A Congressional Power That Is Implied By The Expressed Power To Regulate Commerce Is The Power To

A congressional power that is implied by the expressed power to regulate commerce is the power to _____?

a. regulate licenses for alcohol/cigarettes
b. ban shipping of certain items in the mail
c. punish people who do not pay taxes
d. ban discrimination in the work place

What is the difference between expressed and implied powers of congress?

An expressed power is one that is specifically written down in the constitution. For example, the power to collect taxes, borrow money, regulate commerce, and establish a post office and post roads are all implied powers-they are stated specifically in the constitution.
Implied powers are those that are not stated specifically in the constitution, but are implied by the "necessary and proper clause" in the constituion. This clause gives congress the right to pass any laws that they think are necessary in order to enforce or carry out the expressed powers. One example is that, becuase it has the right to coin money, congress also has the right to set up a national bank.

What are expressed powers of Congress? What are some implied powers?

Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution lists a whole bunch of express powers given to Congress. Some of them include: to establish an army and navy, regulate commerce, establish post offices, impose taxes, declare war, etc. You can look up the others in the original document.

Congress also has implied powers in addition to those specifically mentioned in the Constitution. The same Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to pass laws which are “necessary and proper” to carry out its other (express) powers. The US Supreme Court ruled as such in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), upholding the creation of the U.S. central bank. - the predecessor of the Federal Reserve. For example Congress can pass laws relating to computers, even though computers did not exist when the Constitution was adopted, because this is necessary and proper to implement Congressional power to regulate interstate commerce.

What are 3 expressed powers of congress?

Here's all of them (Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution)

What are implied and expressed powers?

Expressed powers are powers of Congress explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.For example, "Congress shall have the power to raise an army."Implied powers are powers of Congress NOT explicitly stated in the Constitution but reasonably implied by the necessary and proper clause, which says that Congress shall have the power to make all laws "necessary and proper for carrying into execution" the previously listed powers. For example, the ability to draft people into the army or to punish tax evaders aren't actually explicitly given to Congress by the Constitution, but they are reasonably implied, because they are necessary to raise an army and tax people, respectively (two expressed powers).The necessary and proper clause (especially as it relates to congresses' expressed power to regulate interstate commerce), has been stretched throughout history, hence its nickname the "elastic clause."For instance, is setting a national minimum wage reasonably implied by congesses' expressed ability to regulate trade between States?  Is creating Obamacare reasonably implied by congesses' expressed power to tax?Strict constructionists like Scalia, Jefferson, and Ted Cruz would argue no, that Congress can't just make up tenuously linked powers for itself like that, and implied powers must be closely linked to the plain execution of the expressed powers.Liberals like Hamilton, breyer would argue that we need a strong, flexible, broadly powerful Congress to confront issues, especially in the modern era, and many modern problems would be difficult to face with a list of expressed powers written in the 1700s.

What are the individual expressed powers of congress?

Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

Congressional powers? Please help me!?

The question is:
Choose three congressional powers discussed in this section and indicate why the framers gave these powers to congress rather than to the states.
There wasn't alot to choose from in this section so i chose three.
1.To impose and collect taxes,duties,and excises.
2.To borrow money.
3.To regulate foreign and interstate commerce.
I guess these are peacetime powers. Can you please tell me how to explain these because i have no idea how.