How would christians feel if they found out god had homosexual tendencies

How would christians feel if they found out god had homosexual tendencies?

is the question whether christianity is a dead religion, meaning static and unchanging, as the dead archaic civilization is? it seems that when a civilization dies that the religions within it die as well. those who have survived are as memories of past events or ghosts and echoes which come to us, but now have no real power to change our lives.
however, christianity has a particualr problem in trying to distance themselves from other people, while at the same time coming closer to their god. since we have over 6000-christian religions in the USA, each one has a different view about the practice of their religion.
my own faith is one which says, we all attain enlightenment as we are. we do not have to be someone else or to act like someone else, we attain fulfillment in faith, just as we are human beings.

How would christians feel if they found out god had homosexual tendencies?

Obviously Yahweh/Jehovah DOES have homosexual tendencies! There is NO GODDESS that he is linked up with according to Christian (and Islamic) beliefs. He has 144,000 VIRGIN MALES ONLY around him, singing his praises forever & ever, as disclosed in *Revelation*. Christianity's "Trinity" is ALL MALE -- a homosexual Trinity! The angels who came down and "married the daughters of men" (in Genesis chapter 6 -- but in far more detail in "The Book of Enoch") will *never* be forgiven and allowed into God's Heaven again for *leaving* a homosexual God -- to have sex with *women*!

How *do* Christians feel about these obvious FACTS about their God? They continue in steady-state *denial*! They view the *truth* about their God as being *blasphemy*.

Meanwhile, Jesus, himself, in the last Saying in "The Gospel According To Thomas" told Peter that he would make Mary Magdalene a *male* so that *she* could enter that God's "Heaven" -- apparently because *women* are not *allowed* into Yahweh-Jehovah's homosexual Heaven!

My bf found out god hates homosexuality and wont stop talking about hell?

God does not hate homosexuals. I am a Pastor and I wished to God these idiots would stop spewing BS from the pulpit. It's like giving a 13 year old Alcoholic a license to practice medicine.

The Bible does not condemn homosexuality. God's most beloved King was bisexual (David). David loves Jonathon more than any woman. It even mentions it in the Bible. In the original Hebrew language (in which the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible was written in it talks about the love David had with Jonathon being an erotic and a deep love).

Even Sodom and Gomorrah was not about homosexuality. Watch my youtube regarding this:

There is no evidence in the Bible that tells me homosexuals are going to hell. NONE. Another thing to state: The Bible was written by a series of men thousands of years ago. It was an entirely different culture, social and political society.

I would recommend your Boyfriend to seek out another church that has common sense. I am ordained in the UCC church. They are accepting. Just google UCC LGBT.

Other churches that are accepting:

Lutherans (they are actually passing doctrinal law that states homosexuality should be regarded the same as hetersexuality and gay priests can now be ordained)
American Baptists
United Church of Christ
Disciples of Christ
The Episcopal Church
Presbyterian USA
Many United Methodist churches
The Metropolitan Community Church

There are many more.

Just stay away from fundamentalist churches. They do more harm than good with everyone; not just gay people.

Christians, if it was proven irrevocably that homosexuality is genetic...?

That's kind of hypothetical, isn't it? It's like asking what we would say if it was proved that Christ had never risen. My answer: it won't be.
In any case, whether homosexuality has genetic origins or purely psychological ones doesn't change much for me. I believe it is a consequence and not a cause of God's judgement.
But let's follow up on the genetic argument: of course we all have genetic tendencies one way or another. I was genetically inclined to alcoholism. However I chose to let myself go that way as a teenager. Some people are more genetically inclined to violence than others. That doesn't justify violence. So I really think you are not on the right track there. What you want to find is an argument that justifies homosexuality in any case. Or that tells us to mind our own business about it.
Personally, I do believe that homosexuality is not in God's will for us. However I don't think that makes me a homophobic. I can be friends with homosexuals.
Yes, I'm reading it, and yes I do believe in eternal torment, even though I don't understand all that it entails, and it is certainly not a favourite subject of mine.
As for being presumptuous, perhaps I am. However, if I were to ask you:
"What if it were proved that the earth was flat, what would you do?" You would rightly answer that the earth will never be proved to be flat, and not too many people would accuse you of being presumptuous. You see, "the other person is always presumptuous; I am merely convinced of my point of view."
Or, to be more to the point: "What if it were proved that there was such a thing as eternal torment..."? I really don't think such hypothetical questions make a great basis for discussion.

Okay homosexual again?

God hates a lot of things. God allows a lot of things. So in the bible it says man not to lay with man. Well it also says this:

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

But we don't listen to that do we?

LDS/Mormon If Gender is unchangeable I was born a male I married a woman we have children how am I also homosexual?

So 12 years ago I met an amazing woman. She wanted to have children and knew that I was going to have surgery. So we saved sperm.

We now have two wonderful children that are 6 and 7 and they are asking question about God and Jesus. I still believe even though I have been away from the church for 18 years. In the small town we live I can not find any church that accepts us.

So I start thinking back to my roots born and raised LDS. A lot of the church members in our town know us and just love us and when I asked about going back to church they said absolutely. But then I think I should talk to the bishop.

We had our talk with the bishop some things I expected. Like most likely I will be excommunicated. The one that really gets me confused is that they start talking about my homosexual tendencies will have to be dealt with.

