A Plot For A Book Help On Getting Started

Help with a Catch-22 essay? just need help getting started?

i've been so swamped with summer AP work that i can't even think clearly enough to start this essay. Here is the assignment:

In Kate Chopin's "the awakening" (1899), protagonist Edna Pontellier is said to possess "That outward existence which conforms, the inward life that questions." Using "Catch-22", identify a character who outwardly conforms while questioning inwardly. write an essay in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid mere plot summary.

I read the book and even annotated but i'm having severe writer's block. if you can help me out and give me an idea of what character to use and an example of the "tension", i would really appreciate it. thanks in advance!

I am interested in writing a book but I don't know where to start. What should I do?

Some people tell you to just write. It’s true, you should open your text editor and write what made you want to write a book in the first place. But if you tried that, there’s a pretty good chance you got stuck.So, other people advise you to plan first. That’s also good advice, but then you start hearing about plot, pace, action-reaction, scene structure, main vs. secondary characters, climax, and by inciting incident your head already starts spinning.Both of these tips are good tips, but since you’re just starting out, both are rather intimidating.So I’m going to suggest something a little bit different.Pick a situation.It can be anything. Choose a situation where there’s a character, and they’re somewhere in a setting, doing their thing. That’s all.Now, think about a problem, a conflict that’ll get into the picture. It can be something small or something big.For example, I picked a situation where my dancer character is dancing as usual. Then, she twists her ankle.Now, you might say, ok, she’ll recover. That’s where you go ahead and continue to keep the problem alive. For example, there’s a big performance next week that’s very, very important to her. But if she can’t be there, what can she do? Well, maybe she can make sure the show won’t run on its scheduled date… Somehow…You keep the problem alive, and the story stays alive.I explain it thoroughly here:The reason I’m suggesting this to you is because this method is simple and it’ll be easier for you to start this way. The concept is simple in your mind when you’re writing, and you can always keep going with it.After you’ve written some things, remember the previous advice: Just write, because overthinking can kill your writing. And try planning, because it may help you not get lost. Keep in mind there are many writers who don’t plan at all. It’s a matter of personal preference and writing style.Another thing I can suggest is writing prompts, meaning, small ideas that you can develop into your own story. The internet is full of them, look it up in google. Here’s one from my channel:Finally, I wish you luck and don’t forget to enjoy the process. There’s nothing like storytelling.

How do I start writing my own book? I have a storyline in my head. Can I get some guidelines to help me write my first ever novel?

Other people can give advice about how to write that story well. My contribution is this suggestion about writing just one scene.Get over here!Forget that storyline (Don’t worry, because your subconscious mind will remember!). In this moment, there is only one scene.Light your incense, and drink your coffee. Press PLAY on your baroque music (or sitar, or dubstep, or whatever you listen to while you write), and settle into the here-and-now. Settle into the present moment, because writing is a practice of mindfulness.In any moment of creation, you can only write about one scene. Writers get blocked when they try to think about too much of it at once.In that moment when you feel like you’re ready to write, start typing a sentence about one scene.Write a scene right now!It can be a scene from ANY part of the storyline. There is no need to write from the beginning to the end.Let it grow into a paragraph. Write the unfolding of one important scene. Or, it can be just part of a scene.This is your story, and you can write it in any sequence you like. Later, you can put the scenes in order and watch the manuscript grow.Do not be in any hurry. Completing your manuscript is not important at all. Write something to day. That is important.Get out of here!If you want to write extraordinary stories, write in an extraordinary way. Do not expect to be extraordinary when you’re acting ordinary. What I mean, obviously, is that you should go take a boat trip. Or go sit with your laptop on the roof of your house. Go write at the laundromat, even though you’re not doing any laundry. Soak in some humanity, and let it color your writing.If a storyline has become clear in your mind, it’s best to forget it right away. Writer’s Block is what happens when people cling too tightly to their ideas.Dive straight into life, and you’ll find that you write a new scene almost every day. You’ll have a whole manuscript sometime in 2018 - but let’s not think about that right now.Go start a conversation with a homeless person. Or hike as far as you can up the side of a mountain. Take in some raw material from the weirdness of life, and make sure to have your laptop (or some other content-capturing device) with you at all times. : )

Im writing a book about werewolves.. i need help?

Hmmm... Well, the plot is rather simple, now what you have to think about are details.
~What is the danger?
~How is she to avoid it?
~What makes her special, or at least why is she the one in danger?
~Where did the guy come from, what's his background?

It's the details that catch the eye of readers. Perhaps she has lycanthropic ancestors? Maybe she's part of a prophesy? This could turn into an amazing book.

What I find best for writing a book is this: Don't get stressed about getting it written. If it becomes a burden, you'll lose interest in writing. Just let the inspiration come to you and ponder it lightly. Have fun!

How to forget a book spoiler? please help!?

i just started reading the hunger games, and i really like it. i looked up peeta mellark and went to his wiki page to see what he might look like, and by accicent read something that kinda spoiled the ending for me. do u know of anything i can do to help me forget or how to make sure reading the book is still fun and suspenseful. im just really frustrated and i feel like crying becuz i feel like i ruined the book for myself. i wish i could take back that one small glance but obviously i cant. is there a way for me to kinda forget or at least still have an enjoyable readin experience? thank you! :)

I’d like to author a book. Where do I get started from? Any resources that could help me?

Hello there! Well I can tell you from my own experience that first you need to know the topic. Did a certain event inspire you? Did a verse or some lyrics give you an idea? Anyhow, no matter what idea you've got now you have to develop a story around it and expand your creative process, meaning that you could write down a few keywords, build characters with wonderful traits to absorb the audience and an action that attracts interest. Think of it as a song and/or dance. For the movement and flow to be fascinating , mesmerising you need to have a rhythm that builds up. Quick-slow. Up-down. It can't constantly go fast as it will become annoying and frustrating to keep up with, or too slow as it will obviously become boring, dull.So…pretty much know what you're writing about. Know the message you want to express. And then go wild. Go colourful. Go creative!Good luck! \U0001f60a