A Friend Wants Help With A Text What Would You Do A B C Or D

Should I ask a friend out over text?

No, don't make that mistake. Drop a few hints in conversation before asking her out in person. If you're too shy, then CARPE DIEM! Go for it without thinking, overthinking ruins everything.

What to say when your boyfriend texts you with, "Goodmorning, Beautiful" ?

My boyfriend, Caleb, and I have been going out for 6 days and he's called me beautiful once. This morning I get a text saying, "Goodmorning, Beautiful." I think it's really sweet and romantic but what do I say back?

How to tell if a girl likes you over text?

I guess it depends on how warm and caring she comes across. Of course, its very easy to confuse infatuation with courtesy here.

Is it ok to text more than one girl?

Is it right to text/talk to more than just one girl? If i focus one just one, how do I know she's doing the same? I want y'all's opinions on texting more than one girl. I'd like to both guys' and girls' opinions.

I need a reason to text my ex..?

Okay so me and my ex have always been close..or until recently when we had a fight. Then we made up and now we re friends again...but he told me he had feelings for my cousin...:/ and I still kinda have feeling for him. But he told me he'd need my permission to act on those feelings. I still really like this guy anddd I wanna text him right now butttttt I need a reason to. Any ideas? Or some kinda forward I can send him to get him talking..cause usually once we get a good convo going he ll call me.

How do Chinese women communicate in romantic relationships?

As a self proclaimed romantic woman, I’d like to leave something a little more lighthearted.But first let’s get a few things straight. From the comments it sounds as if you are trying really hard. With that being said:Dating a Chinese woman takes work. First you have to think about the cultural differences and the language differences. And actually dating any woman will take work. All relationships take work.If you are stuck at the first two parts consult with native Chinese women who offer Chinese lessons for dating.爱 (ài) Love2. Her love language might be different from yours.As a rule, we can’t generalize how all Chinese women communicate their love language. Despite sharing a culture, we all have different wants and needs, right?True, some of us communicate love by giving and receiving gifts while others use affirmation and compliments. I personally prefer to receive love in the form of undivided attention and that’s how I communicate my love as well.Perhaps you communicate your love physically by hand holding, kissing, hugging…etc.All of these methods communicate love in different forms either through recognition, tokens of affection, affirmation, spending time, or spending money but what they all have in common is that they can be misinterpreted.If your love language is different and you don’t recognize hers this will lead to huge problems. Pinpoint which language or combinations you both prefer and go from there.Sometimes we are just asking for reaffirmation. When we say things like, “Do you love me or not?” she might just need to hear some kind words if she is feeling insecure or unloved at the moment. This is a common phrase and I have said it out of frustration and sometimes just to joke playfully.3. It takes 2 to communicate. Think about your own culture, language, and love language. Once we can put these into perspective finding a solution will be easier. I know you said she gets angry or sad and you can’t understand why. But don’t give up. Unlock the mystery of her love language and things tend to work out better after that.

What are some good text message size jokes?

i dont wanna type this thing all day what are some goofy, dumb, hell even retardid jokes that i can text message to some friends. do you make holy water? (first text) the suspince builds up until they ask "how?" then i text.... boil the hell out of it =p