I married my spouse long before same sex marriages were lawful. I was confused about who I could marry and I was told that it depends on what your birth certificate says. So in my state I was ok to marry a woman.

I understand that the church feels that gender is unchangeable I use to be a man so that is what they view me as. I married a woman how is this considered homosexual?

The fears that go through my head is that they see our marriage as totally wrong. Where does that leave my children? Where does that leave me and my spouse?

Why do christians have such difficulty dealing with hypothetical questions?

I guess the simple answer is yes, but there would need be much more too it. He would have had to explain it more than just that the world was (when it is) overpopulated, like he would have to explain that he has done away with all the other commandments about procreation, marriage, not engaging in homosexual sex acts, etc. Also, based on your hypothetical it leaves it up to the follower to determine when the world is overpopulated and therefore the individual would pray to ask God when that would be. Because the world will never be overpopulated (99.9% likely to be the case), then it would be a frivilous or unnecessary commandment, which I would then ask God why He would give such a frivilous commandment. I'm sure His answer would be that He was really just testing people and seeing if they would use God and His teachings as an excuse for engaging in certain behavior (or not), which he had specifically forbidden. I guess there are just too many holes in thy hypothetical. But, to be clear, if God did ask that people in no unclear way that they should take someone of the same sex to be their partner, then I don't believe I could disobey, no matter how contrary it was to everthing He has ever taught and commanded.

What if all atheist tendencies were wiped out by, say, god?

Oh no! God, not content coexisting, decides to wipe out from humanity as a whole, the characteristics associated with Atheism? Well, that would not be a very good thing for "his chosen people". What do we mean by atheist tendencies, well, that would be people who are prepared to make decisions based on the evidence before them, people who aren't gullible enough to believe in the god in their society, people with a natural dislike for following the orders of a big face in the sky, people who are decisive enough not to remain agnostic, people who grew up with no contact with religion, or preferring not to join a religion.
The results, do bear in mind, that many of these tendencies will be present within people with religious beliefs too! None of them are notably bad!
For a start, ALL scientists, researchers, people in important positions including religious ones, will be prepared to believe something without substantial evidence, if god didn't make this the case, there would be a chance for atheism to emerge. At minimum, they would switch to agnosticism, no longer having a substantial reason to deny the existence of a deity. Progress would slow down, and discovery would be based on the personal beliefs of those already in power.
Most people would immediately switch to the dominant religion in their cultural group, regardless of whether it was the one which worshipped the god that made the change. They would also follow the direct commands of whoever was in charge, and the leader, for their part, would be much more forceful about the tenants of their own religion. It may even extend to total literal interpretation of their own teachings, executing non-believers, disregarding shellfish, keeping slaves (which would be a lot easier now that human independence has been sapped). People without a cultural religion would invent their own or endeavour to locate one. The former would be slightly better off, at least until the encountered the radical executioner type jihadists which would become increasingly present in any religion with a "kill nonbelievers" paragraph somewhere.
We have nukes, they are the wrong religion, kill them now! Humanity would wipe itself out. God would be like, oh well, some of them will be going to heaven...

Is it immoral to kill homosexuals?

Of course its immoral. It's immoral to kill anyone just because you don't like them or their life.

It was common back then, unfortunately, to have laws like that. Just like back in the early 1900's, it was common to own other people. I'm sure Christians will claim it was a moral law then, but now God doesn't want them to do that (of course, God is going to care whether or not murder makes his followers queazy)

Nah, once Jesus died, all those laws are gone. You can ignore them now... Except dogging the homosexuals! Baby Jesus still wants you to treat them like crap.

Orchid, according to the bible, no one is innocent. Next you'll be telling us that you follow a loving god, one who tells you it's ok to judge everyone else as not innocent and support attacking them (something tells me you don't have the balls to do it yourself.... not face to face anyway - ppl like you talk a lot of **** online but that's about all you have)

Why would a God make someone gay and then condemn them for being gay?

Homosexuality is not a disease although practice of homosexual behaviors often leads to
rather serious diseases. Sexual preference is an opinion. A person’s sexual preferences
are affected by several factors many of which were formed in childhood.

If a child is befriended by a male during times of stress the child will develop a
bond to males and a preference for male companionship that may be interpreted as
homosexual tendencies and if while still young the child is encouraged to consider
himself homosexual and told his preferences are homosexual he will probably become
homosexual especially if his first homosexual experience is pleasant and leads to orgasm.
If this same child is also rebuffed by juvenile attempts to form relations with the opposite
sex the tendency to desire sex with any other person will be strengthened and the first
pleasant experience may set the orientation.

If the first physical experience is traumatic while the other factors explained above are in play the child may develop an asexual orientation, or some variation or a mix of orientations the orientation (attitude) not being absolute.

Since society tends to encourage heterosexual behavior if no traumatic episodes are
encountered a heterosexual orientation is most likely to develop. However this is only
part of the explanation.

Studies on other animals have shown that overcrowding can also cause a rise in
homosexual behavior. This makes homosexuality a natural response to the human
condition. These studies show that animals in an overcrowded situation where there
was plenty of food and other resources would develop homosexual behaviors (males
mounting males and females refusing males while sexually stimulating each other).

Homosexuality in America at least is a natural phenomenon. Solving the disease
problems is in everyone’s best interest. Solving the population and crowding problem
is in all our best interests as well. Homosexual orientation is not a problem leave them alone