A One Page Essay About Geometry Or Half A Page.

How many pages is a 200 word essay?

it depends on whether you plan to hand write or type the essay. the average essay typed and double spaced amounts to roughly 300 words per page so 200 would be about 2/3 of a page that way. Handwritten would be similar as the average person writes 7-8 words per line. 200 words= about 25-30 lines or 2/3-1 page.

What does one-half mean?

Okay i know all of you guuys are like this is a very stupid question...but like i dont seem to know... what does one-half mean? does it mean like if you have to type up a report and it saids write abut one-half page...does that mean one page and a half or halp of a page...sorry i know this is such a stupid question but thanks or answering! 10 points for the best chosen answer by me!

How long is a "One-Half" page paper?

id say a half of a page cuz one half, is uh one half if it were one and a half id think its say one and a half, if not tell your teacher he was unclear.

Is "one-half page" essay a half a page or a page and a half?

It's 1/2 of a page.

Can someone help me with my geometry homework?

I will bet you just learned how to bisect an angle. To divide an angle into 4 equal angles, you just bisect the bisected angles: 1/2 of 1/2 is 1/4.

Here is how to bisect an angle, on the chance that you did not learn it:

WARNING: You MUST actually do the construction with a ruler and a compass, or this will make no sense to you.

Say you have an angle originating at the origin with one ray on the x axis, and the other ray anywhere, say on the line y = 3x, but it doesn't matter.

Set your compass to any width, we'll call it w, and with the point at the origin, mark equal lengths on the two lines of the angle, say at x = 5 and at (5,15), if you are using y = 3x as your other ray. Now place your compass on each of the marks you made and draw intersecting arcs.

Now connect the intersection of the arcs with the origin, and you have bisected the initial angle:

Here's how to prove it: Connect the arc intersection with the two marks, one in the x axis, one on the other ray.

Now, you have two isosceles triangles with two sides of length w, and sharing the 3rd side, the line segment connecting the origin and the arc intersection. So the two triangles are congruent, and consequently the two angles originating at the origin are equal. Consequently the angle is bisected.

Just do this again with ine of the half-angles, and you will have 1/4 of the original angle.

How does geometry relate to playing pool.?

Triangles come into play a lot in billiards. Sometimes when you cannot make a straight shot you have to bounce the cue off the side or another ball to complete the shot. It takes a lot of practice to be able to determine the correct angles for making shots like that.

What is 2/3 or 1/3 of a page?

2/3 the page is more than half the page.

1/3 the page is less than half the page.

You can get it with the lowest common factor way.

2/3 1/2 >>> 4/6 3/6
Which makes 4/6 (2/3) bigger. Same way with 1/3

Hope I helped.

Where can I get the Gina Wilson geometry worksheets from 2015?

For example quiz review 1/3 and others. I have to finish my chem lab, write a 6 page essay, finish my history packets, finish my portfolio for public speaking and I won’t have time to do the 5 pages of homework by Monday so if anyone can help me thanks. It’s not the end of the world but I’m on the Brink of failing and i don’t wanna fail because I wanna keep my job( parents wont let me work unless my grades r ok) but yeah thank you