When does someone special become no one special

What makes a normal person special to someone?

I’m not really sure how to interpret this question due to the bad grammar in how it is written. I’m going to presume that you mean to say ‘What makes a normal person special to someone?’ Well first things first I’m going to say that most people are normal. I’m sure many readers will have the same reaction as others: that no one is normal as we’re all different but the very fact that we are all different means that we are all normal, because as a species we are all the same being. Someone becomes special to another because they spend time together, generally this is in their physical presence rather than online. You get to know them, develop inside jokes etc etc and that’s when you begin to love them; as a friend or as a lover. I, for example have a best friend who I love with all my heart despite only knowing her for 3 years, and only being best friends for about 7 months. Having a special someone means you can share anything with them without the fear of being judged. There are no requirements of either of you, and as a relationship neither of you is dominant or recessive because you are both equal.

Friendship: How do I become special in someone's life?

Don't be a yes person. Give your honest opinion always. This way the person will feel you're genuine.
Be there for that person always, in every situation.
Be more of a listener than a talker.
Don't change yourself but try to be a better person for that special person. Be yourself.
Actions speak louder than words so act more, talk less.
Fulfil commitments.

When does someone special become no one special?

When you become a picky ****. Just **** em or not. Do you love them? Do they love you? If you’ve answered no to either of these questions, then maybe they aren’t special. It’s not a goddamn game show, if you have to ask that question then you don’t know. It’s not something you have to ask, it’s something you just know and feel.

When does someone become special to you?

When their feelings and thoughts intertwined with yours, making you feel like there's no one else on the face of the earth who can understand you more than that person. It's almost as though they are a spitting image of your thoughts. As though they know what you're thinking without you having to utter a single word. They feel your feelings, your thoughts and just know to a level you never thought anyone would know.

That's the moment you realise someone is not just special...but is extremely and very you.

And for that, you hold them dear to your heart. You have a special place just for them that no one else can ever take away. No one. :)

How will you know if you are special to someone?

when you have the urge to talk, feel, see, hear her, almost wanted to eat her up.

sometimes no matter what you may link something to her e.g. songs and start miss ing her from thinking about her.

you may feel jealous if she go out with others, you may feel scare if she don't want to go out with you, you start to feel scare you do or say the wrong things and pissed her off and lose her (you Haven even got her), and you fear to confess to her about your feelings

lastly, you will feel heartbreak if she has a boy friend or rejected you.

How does an ordinary person become someone great and renowned?

Strive for Excellence in whatever you do.

Dream Big - Dream Big Big dreams
Plan Small - Ask yourself- “Right now in this moment, what do I need to do to attain my Big Dream?” l
Be You - Do not Emulate others. Be You
Simplify Everything - When you simplify your life and yourself, you leave very little room for confusion or clutter. Believe in You completely.
Smile Wide - Be the initiator of that magnetic Smile, for it creates a chain of extraordinary happiness.

How do you feel when you help someone?

Helping someone brings an immense satisfaction!

I take tution classes of engineering students. I have been taking classes since past three years. I have come acrossed so many students. Some of them have enough money but do not agree to pay their fres. Some of them take extra money from their home in name of fees and spend it anywhere else !

But amongst all these, I came across a student who was desperate to clear his backlogs. I enquired him about his background. I was shocked when I heard.

He belonged to a lower middle class family. His father is a small worker and manages to earn around 3–4k a month. They are two brothers. They live here in Raipur. He works from 10am to 7pm and earns 10k a month.

He used to be the first one to reach class although he used to return from his work by 7.

I observed his zeal and hardwork. He was the one amongst 20 who used to ask doubts daily. He completed all assigned works.

I kept on observing him for two months. When it came to fees, I decided not to take any amount from him. But doing this would hurt his self respect. So i decided , that I would ask him to pay at the end of course.

When the course ended, I took a small test. And I announced that, the one who will perform good will be exempted from fees.

And as per my eexpectation, he topped.! And he was exempted from fees.!

This way, I helped him and he helped himself without hurting any one’s sentiments !

At the end of the day, It brought a big smile and satisfaction to me. !

Keep Smiling.❤

If you pretend to be someone you're not for long enough, will you become that person?


And you will lose track of what makes you special, integral, magnificent, beautiful, necessary, and essentially perfect for your own purpose in the process.

YOU were born for a reason, you have gifts to share that only you has in your special combination.  It is YOUR purpose to connect with your own fascination, interest, creativity, passions, and excitement, and cultivate those talents to share them with the world.

If you were meant to be exactly like that other person, one of you would be redundant.

People like me, treat me well and like talking to me but still I have no friends, very often I find myself alone.Why?

My mother once told me that if you have one true friend in life, you are blessed and if you have two true friends, then you are truly blessed. I understand what she means, but that is setting a high standard. In some languages there are two terms for friends, where one means acquaintances and the other means special friend. So, my mother would always refer to someone bring an acquaintance of hers, ( Bekannte in German) and that person might be an acquaintance of many years standing! Whereas I, being in Australia, will call people 'friend' much more easily. However, it turns out to some extent that my mother is right. Very few people would go the full distance in a time of need for me.

My point is, don't overanalyse 'friendship'. Most friendship is based on extensive shared history and this builds deeper trust, and importantly, there  is no short cut to this! You may enjoy a hobby  and weekly deep chats with people in a group you are in for years before you realise that you are actually friends now, not just fellow enthusiasts. Same with work friends.

You can at the same time have wonderful times with people, but would never dream of calling on them if you found yourself with a broken down car on a wintry night, or in need of a shoulder to cry on. Various people can be 'movie' friends, 'hiking' friends, 'coffee' friends etc. I agree fully with Johnna who answered that you should be the sort of friend you wish to have. Be the first person to suggest to do things it or to make the extra effort to help out. Underneath we are all the same, wishing someone would find us special enough to invite, or to see our need and help.

How will I know if someone has hacked my Snapchat account?

What do I do? I am so sick of being alone. Not having someone else who can share my company. No one to go to when I’m alone or feeling down. Everyone else has had someone at one point. Felt the joy of another human’s touch. But not I. For I have yet to feel the warm embrace of the opposite sex. Still with no idea what a simple kiss is like. And yet there are others who partake in far greater bounties than I can ever imagine. Worse yet, they lack intelligence and haven’t the slightest idea what they have. They take things for granted and don’t have a care in the world. But it is all fine in the end. For there is an eternal balance to everything that happens. They may have their forbidden fruit, but it is that very thing that has poisoned their minds and made them oblivious to the truths of life. The hidden wonders that can only be learned over time. Between the two I prefer my scenario. I may miss out on wonderful bounties now, but they become available to everyone eventually. And I am very patient. Besides, by waiting just a little longer I can understand things now that will take them years to even think of. I count myself lucky. If not in society’s eye but in my eye. Because I know that in the future everything will work out for the better. Such is the way of things to always have a balance. One day I will be with that person. That one special someone to share my life and happiness with. So, what do I do? Well, I am going to wait. Not forever, but for that opportune time when I know I will be able to change everything. I will wait and endure the status quo to one day experience the balance. I have told you what I will do. Now, what will you do?

""Time heals all wounds”, isn't that what we've always been told? But, what about the scar a wound leaves behind? What will heal that? Of course medically speaking plastic surgery can erase even the mightiest of scars but in metaphoric terms: if a sad and depressing incident then the scab/scar left behind would be a memory of it and nothing can wipe out memories(or at least not something I know of, except for a severe head injury). Then again we perhaps may forget about it momentarily or for a while, but, eventually the memories will resurface, in dreams or because of a sudden, in reality does time actually heal wounds ?"