A Question About Software Engineering

Becoming a software engineer in my 30's.?

Absolutely you can get into software engineering. It's a diverse field, though most people get into computer programming. What are you interested in--programming, database administration, testing, systems administration, business/systems analysis?

Look at what is in high demand (job sites like Monster and Workopolis) in software. If you have a bachelors degree, you could easily up your chances of landing a good job if you were to get either a certificate in some area of software development (even something simple, like IT management), or a masters degree (several schools have simple software engineering masters degrees, as well as other computer science/information technology degrees).

If you like the HTML/XML stuff, try to learn more about "Web 2.0". Yahoo and Google provide excellent APIs for rapid application development using simple scripting skills like javascript. Learn how to do mash-ups, work with AJAX, JSON, and REST.

Another very important point: it is NOT mandatory for you to take courses to learn these skills; if you are capable of reading, experimenting, and learning on your own, you can become a good programmer without going through formal training. It depends partly on the kind of person you are. If you are one of those people that needs to hear an instructor and see someone show you things in person, then you will probably want to take courses. But if you are capable of reading articles on web sites and learning by code snippets and examples, you will do fine on your own.

Another thing about programming: don't listen to people who insist that you need a four-year computer science degree--these people are typically dumbfounded at how many good programmers never got an CS or IT degree. Programming is more of a talent, and you have to have PASSION for it in order to excel at it.

A question for software engineers: how often do you Google how to code something during your daily work?

Some days not at all, other days I may spend hours searching for and reading documentation, discussion, and code on the web. It depends on the problem, and just how stuck I am.I still don't know django well yet, so I spent an hour or so today reading the docs to get more familiar with how querysets and reverse prefetching work, so I could make some pages load faster. I'm sure I'll Google a few more times before this project is through.The more familiar I am with a platform or API the less I have to Google to fix bugs, or more realistically to fix my lack of familiarity with the platform. And then occasionally everyone gets that weird bug that just doesn't make sense. I sometimes spend all day googling, trying an alleged fix, then googling some more when it doesn't work.It's the nature of the work. I don't expect any of my developers to know all the answers, but I do expect them to be able to find them.

What questions are asked in a software engineering director's interview?

Questions for software engineer director will focus on a detailed analysis of past accomplishments and the interviewee's role in them, behavioral questions to determine how the candidate will behave in a variety of situations, and questions to ascertain cultural fit and management style.The more important part is what is looked for in the responses. The interviewer should look for the ability to manage needs of multiple stakeholders,  a track record of driving and coordinating multiple departments towards success, the ability to manage and coordinate a diverse set of personalities toward a common goal, demonstrated ethics, a detailed understanding of software process and what context to apply them, and the ability of think and plan for the long term.

What are some recent Google software engineer interview questions?

There are lots of places where you can find recent interview questions from Google, Facebook, Uber and so on. My top suggestions are Coding Interview Questions and Analysis and Glassdoor. The former blog carefully picks coding questions that are asked by those big companies recently and provide very in-depth analysis. The latter has a better coverage but without solution or analysis. I think you'd better use both. Personally, I find practicing with recent interview questions very helpful. Though it's unlikely to be asked the same question in an interview, I've still learned a lot from them. For instance, it's necessary to get an idea of the difficult level and types of questions that are frequently asked.  Also, I use them as a way to tell where I am. If I can't solve 40% of the questions, I would try my best to postpone my interview if possible.

Where can I find interview questions for software engineer position with correct(almost) answers?

See it is very hard to maintain a repository of all the programming interview questions with correct (almost) answers, at most places you'll find either people discussing the problems or some two/three different approaches and pseudo codes, so the exact resources you are looking for are limited.Though there are a few places I can point you to but the number of problems there is very limited:1. MyCareerStack | Programming Questions2. LeetCode3. Cracking the Coding Interview4. How to Ace the Brainteaser Interview

In a software engineering interview, How should one answer the question, 'Could you tell me about some of the technical challenges in your previous projects'?

Talk about the reasoning behind choosing one specific programming paradigm among others, for your project. For example, why did you choose a dynamic programming approach to solve a specific problem over recursion? What benefit did you get in terms of performance?Talk about performance comparisons of using one data structure over another. For example, why did an std::list perform appreciably better than std::vector in some cases?Talk about the memory footprints of choosing one algorithm over another to solve a given problem in your project.Talk about the use of profiling tools like Valgrind or Callgrind that helped you figure out insidious memory leaks.Talk about how you had to develop your own heuristic to tackle outliers while ensuring a reasonably good average performance.

Challenges facing software engineering?

To answer the question, we need to understand the importance of Software engineering:
• The economies of ALL developed nations are dependent on software.
• More and more systems are software controlled
• Software engineering is concerned with theories, methods and tools for professional software development
• Software engineering spending represents a significant fraction of GNP in all developed countries

... And the associated Software costs
• Software costs often dominate system costs. The costs of software on a PC are often greater than the hardware cost
• Software costs more to maintain than it does to develop. For systems with a long life, maintenance costs may be several times development costs
• Software engineering is concerned with cost-effective software development

The challenges therefore are:
Coping with legacy systems, coping with increasing diversity and coping with demands for reduced delivery times
• Legacy systems
• Old, valuable systems must be maintained and updated
• Heterogeneity
• Systems are distributed and include a mix of hardware and software
• Delivery
• There is increasing pressure for faster delivery of software

Does Software Engineering involve programming?

I really dislike programming but i want to do something related to computers and the only thing i can think of is MIS (Managment Information systems) which is a computer related career but invloves no programming, but i dont think MIS is right for me.So i was wondering about software engineering......does it really involve programming when you find a job?

Draw a Use case diagram.? (Software Engineering)?

You need to draw out the flowchart logic associated with all of these events. What are all the decisions, branches, actions, inputs and outputs?

For example, for the third one, here are some of the steps:
- Someone has to decide that a premium change is warranted. Perhaps this is Actuarial, Accounting or Finance.
Have there been a lot of claims? Has there been a big hike in inflation? What specifically would trigger this?
- Someone has to calculate the change in premium for all insured people for all policies. Is it going to be a certain % across the board? Is it going to be a flat $ increase? What about rated policies?
- The rate increase probably has to go through a vetting and approval process,
- Draft information must be written and approved for internal notification of the premium change, including the communication methods to be employed.
- If the communication method is through computer systems, the systems change must be tested and validated in a non-live enviroment. The testing must be approved.
- The "cut-over" date to the new premium rates must be announced and the system changed on that date.
- You probably want some sort of reminder "pop-up" about the new rates so that people don't think they are doing something wrong. This must be tested with the "real" changes as well.