A Legitimate Way To Research Romani Gyspy Ancestry

Are Romanians white?

NoAccording to Swedish progressives who have the divine right to racify they are not.This black girl have been accused if being a traitor of her race (the black race. Obvious she is black because she is Romanian). Her betrayal consists in not advocating socialism.—/ Who is black in Europe /—Racification is a concept that might seem strange but is it build upon American racism. The American idea is that all black people, defined as a person who have some ancestry among the people that came to the USA as slaves, are oppressed. This might seem strange but a black student on a university like Harvard should be considered oppressed and be pited while a white unemployed white women in West Virginia should be considered a privilleged brat.Because in the USA race is everythingWhen US-theories about race are imported into Europe they make no sence. We have not had skavery for 700–1000 years. Slavery has never been connected to racism. Thus American ideas that all black are oppressed has been turned around. Progressives in Europe have decided that everyone that is oppressed is black. ExamplesAll muslim are labeled black. Some are white but there are people who dislike muslims so that makes all muslims blackEveryone in Europe that is born outside of Europe are labeled black. Some people outside Europe are white but there are people who dislike immigrants so that makes them black. This goes for their children as well. They are black as well.—/ Are Romanians white? /—Romanians are, at least mostly, not muslims. They are not born outside of Europe.If you follow the two basic rules for racification you could believe that Romanians would not qualify as black. Obviously that is not enough.Alice Teodorescu is a very succesfull political analyst. The progressive hate her. Or they do not. The progressives do not hate. When they call her Husblatte they are not commiting hate speach. They just inform that she as not white (Blatte is a word like the N word) are betraying the non-white people by serving the white masters.When she is depicted as a vampyr that is not racism but just funny. (GERTRUD LARSSON: Alice Teodorescu måste tåla satir). After all she is white and there can be no racism against white women. Or wait. Is she white?

Are the travelers in Ireland related in any way to the Roma people?

I've no idea how Irish Travellers got status as an ethnic minority (not in the USA where they're still just Irish, and only in 2017 in Ireland itself). They certainly have their own culture but genetically are indistinguishable from any other Irishman. They have no connection to the Rom, being developed from the 18th century navvies who travelled the country building canals and later railways and 'tinkering’ inbetween jobs. The true Romanies despise them as 'tramps’ and the now perjorative terms ‘Diddycoy’ and 'Pikey’ come from the Rom language. There is some evidence that the Travellers may date back to Irish displaced during Cromwells purges of Ireland in the 1600s but also that they may only date to Irish displaced by the Famine in the 1840s. The various Erse 'Cants’ that some still speak cannot be traced back earlier than the 18th century but on the other hand certain genetic markers in the Traveller population are believed to have diverged from the main Irish population about 1000 years ago. Depending on which bits you argue, Irish Travellers either predate the arrival of the Romani in Europe by a long way or post date their arrival by a long way. Some Rom words are used by Travellers but these are believed to have been picked up from the general 'gypsy’ travelling community

Many Roma (Gypsies) immigrated to America from 1900 to 1930. Did they claim to be Roma/Gypsies to US Immigration?

My great-grandmother was Romanichal. When she and her husband (I am unsure if my great-grandfather was Romanichal or not at this point) came to Canada (I’m going to give my experience even though it’s not the U.S. because I think it’s a very similar experience) they did not identify her as Romanichal, simply as English. They furthermore kept the Romanichal roots in the family tree a secret pretty much. Why? Because discrimation was rife against Romanies, in fact, her father had been murdered outside a London pub for being a Romany. So obviously if you go to a new world in search of a new start, you most likely would choose not to make your identity public if it would just result in more persecution/prejudice. It was kept such a secret in my family that I never even knew of my family’s origins in this regard until maybe 10 to 15 years ago when I was doing family research online and a gentleman from England contacted me to say he had been researching the family tree for decades. He thought I knew my origins but I had absolutely no idea.I do a lot of family history research and have tried to trace my Romany roots. But even in days of old, it was commonplace for Romanies to give false information in censuses, etc. for good reason… if you are a persecuted minority, one that largely sets itself apart from the majority population in traditions, way of life, beliefs, etc., then it is understandable that you would not want to give away sensitive information for state/public consumption. I totally understand the reason for this, given the persecution and prejudice they faced, and in no way see it as as negative except that of course it makes it somewhat challenging at times when you are doing family history research. ;)

Characteristics of a nation?

i would say currency because only that country has that type of currency (excluding some exceptions like the euro)

language is shared with other countries as well
population is always changing
the military of nations are all similar