A Plane Landing On A Small Tropical Island Has .

A plane landing on a small tropical island has just 74 m of runway on which to stop?

A plane landing on a small tropical island has just 74 m of runway on which to stop. If its initial speed is 69 m/s, what is the maximum acceleration of the plane during landing, assuming it to be constant?
Answer in units of m/s^2
the answer was -32.1689 but i need help with the next part please

How long does it take for the plane to stop with this acceleration? Answer in units of s

A plane landing on a small tropical island has ...?

A plane landing on a small tropical island has
just 63 m of runway on which to stop.
If its initial speed is 61 m/s, what is the
maximum acceleration of the plane during
landing, assuming it to be constant?

How long does it take for the plane to stop
with this acceleration? please help

A plane landing on a small tropical island has just 50 m of runway on which to stop.?

If its initial speed is 47 m/s, what is the maximum acceleration of the plane during landing, assuming it to be constant?
Answer in units of m/s^2

The thing is, I don't know how to find acceleration without time,?! The equations I have here all involve time!
If anyone can please show me how to solve that, I'd really appreciate it!!!

and along with that question comes this: How long does it take for the plane to stop with this acceleration, Answer in units of s.! THANK YOU!!

A plane landing on a small tropical island has just 68 m of runway on which to stop.?

You need to solve question 2 first so that you can calculate acceleration (deceleration).

2) average velocity (speed) = distance/time
(61m/s + 0m/s)/2 = 68m/time
30.5m/s = 68m/time --> cross multiply to find time
time = 68m/30.5m/s
time = 2.23s

1) c (acceleration) = change in velocity (speed)/time
c = (-61m/s)/(2.23s)
c = -27.35m/s^2 --> c is negative because the plane is decelerating

If you were stranded on an island, what would be the most important things to do to ensure your survival and why?

The most important things for survival anywhere are finding food and drinkable water. Shelter comes a very close second. You need shade in a hot climate. And if somewhere cold, a shelter would help you contain heat.Luckily, as far as food goes, there are fish in the ocean. Just grab a long stick, sharpen one end, and go spear fishing. However, if you want a better fishing spear, I found this: How to Make a Fishing Spear The Primitive WayWater, can be as easy as having a clean flowing spring. Or it can be as hard as being forced to catch rainfall or living off of coconut milk. Lets just hope for the former. However, if you do have coconuts, try to keep as much of the shell intact as you can. They make a good way to store water.And for shelter, again that depends on climate. If it is a hot tropical island, then you probably want something that will let the breeze through. You'd also want to raise the floor above the ground to keep snakes and insects from sharing your living space. If however, you are stranded in a cold climate, then you'll want to make sure you have air tight walls and ceiling. Even if you have to pile snow around a small shelter, it will stay warmer inside once you have a small fire going. Of course the best shelter would be a dry cave (but not a cave that goes too far back), just make sure it's uninhibited first. Then with some sort of makeshift door, you have a good place to sleep.And then there is this:

What is the maximum acceleration of the plane during landing?

Your first two answers either: (a) don't do it or (b) make a huge meal of it. In fact it needs only a few grains of common sense:

Acceleration is constant so speed decreases linearly over both time and distance. We can use average values!
Average speed over 67 m is 59/2 = 29.5 m/s, so time taken = 67/29.5 = 2.271 seconds. So the plane goes from 59 to 0 in 2.271 sec. therefore speed increase per second = acceleration = -59/2.271 = -25.98 m/s² (- sign because speed is decreasing!)

Not that the others are wrong, but it's an engineer's obligation to do things fast, simply and accurately.