A Farmer Said He Saw A Rabbit In A Field Laughing

What are some good short stories between 150 - 200 words starting with the line, "I saw a small boy standing in the woods and crying "?

I saw a small boy standing in the woods and crying. His dear tree had been felled. He was inconsolable. For that little boy it was not just a tree. It was like a friend he would rush to everyday after school, a friend who would hide him from those nasty bullies, a friend who always had sweet fruits for him, and a friend who would wrap him in a warm embrace and put him to sleep. “This is murder”, he screamed as I tried to console him. He said he would avenge the murder, he kept saying he would. I had then laughed at his innocence and dismissed it as a childish whim. But today thirty years later as I sit in the audience and listen to the same little boy, now all grown up speak about conservation of environment I know he still remembers his tree, his friend. As the audience broke into a thunderous applause after his speech, I felt he had now avenged his dear friend.

Can I have a bit of inspiration please?

silence-does it bring pleasure, pain-or both?
three minutes that changed my life
the scar
pictures of you
i never should have....
the room
the void
i will never forget...
panic-make your reader feel it
cruel laughter
think of a place you'd rather be
starting over again
the defect
hope I helped :)

Please help... im begging you...?

what are some soccer terms, like all i know is scrimmage... like things you do in practice... or anything... (and explain them if you can) im doing soccer for my yearbook page and i know NOTHING about soccer... thanks for your help.. this is greatly appreciated