A Ex Coworker Of Mine Wrote Me On Facebook Saying Some Of The Waiters/managers At Our Job Are Not

How did “karma” get your ex?

I was in a relationship with this guy when I was a senior in high school and worked in a store. Actually met him there. I was the cashier, he was the customer. He was very handsome, drove a very nice black something or other type car, had his own apartment, and was 3 years older than me. Which meant he had a job and was stable. Two bad things right off the bat about him - he knew he was handsome and his car meant the absolute world to him. Like: don't dare get into his car with any speck of dirt on your shoes and don't breathe anywhere near it unless you've brushed your teeth a couple dozen times.We were falling for each other real fast. He wanted to take me to Pennsylvania to meet his parents. Oh yeah, getting serious. Or at least thought we were. (Head over heels can do that to a mind sometimes.) I even requested and got a three day weekend to go. But guess what…?AnywayI was the needy, I-love-you-so-much-I'd-do-anything-for-your-miniscule-crumb-of-affection-that-you-serve-me girlfriend.NiceOne night he said he needed his work shirts ironed. Ok, sure, pick me pick me! Dumbass me did it willingly for the first 5 minutes until he decided to leave to go out with his friend to a bar because “I was underage". Yeah you read that right. I'm ironing his freaking work shirts and he's off doing who knows what. (Ummmmmm found out his “friend was a girl.) Surprise surprise!!He got back so damn late, I fell asleep on the floor. Took me home, jumped out of his prized possession, and ran in the house. Decided that night I had enough of his taking advantage of me. (Took long enough but I did it.)Didn't call him. Didn't cry over him. Didn't stalk him. Just acted like it was another day in the life of…Was at work one night and his neighbors saw me and approached me. Asked me if I was at his apartment within the last week. Told them absolutely not but also asked why???They said his car was severely keyed and paint thrown at it!HUH? WHAT? REPEAT THAT?I couldn't stop laughing. I was doubling over laughing hysterically with tears streaming down my cheeks.They said he told the cops he thought I did it. I had the perfect alibi - I was working.I told the neighbors if they find the girl that did it, give her my name and tell her to come in here, I'd like to thank her.Again, tell me what they say about karma????