A Catchy/ Attractive Or Ellegant Jewellery Shop Name

What are some catchy names for my new jewelry shop?

What is your X factor?What is the one thing that makes you different from every other jewellery shop in the world?Write it down. You’ll need it later.Let’s first look at the names people listed as suggestions in the answers. Go through them. At the end ask yourself: Did any of these catch my attention? Was any of them truly memorable?If you answer honestly you’ll probably say no.Do you want to know why? Most of them are highly descriptive. For some reason people believe that a good name should provide a clear explanation for what the company behind the name does.Don’t do that. At least not if you want to stand out.Descriptive names are boring, bland and get easily lost in the crowd.Look at some of the big brands: Amazon, Apple, Google, Tesla… Can you tell what they do by just looking at their names?Nope, you can’t.A good name should evoke a desired emotion. It should point at your X factor.A good name should show what makes you different.This will make your brand stand out.Here’s an ugly truth. Naming a business, any business, is hard. Especially if you’re naming a business you have high hopes with.Unfortunately there are no rules or general directions I can give.Here’s an easy recipe you can try:Look at the list of the things that make you different. The one I asked you to create at the beginning of this answer.Look at the words and things on the list.Now think of things that could represents your X factor.Pick nouns if possible.And remember, a good name evokes a desired emotion. At least it should.If you feel like you still need some help you can always hire a namer like myself. We do this things daily and any solid namer should be able to give you a list of suitable name ideas fairly quickly.Here’s an example of a good name from a jewellery brand:

What are the best jewellery stores’ names?

Shobha Shringar is one of the Leading jewellery brands in South Mumbai, it has a wide range in the variety of jewellery that can be used for all occasions. It is one of the Top Jewellery Brands In South Mumbai.

What would be a good name for my new jewellery business?

While a good name has to be catchy, memorable, unique, phonetically strong and trademarkable, a great name will also have deeper meaning and reflect your brand's point of view in the industry. A great name also reflects the culture or the work philosophy of a business.Examples - 'Apple' made computers friendly and approachable for everyday use in an era where large corporates sold big sized mainframes to corporates. "Google" doesn't mean anything directly related to search engines and yet it's so catchy and phonetically strong. 'Virgin' evoked a young and vibrant imagery that was quite fresh and disruptive to the Airline Industry. Art of naming is a skill that doesn't come naturally to all. Following the right process and evaluating your name through the right filters will ensure success in getting the name right. Remember, your name is the title of your brand story. It has to intrigue and arouse curiosity to know more about your business. A good brand name depends on your brand's point of view in the jewelry business. What does your business stand for? What is the status quo in your industry that your brand would like to change ? What makes you unique as a business ? Once you answer these questions, you are set on a path to arrive at a winning name.HaikuBrand Naming Experts

I want to start a new fashion jewelry shop. What are some suggestions for good names?

Are you going to sell clothes only? Are you going to sell jewelries only? Or are you going to sell both?Your products, goals, branding, and positioning are among the important factors to consider when naming your fashion jewelry business. Are you targeting women only? Or both men, women, and kids?If you are planning to sell a particular style of jewelry, you should also consider it as well.Your name will be the extension of your brand, so you should take your time when choosing a good one.Here’s a guide that you may check out if you want to learn more about different naming styles: 5 Styles of Effective, Evocative Names for Your Business.To give you ideas, here are some of the featured fashion brand names on our awesome naming community at - An elegant variation from "style". Suitable for any business that wants to grab attention with flair, beauty and - A long lasting stylish name for the most fashionable.Good luck!