A Anonymous Girl Maybe She Didn

I kissed a girl and she didn't kiss me back?

why dont you take a seat, im Chris Hansen

If I sent anonymous flowers to my wife and she doesn't say anything to me could she be cheating?

Yup, now its time to starting looking at the cell phone log. also check her panties for something!

Why didn't she say goodbye?

maybe she didnt get around to you cuz she's only one person and had to say good bye to alot of people. if you knew she was leaving...why didnt you say goodbye to her? why dont you call her and tell her you miss her! peace

Girl told me she didn't have a boyfriend, but does?

Through Facebook, I started talking to this girl who I'm going to college with next year. We are both Philadelphia Phillies fans, so we casually talked about sports for a bit. I got her number, and we text each other from time to time. Nothing big, just a way to connect and be's not like I have a crush on her or anything, but I can see a future.

She told me she didn't have a boyfriend when we first starting talking. Although her Facebook status said she was in a relationship, she said it was because she had a crazy ex who wouldn't leave her alone. However, I discovered yesterday that she's had a boyfriend for a month, and we started talking about 2 weeks ago. So she lied...What could this mean?

If a girl said to me "I like your shirt"- Does that mean she finds me attractive as well?

I think you're over thinking it. She probably just liked your shirt.

Girls, why doesn't she call to say thank you? is sending flowers creepy?

i sent a girl flowers for xmas. she told me that i am the last thing she thinks about every night before she sleeps and that she really likes me a lot. however, i don't know if that's true.. i sent her flowers and she got them yesterday and i have not gotten a thank you or anything from her. we both go to the same university and are on xmas break until the 9 of jan. we live in states that are separated by 900 miles. before last week we spent 2-3 hrs each night talking on the phone but i wasn't able to talk to her this week bc i was on a cruise and she knew that.

we both had a thing for a month back in sept into october. she stopped it because i would go and talk to her friends about stuff.. but then at the end of the semester she text me when she was drunk saying she wanted to talk.. i talked to her and she told me that stuff i wrote above.. she spent the night with me that night. but when she was saying that stuff she said that she didnt think a relationship would work out between us..
idk. i think i'm going to give up now and leave her alone. however, if i do this i will never speak to her again. not saying thank you really hurt me this time.

How to get past an anonymous letter stating husband had an affair?

The best response is to take the positive from this. Your husband, who could have got very angry at not being trusted, instead was more than fully cooperative and helpful in being completely transparent for you.

That shows that he'll work with you during rough patches. So this letter can actually strengthen the relationship, but only if you take the experience in a positive mindset.

I think this experience isn't just about questioning your trust. It's about questioning your judgement. You took the letter at face value, and coming to terms with its phantom quality feels like admitting that you're wrong. Relax. When it comes to relationships, it's common to have impaired judgement.

Some people miss signs of their partner cheating due to it being foreign territory to them. You've probably had experiences that are opposite. Possibly you had previous relationships marred by cheating, or the relationships of your family and friends were far from perfect. The important thing is to see your husband as a unique and special person, defined by his own actions, not anyone else's.

You define yourself in the same way: you may not be happy with your actions in the wake of this and what your husband went through, but define yourself through your future actions, instead. Ironically, that helps to create the trusting and loving relationship you had. Do iron out whatever lingering issues you have between the two of you before considering having a baby. Rather than waiting for the feelings to come back before being loving in the same way, however, do it the other way around: loving actions help recreate those feelings. And loving someone unconditionally makes it that much easier to trust them. You simply need to trust your husband, otherwise there's no relationship.

I hope you can transform this experience into something positive. Good luck.

I told a girl she didn't seem interested so I am letting it go and she replied "interesting". What does that mean?

She means, "next time you chase a girl, don't try to put full responsibility for the relationship onto her, and when you're done trying to be in a relationship, don't make it appear to be because of her."Added, based on discussion in the comments:My position is that the OP's core logic is, "I would have loved you if you were different."We reject this on many characteristics:I would have loved you if you were thinner.I would have loved you if you were taller, blonder, shorter, richer, had a better job, were white / black / purple, you name it.Why then, is it acceptable to say, "I would have loved you if you were more interested in me?"He's asking her to be different, and then blaming her not being different for the failure of the relationship, such that it was a relationship.Maybe she could have been more interested, but maybe that would have changed far more about her than he wanted.  We rarely change only ONE thing when anything changes.Therefore--it's his decision to end the relationship, NOT based on anything that she could have done differently.  Take ownership of that, or allow that you're really saying, "I would have persisted if you had only lost 20#."  We all know what kind of response that question gets around here.

Why didn't she invite me?

Ok here's the story. I've been good friends with this girl for two years. Ever since we've met, we clicked it off. I'm a female, by the way. I care alot about her because she's been there for me at certain times so I wanted the best for her. I even introduced her to all my friends and hoping, she'll find a potential BF through my circle of friends. However, just a few days ago, she invited my guy friend (who she's met once through me and don't talk much) but didn't invite me to rafting with her co-workers. I am very offended. Is that normal? I mean I've invited her to various events and I can at least get an invitation, right?