?

This is always a tough one, because it is the poor kid that gets stuck in the middle.

I had a similar problem with my ex several years ago. He refused to take our son to the birthday parties of his friends on his weekend, because according to him "it is MY time with him". He absolutely refused to discuss it. I left it alone for a while, but when my son finally started to indicate he didn't want to go to dad's, he'd rather go to the birthday parties (he was about 5 at the time), I used a lawyer to force my ex into mediation with a counsellor to discuss the issue (the ultimatum was that I was happy to take it to court if he didn't go to mediation).

The counsellor in mediation finally got him to understand the importance of the social aspects of our son's life, and my ex started to take him to the parties (I think he was also worried I would take him to court over it to change the visitation arrangements, and he didn't want to have to pay for a lawyer).

Unfortunately, it is sometimes still an issue with our son's sporting commitments - he plays rugby, and away games are sometimes over an hour away. However, due to other issues, I now have full parental responsibility (which is full legal custody, although with visitation arrangements), which means if my ex won't take him somewhere he needs to be, and my son indicates he's rather not go to dad's, I can make the decision that he not go. He is also now 11, so old enough for his voice to be heard and respected by both of us.

It is very selfish of your ex to do this to your daughter. Is there a chance you can talk to the team coach and explain the situation? This is probably the least confrontational solution if it doesn't bother your daughter that she is missing every other week. If it is upsetting her though, I would suggest getting some legal advice on how you might be able to resolve this. I don't know how the legal system works in relation to visitation arrangements, etc where you live (I am in Australia), but our family court system requires mediation (or attempt at) before we can take it to court these days, and a solution can take months.

How will Brexit work out for you?

I was at a very nice lunch party in the Home Counties recently. My friends had just had their new swimming pool and tennis court finished and threw a bash to kind of show it off. The Range Rovers were two-deep in the large gravel drive, and occasionally the chit-chat slipped onto the dangerous ground of Brexit.

I listened with interest to what the other guests were saying. It was pretty much “Oh we will be fine once we’ve taken back control and Boris is PM. Anyway, where are you skiing this year?”

Unlike my fellow guests I’m not complacent and I deeply, deeply regret the referendum result. It’s going to harm an awful lot of Brits, though not the ones at that party.

I’m expecting Brexit to make foreign travel much more expensive than it already has. I live alone and really only have myself to look after, and I work as and when I choose. I’ve insulated myself pretty well. But the whole Brexit issue has made me deeply ashamed to be British. In fact…so much so that I’ve acquired Austrian citizenship. I’ve become a passport holder of the country that turned my Dad into a child refugee. That’s how angry I am and how alien the UK has made me feel.

I’m not just concerned that my travel rights will be impacted by Brexit. By becoming an Austrian citizen, my children and grandchildren can as well, and whilst I’m not planning to move from the UK, who knows what they will want to do? Now they won’t be restricted in their lives because some smug rich people have manipulated the rest into voting for something that is absolutely not in their interests.

Brexit might leave me relatively financially unscathed because I have made plans. My kids are working and are much more vulnerable though. I wouldn’t be surprised if Brexit impacts on them much more. I’m worried for them.

You are the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. How do you deal with the Rebels?


No Death Star. It’s a massive waste of resources, especially since Star Destroyers can already initiate Base Delta Zero and sterilize a planet’s surface easily.
No Death Star II. Although the 5 minute recharge time is quick and devastating, the station itself will probably never be built before the economy crashes from overexertion.
Unlike Sidious in the original trilogy, I know exactly where Yoda is hiding.
Unlike Sidious in the original trilogy, I also know exactly where Obi-Wan is hiding.
Luke Skywalker and the Lars family will be relocated to Coruscant, where I will give them a luxurious suite and well-paying jobs as my advisors. That should keep them loyal to me, especially when I share the truth to Luke and Vader.
As a corollary to #5, I’ll train Luke in the Dark Side and send him to root out the Rebel traitors from the inside. I’ll try to train Leia as well, but she might just be too indoctrinated in the ways of her parents.
I’ll fix the Galactic economy. Seriously, why the heck does Tatooine need moisture farmers dedicating their lives to farming water when you can just ship it in from Kamino? It’s not like space travel is expensive in the Star Wars universe. If that doesn’t scream how corrupt and ineffectual the old Republic was, nothing else will.

EDIT: More points!

#1 revised: The Death Star isn’t a bad idea, just objectively inferior to the dozens of Imperial ships that I could buy with the money. Quantity and versatility win out over devastating and slow.
Why are there even translation droids? Just hook up one droid up to a ton of RAM and launch (Google) Holonet Translate - a free service to the loyal denizens of the Empire. Now available on any and all datapads connected to the Holonet! Speak into the microphone and receive a translation in over 50 million languages! (Oh, and comes with a mandatory spyware download.)
Human-based racism? Seriously? This one is just ridiculous. Nothing will convince anyone that a human is intrinsically superior to any of the multitudes of overpowered aliens in SW - such as Gen’Dai (no vital organs, survive in any environment, live for centuries, peace-loving, smart). I’ll stop the racist propaganda immediately, considering that it makes the leadership appear downright idiotic.

Can my kids refuse to go on visitation? Can the police do anything to force them?

My 9 year old son wants to go on a camping trip for Cub Scouts this weekend. His father was not interested in attending with him, and unfortunately it falls on my ex's visitation weekend. My 13 year old has an 8th grade graduation dance this weekend and her father won't allow her to stay home to attend that either, yet he won't take her to dance himself. Both of my children have texted and called their Dad telling him they don't want to go with him this weekend. He is ignoring them and will be coming at 7pm Friday. I offered to switch weekend with him and other options in order to save my kids from missing these events but he won't even talk to me about it. I'm sure there will be a show-down tomorrow when he picks them up and he will call the police. Can the police force my kids to go? My attorney says they can't..but what I'm reading on the internet says the opposite. Can anyone offer solid advice?

BTW..I live in Mchenry County, Illinois if that matters. And my ex willingly gives up visitation at the drop of a hat..hasn't seen them in over a month by his choice ..always picks up late/ drops off early and leaves them home anytime he feels like it. He never calls them in between his weekends to say hello or attend their games etc. I have an email from him saying that if my kids have activities, basketball, Cub Souts..they can stay home..and now he's done an about-face. This is basically a power play because he doesn t want my son spending time with my family on "his time".