A Good Science Report Rubric For Neon

How intelligent should one be considered if they solve the Rubik's Cube on their own (in around 4 hours)?

It definitely indicates much more than just visuo-spatial intelligence (and I doubt if the correlation is that high in that area). I believe Douglas Hofstadter once wrote that anyone that solves the Rubik's cube on their own has to create their own little mini-science of the cube in order to do that. No one solves the cube by "luck", it comes from understanding "cubeness" for lack of a better term. There are various depths of understanding the cube and you need much more than just a casual understanding of it to completely solve it. To accomplish that task in 4 hours is definitely correlated with a high IQ. To do that at 14, on your own, is exceptional. In addition to high IQ, it's indicative of a few other traits, not the least of which is perseverance. Your intelligence and tenacity should take you far in life, especially if you can find something that motivates you in the way that the Rubik's cube did. Hopefully a similar motivation/enjoyment can be found in studying Math, Science or even Computer Programming.Congratulations. (I was 24 when the Rubik's Cube came out (and there were no books yet)...and it took me about 10 hours and I'm at right on the border of 140 on the old standard IQ tests. And I'm a Computer Programmer because it's the only thing I've found as fun and as challenging as the Rubik's Cube.)

Just to be clear—this is not the kind of posting you do while on horseback.

I dont have a rule brick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? PLZ HELP?

Yea cus me, an American out of over 30 million in the United States has a rubric for your one class. And ill totally dedicate my time to find it when you can research yourself. TOTALLY. Ill drop it off tomorrow, dont forget to open the door.